About the AuthorWilliam Casselman was raised in Southern California and he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1971 to become a Law Enforcement Specialist/Military Working Dog Handler.
He served the next 10 years in the military and met his lovely wife, Mona Sue, at Eielson AFB, Alaska. A Vietnam veteran, he left the service to become a police officer in Dillingham, Alaska and spent the next twenty years in Alaskan police work. From patrolman to investigator, he has worked with four police departments and became Public Safety Director for the City of Whittier during the tragic Exxon Oil Spill of Prince William Sound in 1989. William, a 32-year Christian, retired as Senior Investigator for the State of Alaska gaming program. With 35 years in Alaska, 6 children and 13 grandchildren, William and Mona Sue now live in rural Alaska. |