If you drove by my home the other day and saw my dancing around my winter cap, it was due to the white stuff on the ground. Yes, Christmas Eve day I woke up to a thick coating of ice frost, but that afternoon we had some actual snow hit us for about 10-minutes, covering the ice. Now we we had enough for an official White Christmas. Plus on Christmas, another inch of snow fell upon us, but that is all we've had since. Very strange. Our Pastor's son takes for credit and being nine years old we let him have it. He spoke on how how he had prayed prayed every night for a White Christmas and those of us in Moose Pass were only supporting his prayers with our own.
Welcome to my Journal & Blog, where I am here to entertain, educate and inform on facts, figures and stories. Does that work for an opening, sort of reminds me of one of those Arabian Knights books I once read.
We had a lot of ice last night , so I woke up to everything covered in a thin layer of crusty and slippery frost. But as I was recording my notes from my various news sites, I realized it was lightly snow. Now we did have a snow alert on line last night for Moose Pass- saying 3 to 6 inches. I guess maybe it was hopefully now beginning, but after ten minutes it had stopped. The skies remain a dusty gray, mountains are visible and temperatures in high twenties to low thirties. A very warm Christmas. My granddaughter Canaan and any faithful volunteer she can lasso to help her, has decorated the house up for Christmas. We are preparing for the Christmas morning raid, which I actually look forward to. I get to see my family together. Minus one son and his clan who remain in Utah and a son who is down in Mississippi with his old and new clan. This will be my 36th Christmas in Alaska and its hard to imagine I ever celebrated one anywhere else. Sort of hard to recall my earlier ones, accept 3 or 4 I had in the military and 1 or 2 I had as a kid or 1 I remember in my senior year of high school. All the Christmases were green back then, but it was the end of January when this poor California kid arrived in Alaska and found it minus 22 degrees. I didn't know a man could actually survive in minus 65 and minus 80 degrees and still move his limbs, but I learned...painfully. Now I'm going to jump to the news briefs because there is a lot of them and a few lead right into what stories concern me about possible End of Days in my lifetime and wanting to be prepared. Otherwise, just take them in and then push the delete. But look them over first. European Union: The recent EU court's decision to remove Hamas from the Terrorists Blacklist also comes as a small victory for the Islamic State, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, Islamic Jihad and other Islamic militant groups, and causes major damages to the Muslims who are opposed to radical Islam. After the decision was made by the EU Court, Hamas announced their movement would never recognize Israel, would seek to control Palestine Authority and seize control of the West Bank. But currently, Hamas has control of of the Palestine Authority and rules it like a dictatorship since disbanding the Parliament. It had ruled Gaza and was aiming for the West Bank, but now the Islamic State has moved into Hamas territory and the Islamic State is now taking its membership from the Hamas ranks. This is leading a lot of people to believe the Hamas could be retiring as the ISIS takes over and begins an all-out war against Israel. But with the Hamas no longer a listed terrorist, it allows Iran and Turkey to funnel money into their various bank accounts and weapons, supplies and armor units into Gaza with the focus to eliminate Israel. Sweden: New 2014 Swedish Parliamentary Government recently voted into office is found to be filled with Swedish-Muslims, who came from either Turkey or other Muslim countries. A recent Investigation showed that outside South Africa, which is also majority Muslim states, Sweden reportedly now has has the next highest number of rapes-per capita, in the world. This report was based on unofficial accounts from police officers and social workers, who say about 75% of these rapes are committed by Muslims. U.S.: President Obama issues most Presidential Memorandum in Oval Office History, now matching in number with his Executive Orders and these carry equal powers. President Obama said in July 2014: "I'm using Executive Orders at lowest rate in more than 100-years." But in fact he was using an equally powerful action known as the Presidential Memorandum that greatly surpassed any other president to have held the office. He has so far issued 198 Memorandum. He has signed into action 33% more memorandum in his 6 years than President George W. Bush did in his whole 8 years. Obama is first president to issue more Memorandums than Executive Orders. A recent Memorandum concerned the overhauling of the Immigration System, to allow millions of Hispanics immigrants into the United States. ( Obama soon wrote a note where he promised 80% more Hispanic voters for the Democratic Party for the 2016 Election.) While Executive Orders and Memorandums have the same force, there is one distinction: An Executive Order signed by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, states an Executive Order must contain a "Citation Authority", saying what law was being used and what it was based upon. A Presidential Memorandum has no such requirement. ( Note: In 2013, when I began this Journal I located Obama's listing of his Executive Orders and the number of them was much higher than the now reported one. I am not sure why the number was changed, why it was not noticed and why no journalist has said anything about it. Or why a well-known journalist never mentioned some of those Executive Powers that took our rights away and our properties, if needed in National Emergencies declared by the President. Nope, not a word and they were mostly based on old Executive Orders, still on record from President Roosevelt and played with a bit by the staff of President Obama. Warrant-less searches, seizure of all weapons and ammo, seizure of cars, boats and motorcycles, seizure of food. Sounds like fun-right. All in print. Even the creation of new Army sworn to him and not to country, which he promised in 2008.) U.S.: 2014 Rasmussen Christmas Poll- shows stronger Christmas cheer this years with 57% more Americans having no trouble getting into the Holiday Spirit. 78% people doing more shopping online. 89% celebrating Christmas with family. 61% plan on attending a Christmas party. But only 47% plan on sending Christmas, which is down from 54 % in 2013. (Sorry, Hallmark). 18% spending more money this year, while 45% spending less and 35% spending about the same amount. 38% making contribution to charity or non-profit. 60% feel Christmas should be more about Jesus Christ than Santa Claus. 80% feel Christmas is over-commercialized, while 72% feel stores start the Christmas season to early. 52% are actually making arrangements with friends or family not to exchange gifts this year. Most Americans polled still prefer signs in stores should say "Merry Christmas", rather than "Happy Holidays", but no percentage points were provided. ( I wanted to add, that this last Sunday a young friend spoke up at church and reminded all of us of how the X in the current Xmas, was not intended to be secular. In the 16th Century, a Christian used the X, because in his language X meant "Chi" and it made it easier to mark his goods going out. So, originally, it was intended to be a Christmas marking, but over time the secular world adapted it to their ways. Not that it has an effect on us. So, when you see the XMAS, know that it was intended for our Lord.) Iraq: Accounts by the Yazidi women in Iraq are consistent with claims made by Kurdish women in Syria, who also came under the thumb of the Islamic State. Hundreds of Yazidi girls and women were recently forced into sexual captivity by Islamic State gunmen, according to a British newspaper- The Times of London. Amnesty International believes the number of females forced into sexual slavery to exceed 1,000. Women are being sold as slaves in the market at Raqqa. Some are sold to individual men, while others are hauled away in groups to Islamic State rest houses. Here they face multiple rapes by IS fighters return from the battlefield. ( Very similar to the Chinese and Korean women being held for the Japanese soldiers in WWII) Earthquakes: Only (10) global quakes exceeding 4.0, (6- and a 4.7) Alaska, (1) in Idaho, (1- 5.0) North Marian Island, (3) Oklahoma, (17) Puerto Rico, (1-4.8) Fiji, (8) US Virgin Is. (2-4.7/5.1) Indonesia- had a 6.6 yesterday, (1-4.2) Russia, (2) Oregon, (1-5.8) Pacific Is Ridge, (1) Kansas and (1-4.6) New Zealand. ( For the last 60-days the Pacific fault lines have been extremely busy and volcanoes have erupted in three spots. I have no idea what it means, but the earth is sure busy, still fortunately we've avoided the 8,9 and 10 point quakes. ) Lebanon: Man( no name given at this time) who directed the personal security detail for the Secretary-General and also Hezbollah Militant Group Leader, Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon, reportedly turns out to be an agent for Israeli Intelligence. The Israeli Agent has been arrested by Hezbollah Counter-Intelligence earlier this year and is now on trial. But for several years this agent has provided vital information to Israel, prior to his capture. He was said to have been born in Lebanon but better appreciated the Israeli way. ( One brave man and may the Lord bless him and provide him with strength during this time of pain and anguish. Please add your prayers to mine as I am sure he would appreciate them.) U.S.: Despite President Obama's promises to the people about "No boots on the ground", he's now sending another 1,300 troops back to Iraq at the beginning of 2015. U.S.: Army refers Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl's 2009 disappearance in Afghanistan and eventual prisoner exchange over to a U.S. General to decide his fate. He could face a General Court Martial for Leaving his Post in a Combat Zone, plus Desertion and going over to the enemy, or due to possible mental state verified by Hospital records, receive a Medical or General Discharge. U.S.: A mere 15% of the military approves of Obama as their Commander and Chief, which reflects Obama's steady decline since taking office in 2009. Reported by Military Times. New Jersey: Governor is petitioning President Obama to demand Cuba to return a woman, (no name provided), who was convicted of killing a New Jersey State Trooper 41 years ago and was given asylum in Cuba. ( But such a trade, if provided, could lead to Raul Castro asking for the ex-Cubans who invaded Cuba in 1962 failed "Bay of Pigs" Invasion. Most of them now live in Florida and say they dislike the removal of the sanctions, which they feel will do little for their friends serving time in the filthy Cuban jails.) U.S.: Investigative Journalist Sharyl Attkisson warns that the US Government is not telling the public the truth about all the possible Ebola cases being monitored inside the U.S.. China: States it will provide more than $11.5 billion dollars in loans and aid to neighboring Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar(Burma), Thailand and Vietnam. Beijing also willing to assist Moscow as pessimism is spreading about uncertainties of the Russian economy. U.S.: U.S. Authorities have fined AVON Cosmetics a totla of $135 Million dollars for bribing Chinese officials. The global cosmetics company paid $8 million US dollars in cash and luxury items from 2004 to 2008 to Chinese officials to obtain Direct Sales Licenses. They received a Sales License in 2006 through current, but China appears to be losing interest in AVON products based on sales results. ( It would be nice if US authorities would look as hard in to bribery of our government officials by D.C. lobbyists- hunting trips, nice weekends at Disney World or Atlantis and new clothes for the wife. Begin with Freshmen law makers and see if they live beyond their limited government pay. They are the first hit, because the dinosaurs are already in the big company's wallets. I began this on the state level and it took the union to save me when the Lt. Governor wanted me fired.) Libya: 4,000 Algerian troops launched on wide scale operation to track down extremist groups along the border line of Libya and Niger. Israel: Says Hamas reported the arrest of Gaza Jihadis group behind the latest rocket attack on Israel. Hamas said they were detaining members of a global jihadi group, but no name was provided in the news brief. ( I would think the Israeli Military would be a might skeptical about this report, as it is extremely rare for Hamas to turn on a fellow Militant Muslim group to do something nice for the Israelis, unless it came with a trap.) Russia: Vows to retaliate against U.S. and Canadian Sanctions, which are said to be evidence the West lacks interest in settling the Ukraine Crisis. Cambodia: In a follow-up to previous report; an unlicensed doctor has been charged with spreading HIV through a remote village, causing over 100 infections. Australia: Government has approved a trial usage of Medical Marijuana for (1) Terminally ill patients, (2) patients suffering severe side effects from their medicine and (3) children with severe epilepsy. Indonesia: Two Foreign fishing boat from New Guinea have been blown up by the Indonesian Navy for illegal fishing in Indonesian waters. A government ruling now orders boats illegally found fishing in Indonesian waters are to be sunk. Crews are detained pending a judges ruling as to their future- fines or prison for a time, or both. Mexico: Families and friends of the 43 students and 9 adults allegedly massacred by a local gang at the orders of the local police and the town mayor, promised more protests over the Christmas and New Years Holidays. They continue to demand answers, but state and federal investigators are still right in the middle of the investigation. India: Which has long supported the Palestinians at the United Nations, has announced it will now turn its vote to "Abstention". This follows as one of India's political parties is now seeking a closer tie with Israel. United Nations/Ebola: Payments of Hazard Entitlements arrived and were provided to 16,000 workers in Sierra Leone. Infection rate in south eastern Guinea have failed to decline. The Ebola virus has had a major effect on Liberia's most recent election for Senate. There was such a low turn out for 139 candidates vying for 15 Senate seats. Healthcare Workers took temperatures of the voters, ensure everyone stayed a meter apart ( less than a yard) and all had to wash their hands coming and going. As to current statistics, which is now based on the three countries hardest hit; Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, which now show 19,031 cases, of which 7,373 have died. ( I know this looks extreme, but I wanted to compare this against the last Malaria report, which was done for 2012. Again, this is for only one year. Malaria cases were reported to be 207 million, ranged between 135 to 287 million. Now the fatality rate was reported to be 627,000- ranged from 473,000 to 789,000. They use ranges because out in the remote areas of South America and Africa, WHO health Care Workers sometimes come in after the fact. Bodies were already buried and WHO was not allowed to dig them up. But lets say this is a true average and we compare numbers between Malaria against Ebola, it sure makes it a lot smaller in the disease market. Still, the one true concern all the doctors and scientists have is somehow a mutation of the Ebola could become airborne. Now that could and probably would give Malaria a run for killer of the month. An Airborne Ebola just might knock of the one third of the world the Word of God speaks of in the Last Book.) China: Taipei Times Newspaper of Taiwan, runs a second story on the front page about China's military build-up of a large military base 300km from islet chain at center of territorial row with Japan. An area that is also claimed by Taiwan. The base is on Nanji Islands in the Zhejiang Province and is reportedly enhanced for China's readiness to respond to potential military crisis. Recent encounters between Chinese and Japan's military surface vessels and aircraft have raised the potential for a war to breakout. Germany: More than 17,000 people join together for an anti-Islam march in Dresden, Germany, but this time they'll be singing Christmas carols. Argentina: A court has recognized an Orangutan in an Argentina Zoo as a "non-human person", providing it with certain rights other animals have not been given. ( Can you imagine this is just the start for the Planet of the Apes?) Pakistan: 500 Islamist Terrorists prisoners to be executed for the criminal acts done by the Taliban, who killed 133 children at a school. These 500 were mostly convicted of terrorism of terrorism-related crimes, but some of the civilians are upset by how many are being executed and how some have no relation to terrorism and were not sentenced to capital punishment. Hong Kong: Pro-Democracy Protestors who left their inner city camp are trying a new weapon against the communists. Their now marching in many large groups through the city singing subversive Christmas carols. U.S. : Mohammad Zahair, oen of the four our President had released from from Guantanamo, is known as an Intelligence Chief and Arms Dealer. When arrested in Afghanistan he was in possession of a Stinger missile and Uranium; enough to form a nuclear device. ( He sure wouldn't have been one of my first choices, Mr. President.) U.S.: "Getting Rid of Pennies and Nickels Could Save a $100 Million." ( I saw this and decided to give it a read and this is what follows. It costs the mints 1.7 cents to mint a penny, while minting a nickel now costs us taxpayers 8.09 cents. This would mean a $1 worth of pennies will cost us $1.66 and a $1.62 to mint a dollars worth of nickels. With nickels most always turned in rolled into a $2 roll, those 40 nickels cost us, the taxpayer $3.24 to mint, for a loss of a $1.24. Now the other coins actually make us a profit- a quarter costs only 8.95 cents to mint, while a dime costs 3.91 cents. A dollar bill costs all of 5.4 cents. One other option is to transform the penny and nickel into steel coins. It's the copper and zinc in them that make them cost more. (This should've been done the year after we stopped using silver in the coins and copper began to climb.) That's it for tonight. Send me a prayer for safety for tomorrow. I'm risking my life going out into the last minute Christmas madness tomorrow. But I am armed with my cane. This is the last you'll hear from me until after Christmas, so I wish you a blessed and Merry Christmas to all and may the Lord bless you and yours for when they are on the roads this holiday. Thanks for reading. BILL If you're planning on going to the Alps for a holiday skiing vacation, you might want to take your surfboard and a set of fins, possibly a spear gun. The Alps reportedly doesn't have enough snow to ski, but you should be able to surf down those steep mountainside. the fins are to help with the steering and the spear-gun for all those winter bears now out sunbathing and you now resembling a Big Mac as you slide by. But make sure your personal insurance is paid up, I've heard its somewhat costly for broken bodies to be airlifted anywhere. This warming trend is hitting everywhere and no, we still haven't received any snow. $ days and a wake-up and this could be my first green Christmas. I could go into shock, lock myself into the bedroom and they can squeeze my Christmas cookies to me underneath my door.
My white hair is longish and scruffy and for the first time I've grown a long beard, which resembles...Think of Chewbacca's beard, but make it white...you know the huge co-pilot from Star Wars. When I go to town I get all these delightful looks from small kids and I wink back at them. They all think I am Mr. Claus. A few of the older ladies wink at me and I flash my wedding ring and we both laugh and I run for the tool aisle. Very few women in the tools. Of course I hardly know the difference between a wrench and a set of pliers. My wife works with all the tools, she or my son, John Alex. I tend to break things, but I've told you about that before. I was wrapping presents since I last wrote to you and I enjoy wrapping the presents we are going to hand out. But everyone knows Dad or Oppa has wrapped this gift. It will looks as if a 5-6 year old took a role of wrapping paper, tape and scissors and attacked the target. I always believe in using a lot of tape and there has been a few Christmas's when we had run out of tape and I produced our ready supply of duct tape. I had to keep a sharp knife handy for when the time to open presents came. I've still got to finish up some shopping on the 23rd, when we get paid. I dislike going out during these last minute rushes, but I bring along two of my old nightsticks to keep an opening in front of me. Tap to the knee, ankle bone and I've got 10-feet of clear path. Thinking about makes me remember I've got only a couple days to practice with my sticks... I love Christmas, but I want my snow. News: U.S.: Farmville, North Carolina, part of the well-known "Bible belt", is teaching this new Common Core and where no form of Christianity, Jewish faith, Hindu, Buddhist and other religions is allow to be taught or to show its face on school grounds. Yet, recently under Common Core, an Islamic Vocabulary Test, showing the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, was assigned to the high school seniors. Copes of same were brought home to parents, where those who was upset sent them on to Fox Journalist Todd Starnes, who began investigating this. Todd asked to be provided by the school district the vocabulary worksheets that promoted Jewish, Hindu and Christian faiths, but the school failed to reply. One parent said the material was classwork disguised as Islamic propaganda. A spokesman for Pitt County School District came out in defense of the program, pointing out the it came from a state-adopted supplemental workbook and met with "Common Core" standards for English Language Arts. Todd asked for other documentation, but again the school failed to reply. ( I read some of the quotes highlighted in the worksheet and you are in effect reading the Prophet Muhammad's quotes from the Quran, leaving a single blank spot for you to fill in verb, adverb or adjective. This is simply another example of the growth of Islam in the US. I've been around the Christian faith over half my lifetime and I have lived for a time with the Buddhists, though I did not practice it, but I find it ironic how many women are drawn to Islam. Women in the United States have fought for equality for over a century in the U.S., and still they do not have equal wages. But they are willing to join a faith where they are considered a second class creature. The whole faith of Islam is about men, with women serving them. Women are only good for enjoyment-when the man wants it, procreation in hopes of male children and it is acceptable for husbands to abuse their wives and daughters with beatings, as it is considered a teaching. It is just hard to believe American women wanting this. Now the are some Muslim men who, when they are along with their family, will behave much as any American family man will. But if other Muslim men come around, he will will change, because of Sharia Law- the Muslim Law and a part of it has to do about how to treat your family. Still, the church in America grows.) China: A few days ago the US announced the sale of 2 Perry-class missile frigate to Taiwan for the price of $176 million dollar. It was mentioned by the Obama Administration they did not feel China would be in objection to the sale. Will now China has objected and the Pacific nations are watching to see if we're going to play lap dog to China and cancel a sale we've already signed a contract for. China, will they sell ships, planes and armor all over the world and do not seem worried about our objections. ( President Obama's administration is now a paper tiger and sadly, he's taken the reputation of the U.S. with him. The number of countries no longer afriad of us has grown.) China: Announces the US thaw with Cuba is seen as an advantage for China, making it now a better place to do business. ( Is this one of the reasons we did this, to make China happy?) China: Chinese Vice Premier urges U.S. to treat China with "Strategic Foresight," to pursue cooperation rather than confrontation for the benefits of both countries. U.S.: China's yuan has weakened by 10 basis points, now down to 6.1205 against the US Dollar, according to China Foreign Exchange Trading System. Russia: Military doctrine to remain defensive, although NATO is building up its military presence in Eastern Europe. (NATO, with all of its current numbers of troops, fighter aircraft and armor units, would be like a mouse standing up to the Russian lion. Russia continues to keep multiple divisions of tanks in Eastern Europe, ready for the event if NATO or the U.S. crossed the borders. Russia would overwhelm the US and NATO forces, nuclear weapons would be required.) U.S.: President Obama signs new Executive Order to appoint/establish the "President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing". 11 dignified Americans to be appointed by the President, who have expertise in law enforcement, civil rights and civil liberties. To be recommend Crime Reduction, while building Public Trust and recommending crime reduction. They will be solely advisory in nature, to hold public meetings and engage with federal, state, local and tribal officials. ( Now this could be great IF it works/handle correctly and providing a face the public can see and voice their complaints and concerns. This may stop the protests and the riots. But if handled poorly, ignored and all a political sham for votes, another attempt to flim-flam the public- watch out there is going to be repercussions.) WHO and UN: Ebola Statistics. Some numbers differ, but not much. In the last 21-days there have been 1,660 new cases in the 3 most infected African state: Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone has 1,261 of those cases, of which 687 have died. Total are only being reported for the 3 major states, which now show a total of UN- 18,569 or WHO, who reports 19,000 cases. But both report 6,900 deaths from this group. U.S.: Once again Russian TU-95 Bear H Bombers conducted another flight near the U.S. Pacific Island of Guam, Alaska and Europe. Complaints were made. Cambodia: 100-plus people in one village have been diagnosed with HIV. Prime Minister now seeks investigation. U.S.: Caramel apple death/illnesses spreading across 10-states. Packaged caramel apples blamed for 5 deaths and more than two dozen illnesses. Consumers being warned to avoid purchasing these sweet treats. Danger-Danger! My Pretty. Russia: Oil crash could threaten President Putin's power base among the elite leading to possibility of a palace coup. Talks of splits in the Kremlin elite that could undermine Putin's power. Putin was asked about this during a recent press conference and he replied, "I can assure you that we don't have palaces, so a palace coup isn't really possible." Western sanctions and falling oil prices have joined to create Putin's worst econommic crisis in his 15 years of office. Putin can lawfully remain in power until 2024, but some of the elite and the poor are now looking to Mikhail Khodorkovsky, formally the richest man in Russia, but now exiled and living in Switzerland. He would be subject to arrest if he reentered Russia. Time will be the judge for Putin. Taiwan: Chinese military expansion means the U.S. would have to fight, "harder, quicker, nastier, deeper and longer," to protect Taiwan," said by former U.S. Government Defense Official Elbridge Colby. He wrote that such a conflict could quickly go nuclear. He added, "In the past, most defense analysts and planners envisioned a Sion-American conflict in Maritime Asia, starting and remaining a conventional fight for Taiwan." Adding, "The US was seen as able to handle any Chinese attempts at power projection solely by relying on conventional forces." Colby further explained, "The US would have been able to defeat the Chinese attack on Taiwan with relatively limited means and on Washington's terms."... "Nuclear weapons, if they were to become involved, were seen as most likely to be introduced in limited numbers by the Chinese in a desperate attempt to stave off defeat..." (Colby's lengthy Intel report shows how fast the war for Taiwan could quickly destroy the South China Seas, Eastern China, Taiwan and Southern Russia, with assorted smaller countries along the coast lines. But nuclear weapons would continue to grow, with US missiles bein sent deeper into China to destroy Beijing and Beijing out to destroy D.C.. China's nuclear arsenal has also become larger and once the missiles fly and the mushroom clouds can be seen, additional buttons could or WILL be pushed. Other countries, our supposed allies, now viewing us as weak or possibly see us as a fair-weather friend and possibly a sometimes ally to China... until Taiwan or Japan come under attack and we recall our treaties. South Korea, Japan, Australia surprise China by showing up with their own limited supply of nuclear missiles, or submarines now equipped with ICBM nukes, all purchased from greedy Russian generals through third parties. Remember those 100 missing warheads reported stolen 20 years ago, but who know how many truly vanished? How many of our own went buried under backyard storage sheds, lowered into retired officer's bomb shelters. There's just too many books written about the selling of nukes and where they might have gone. Also, lets not forget North Korea, who is trying so hard to become a nuclear power and all of a sudden, now thumbing their nose at everyone, including China. If these countries now see America weak, a limp wrist-ed retired sheriff missing his teeth and half blind, and now weakened by Evil cattle baron- China, they may elect to pursue a nuclear option and light up the Pacific and possibly the American western coastline. I wonder how many nukes it would take to cause a series of monster tsunamis to rise up over San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle, making the Mojave Desert, Palm Springs and on north the new coastline. World War III is up and running and you can say so long to the Hawaiian Islands. No, everyone has got to be fearful of pushing that red button. Just look at the photos the Mars Rover is taking, think sci-fi and maybe that red planet could've been God's first creation before earth. Hey, I'm just telling a story, but imagine. Mars actually resulted from nukes as God's creation failed him and went to war. There is also the Asteroid Belt, where some people feel a planet had blown up, but that might have been a comet impact- big comet or asteroid. I'm not saying I have any insight, but as I writer I like to wonder and on this subject I've seen other books written on this thought. Anyhow, we have to keep from causing our own destruction, or try our best. One third of us have to be around. Unsure- Read your Bible. Quakes: (13) quakes of 4.0 or higher. (6) in Alaska, (1-4.4) in Pakistan, (4) in Oklahoma, (2) California, (1) Oregon, (1-5.4) in Philippines, (1-4.6) North India Ocean, ((1-4.3) Canada, (1-5.0) Indonesia, (1-4.7) Guam, (1-4.4) Fiji, (1-4.8) Nicaragua, (2- 4.8/4.9) Japan, (3- 4.5/4.8/5.9) El Salvador, (1-4.4) Guatemala I'll be back in 2-3 days. I do hope these next few days are happy ones for you. Tomorrow is Sunday, so I am blessed with church and fellowship. I pray all of you a blessed day and if you have no church, visit one. Visit several. Not interested yet, okay. I'm not a Bible thumper, someone who keeps hitting you over the head with a 20 lb family Bible, but you are sure to come across one at some point. The Lord has taken me and my wife through a lot of things, and the Lord has brought healing and we'd like people to feel this love and forgiveness. Must be Saturday night, I'm here doing a sermon. I wish you a good night, happy trails and pray for snow for Moose Pass. Good night. Lord Bless you all. BILL Another summer day here Alaska's new tropical paradise, where were now waiting for the swallows to return and we are on our way to a new record for warmest winter. Now they are calling for 1-2 inches of snow tonight, but they've been doing this all too often. What we need is a good old fashioned blizzard, leaving 3-5 feet of the beautiful fluffy white stuff behind. BUT- I'm sure my neighbors would be lined up to shoot my tail feathers off for even asking for such a thing. They might miss their week end football.
I've been working again on my western manuscript and enjoying it. The other night I pulled a hardback book off my bedroom shelf, I stockpile about two-months worth of nighttime reading up here. Most of it I've purchased at thrift stores and I'm always looking for westerns. I'd forgotten about this book, which needed some repair work, that happened to be a Hoppalong Cassidy story. I had thought Louie L'Amour was the creator of Hoppalong, but apparently he wasn't. I'm looking over this book's publishing date, for this 3rd Edition and find it had been published in 1911. I had in my hands a 103 year old book. I became very careful with it at this point. Oddly enough, I found numerous spelling errors, but the story is great so far. Made me wonder if my books might stick around that long- if I'm wrong about the time table on the Book of Revelations. Now don't get me wrong, I leave the time table to God and will be satisfied with whenever he decides to bring the End of Days about. I just finished watching the ten part mini-series of the Bible on Net Flex, it was all right. Had a few errors and left out some significant events, but they only had such time. I disliked the fact they had another surfer-looking Jesus. Just as they did in King of Kings with Jeffrey Hunter. I prefer to see someone who resembles that part of the world, maybe even a dark suntan for living in the desert country for 33 years. A black Sampson was cool and because of a low budget they had to shrink the numbers down, so the Jews leaving Egypt appeared to be 2-300 instead of a reported 2 million. I'd watch it again though, especially the time of when the disciples received the Holy Spirit in the upper room and began spreading the Lord's words. We now have our tree up and thanks to Canaan, my oldest granddaughter, the house is decorated for Christmas. Unfortunately we lost several items due to spring rains, which brought mold. This was my fault. I had emptied the sheds to prepare them for another project and covered everything outside with tarps. But with the spring rains came the winds and we lost a ton of stored clothing, misc kitchen tools waiting donation and I felt terrible. Thankfully my wife was easy on me, I was only black and blue on one side of the body....no, not really. I think she called me stupid and then we were back on line trying to figure out what we could save. Lets switch over to the news briefs for December 17th. Arizona: Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pina County was informed by the Obama Administration to expect 5 million illegal immigrants under latest Executive Order, but was just recently notified by Homeland Security the figure would be closer to 20-million. Prior news was that illegals who had been in the US for five years would be given a driver's license, a work permit and all access to the state and federal social programs. But a recent memo from Homeland Security has changed to say that anyone in the country before Jan 2014 is entitled to the promised Deferred Action under the new Executive Order. Law Enforcement officers are not overjoyed at the prospect of the incline in numbers which will soon be helping to fill the Arizona prisons to maximum because of lack of employment in Arizona for non-educated immigrants. ( If Obama plans to bring these people into the US hoping for a massive wave of Hispanic voters grateful to the Democratic Party, he had better provide educational centers, with boarding to prepare these people for the working world.) United States: Secretary of State John Kerry says, "No Problem", with thoughtful Palestinian bid. He says the US has no problem with Palestinians putting a draft resolution to the United Nations to boost their hopes for a Palestinian State. ( The Obama Administration may feel this way, but how about the Americans? Do they want to see Israel give up the land they gained in 1967, which now gives Israeli occupation of Jerusalem, though they share it with Muslims? A lot of people want Israel to give up land they fought and bled for, but no one seems to be asking the Muslim world to give up anything for a new Palestinian State. Plus, few people realize that Palestine Authority is a dictatorship, where their parliament has not set in power for sometime. Hamas, a terrorist organization that attacks Israel during a cease-fire, rules over Palestine. Of course Israel will not give this desired land back to the 1967 borders, to do so would endanger every Israeli for the war that is sure to come. For the United Nation to try to force them, would be counter to what the UN has stood for and if Obama Administration does not stand with Israel then Americans should, even if this lead to an American civil war to unseat the raving idiot in office. ) England: Britain News reports the most common name for a boy child in 2014 is "Mohammad". So, what does this tell you about the rise of Islam in Britain? World: The YAHOO News search engine is now displaying the "Veterans News Now" (VNN), as a credible news source. This is a antisemitic website. This site traffic in Holocaust denials and displays articles that blame Israel for the U.S. 9/11 attack in New York City. Washington: Ecuador family donates over $100,000 to President Obama's Victory Fund. During this time members of the family had been banned from entering the United States due to being key figures in an Ecudor banking scandal. BUT then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over rules the ban and allows a family members to come to America, where afterward, President Obama refuses to extradite two of the brothers in the family back to Ecuador to face charges of theft and fraud. Accusation of favors being granted for donations abound the Nation's capitol, such as unqualified money supporters of Obama's Campaign being granted ambassadorships. But people in the administration and those receiving the favors deny donations were involved in any way to actions taken. Iraq: Islamic State reportedly murdered 150 women and underage girls for refusing sexual acts by the fighters. They were then buried in a mass grave. This occurred in the City of Falluja. 10 children were left in the desert died of exposure. Russia: Ruble hits new low of 80 to the US Dollar and 100 roubles to the Euro, in Moscow trade. South Africa: Health Authorities have placed South Africa on high alert for a measles outbreak, as cases are being reported in 5 provinces. Italy: H5N8 Bird Flu Strain reported in Northern Italy, from a turkey farm where now 130,000 turkeys, chicken and other birds must be culled. Ukraine: Kiev was of full-scale hostilities may again erupt in eastern Ukraine due to "constant cease-fire violations", undermining the truce. U.S.: New sanctions imposed on foreign persons and companies supporting Syrian Government, to include companies in United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands and Switzerland. U.S.: President Obama is to sign new Russia Sanction Bill and provide additional assistance to Ukraine. President Putin of Russia has already state that additional sanctions could lead hostilities of some degree. U.S.: Tens of thousands of Americans protesting and rioting across the US against police violence, which began in Ferguson, Missouri. Number of injuries is rising, while arrests are staying in the low numbers. But more and more terrorists and loonies popping up to kill people in their homes, coffee joints, in traffic, on the sidewalk and in schools. U.S.: Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasion Affairs, has warned Russia against deploying nuclear weapons in the Crimea. She said such a move would be "extremely dangerous". She also warned the U.S. and its allies would respond if Russia opts to do so. ( A whole lot of saber rattling going on, maybe some cooler heads should be handling the nuclear weapons.) Ebola: Currently, 18,464 cases of Ebola virus reported, of which 6,841 have led to death. 87 Ethiopian Health Care Workers have arrived in Liberia. Government officials will be overseeing a house to house search of home in Sierra Leone, which will include Freetown. Freetown accounts for more than half of the country's infections. Earthquakes: (14) quakes around the globe of 4.0 or greater for last 24 hours. (3 including a 4.3) Alaska, (4) California, (2- 4.6/4.6) Philippines, (2- 5.2/5.6) Indonesia, (3-4.5/5.1/5.3) New Guinea, (2) Oklahoma, ( 1-4.2) New Zealand, (1-4.8) Nicaragua, (1- 4.7) Japan, (1-4.7) Solomon Islands, (1-4.7) Fiji U.S. The sale of 4 navy US warships to continue as promised to Taiwan with the first two Perry-Class Missile Frigates to be delivered in 2015 at a cost of $176 million. The US does not feel the sale will have any effect on U.S.-China relations. ( China does what it wants with out concern for us, but the US is already beginning to kow-tow to China. A weak administration has done this. We've accomplished little to impress them.) Vatican: Pope Francis wants Vatican City to host the Olympics. St. Peter's Square to play host to such events as archery contests in a Rome bid for the international games. He has also just opened the Vatican's private farm to the public. (Still, his move to help bring about the prisoner exchange with Cuba and remove of the 50 year old sanctions has left a lot of American with mixed feelings. In Florida a lot of people are calling Obama a traitor, because in Cuba nothing has changed. The dictatorship is still in place and communism remains as the political party in power. Now the young Castro brother reigns and the jails are still full with people seeking freedom. Some may be asking- what has the Pope accomplished here?) Europe: World's longest train ride travels from China to Spain, riding the rails through 8 countries over 20-days in an 8,000 mile journey. ( Some might call it the new version of the "Oriental Express". This venture has raised hopes of also a new "Silk Train" transport route. U.S.: Tucked deep inside the 1,603 Federal Spending Bill is a measure that ends the Federal Government's prohibition on Medical Marijuana, which signals a major shift in drug policy. This brings a two decade battle to a close over medical use of marijuana to help patients in the current 32 states who currently allow it. Now the pharmacies will no longer have to fear federal officers interference. Anchorage, Alaska: Even though the State of Alaska has recently passed the vote to legalize Marijuana and Anchorage is Alaska's largest city, with the most voters, some members of the Anchorage Assembly are trying to ban the use of marijuana even before the new state commission release their report on new guidelines to follow. It appears they do not even plan to put it out for a vote, but the assembly will decide. ( For me it isn't the Marijuana issue, its the power of a single body of 11-14 people making all the decisions for 200,000 people on such issues as this where the majority was already heard. There are many time, when such items need to be decided be general vote. With our technology we have now this is clearly not that much of a problem, but Congress would not want to lose their power. The President's new Immigration Executive Order should never have been allowed. All of us are effected by so many millions coming into our country. Our taxes will be raised to pay for their needs, while our own Americans who lie in shelters, under bridges and in tents spread across our parks and forests, will be neglected and we will watch them die. Yes, we are to help all people, but lets get our own people back on their feet. Obama is looking at votes for 2016, riding the Hispanic wave in hopes the grateful people will support the Democratic party. This is a misuse of his office and impeachment is in order. ) Hello my fellow Countrymen, today I am feeling proud to call myself an American citizen by birth and an Alaskan by choice. Oh, I so love most of our American history, but the last 6 plus years of the current administration have deeply tested my will to remain a peaceful subject to the realm. The man is an idiot, worse, he is so very dangerous and has all-too many weak-minded politicians following him down the yellow-brick road. And now he wants to take on God, Big G here, by attempting to force Israel, with using the military strength of the United Nations, to shove them back to pre-1967 borders, so Palestine can have some desert sand and a shrub bush to live on. Oh, plus all the improvements the Israelis have done since 1967, which would also allow them so control of Jerusalem, direct access to Te Aviv and leave a middle section of Israeli a man could throw a rock across. This would allow Israel to be split in two if war broke out against Israel as it did in 1967. All this while Palestine's fellow Muslims won't donate them a single acre of their vast desert country. No, they all want it from Israel, since they lost it to Israel in the 6-day war and still wonder how it could've happened. But now they are using their Obama puppet to bring it about in the form of a Secretary of State Kerry marionette - who will deliver the threats. Must Obama be reminded that Israel remains a nuclear power and was once before prepared to use it when they thought they might be losing their battles when the enemy came at them from all sides. One red button gets pushed and the whole world could go up...probably look a lot like Mars. Makes one wonder if that's what happened there so very long-long ago.
Now Alaska's National Guard and our state militia; Alaska Defense Force, they both understand what could be coming at us from across the pond. Each year the winter's ice bridge between the City of Wales ( a lot wider than that, but the community is in the middle of it on the Alaskan coast), and Russian Siberia. The troops know the ice becomes thick enough over the shallow strait, in most places through there where the Arctic Ocean is only 40 feet deep, it can take a lot of weight. This means an enemy's heavy armor could pass over it to invade Alaska and North America. So, the Alaskans train for it and they take this seriously. As for the US Military, they always train for the big picture and protecting North America is part of that snap shot. Now it may never happen, especially with economics being what it is across various countries, such as Russia. But people also grow weary of being poor and taking the riches away from another country has been a proven way of uplifting spirits. A full stomach can quash many alliances. So, when I read how the US is pushing against Israel, with supposed threats of using the United Nations, I can only shake my head in wonder and then pray to God His wrath not be brought against my Christian brothers and sisters, and to provide time for us to still reach those who need some further convincing of who our Lord is and what He is growing upset about. I can't help but wonder how Obama cannot take his blinders off for one moment and look back at the day when his popularity began to sink. It was the day of his meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister and Obama thought he had this man wrapped around his finger and all ready to give up have of Israel to make the Palestinians happy. And the man had the gall to say "NO" on prime time TV to our President. Oh the look on Obama's face. Since then, Obama's points began to fall and then plunge. He took on God's chosen people and it backfired on him. Now he stomps his foot in the ground and threatens like a schoolyard bully. Worst of all, he's supported by a lot of worldwide bullies who dislike Jews. I keep hearing this, "The Jews killed Jesus!" This is why they hate them. They always tend to forget Jesus was a Jew, who was brought before Rome's representative by Jewish leaders and it was Romans who carried out the crucifixion. So maybe everyone should hate Italians, but that wouldn't work because the Vatican is in Rome. Easier to hate Jews. But the US citizens shouldn't hate the Jews, because it was money from the Jews who helped get the US Government bankrolled. Later, it was Jewish Germans who spied against Hitler and so many lost their lives for it. It was over 6 million Jews who were marched into deadly showers and ovens, and 2,000 Jews in Warsaw, Poland, armed with only a few rifles and Molotov cocktails, living underground, that put up so much of a fight that it required Hitler to divert nearly a division of his troops away from battle to finally defeat this small amount of freedom fighters. But it is so easy to simply say, "I hate Jews". I dislike this as my family background is German on my father's side and German-Jew on my mother's side. So I take offense for the hateful remarks from people who have no idea what they are talking about. I have been very fortunate, that though my mother was a racist to some degree from the persecution she came under following World War I, she brought me up to consider everyone the same, no matter what skin color. Her maiden name had been Von Dreeke, but they had to drop the Von to avoid further persecution. Von in Germany is like Sir in England, though I never found out what the Von was granted for. My ancestor may have held a great man's horse during a battle or something similar, or he was a mayor. Von was also a political appointment, not always granted for an act of valor and carried down the line. She kept her racism hidden from me for sometime. I had friends of all races, being brought up in Southern California and my foster brother was a full-blooded Apache and hereditary next in line Chief of his tribe in New Mexico. We shared a bedroom for our whole senior year in high school. I had a foreign wife from overseas, who was later killed, but my Mom would never honor her as being my wife. This was when I recalled some other events and learned of her racism. Yet, I loved her for not passing it down to me. I only have a few news briefs for the last two days, but you might take notice of them: for 12/13-14/14 Germany: Thousands of Germans protesting growing "Islamization" of their country. Citizens are calling for an end to runaway immigration and spread of Islamic Sharia Law in Germany. Protesters being made up of ultra left to the ultra right, giving the police problems to identify neo-Nazi bands from gay rights activists. Russia: Ruble zips past 58 to the US Dollar as devaluation accelerates and drive to a Russian recession comes closer. Turkey: Turkish State Police raid media sites in 13 cities, arresting 23 people, with more expected by the end of the day. Those arrested were suspected of having links with US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen. Charges filed are for Forgery, Fabricating Evidence and Forming an alleged Crime Syndicate to overtake the Sovereignty of Turkey. Turkey's President Erdogan had vowed to take the Gulen group movement to task on numerous occasions, and on Dec 6th said there would be "no mercy" for any type of treason. Islamic State: has published a pamphlet for Islamic State members, which answers 27 questions and approves enslavement of women, sale of women and even rape-even if the female is of prepubescent age. ( Such a thing even violates their own Quron and shows the pure evil practiced by the Islamic State.) Portugal: Portuguese Parliament passes motion in support of recognizes a Palestinian State. Germany: Chancellor Merkel spoke out against unilaterally recognizing a Palestinian State and her European Union veto could stop 28 EU members from moving forward to recognize the Palestinians because the European Union needs a unanimous decision to carry forward and recognize Palestine as a new state. Sierra Leone: Cancels Christmas, bans holiday celebrations due to increased Ebola infections. The country is now facing a complete lock down because infected bodies are being found piled out in remote areas. Burial workers are now dumping bodies in public areas in protest of non-payment of promised allowances. Sierra Leone is seeing a sharp rise in Ebola cases and fatalities. New hot points are popping up. Ohio: For some unexplained reason, an estimated 50,000 crows have descended upon Springfield, Ohio, but so far they seem not to be aggressive. ( How many of us recall, "The Birds"?) Israel: Jewish State Bill is passed by lower house and is met with race card violence. But bill also offers guaranteed equality to all Israeli citizens. But some fear the new law will widen the gap between Palestinian and Israeli. Still, the law must now be approved by the whole Parliament to take effect. This has already started an increase in racial violence between Arabs and Jews. ( But throwing acid into the faces of children!?) Britain: Some members of Parliament desire the CIA to come clean on any British links to torture incidents being withheld from the 6,000 page CIA report. Reportedly, the British spy agencies had requested such reports be left out of the report to protect British agencies. Britain is also sending hundreds of more troops to Iraq, due to the lack of troops earlier promised by other UN and NATO countries. Sweden: Russia military fighter jet has near miss with airliner over Sweden. Russian fighter had turned of its transponder and the airliner's pilot had no idea it was out there until it was almost too later. Later, Russia denied the whole affair. Canada: Navy to ban booze on its warships. (I went aboard a Canadian missile cruiser in 1983 and was surprised to find it actually had two bars aboard, one for officers and one for enlisted. Even more startling was a close circuit TV showing 24-hour porn. It was no wonder these guys went crazy in my town. Leaving my busy hauling them back to the boat drunk and disorderly. Even "on duty" the sailors were allowed a beer at the bar, but no hard liquor. China: Headline in online Chinese paper- "China, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), Should Build Community of Common Destiny With Strategic Mutual Trust." (ASEAN is 10 governments from around the Pacific, which interestingly enough matches with the numbers of Asian countries I have linked up with China for my Oriental Alliance Pact in my book, "A Coming Storm", and the headline sort of draws its own conclusion, or works that way at least. ASEAN is also directing itself to be under China's leadership, partly due to its military power base and now its booming economy). Japan: Some Japanese civil groups held memorial meetings to spread the truth about the Nanjing Massacre of Dec 1937 and mourn the victims of that massacre. Taiwan: A visiting Turkish academic said Taiwan, as well as other non-Muslim countries, should step-up exchanges with moderate Islamic world to promote peaceful interpretation of Islam and AVOID the spread of extremism. (To me, this almost sounded like a threat- let our Muslims immigrate or we'll release the dogs on you.) Iraq: Christians in Iraq are being martyred in great numbers, driven from their homes and more than 250,000 forced to flee Iraq since the Islamic State moved in. Jerusalem Post reported relentless persecution. Children of all ages ordered to recant their Christian faith and when they bravely refuse, making their stand of faith, they are either beheaded or cut in half. Gaza: Hamas held their 27th Anniversary of its founding in Gaza, but things got a bit wild and a drone was released, which caused the scrambling of Israeli Air Force Jets. But drone was kept from crossing the border and no shots were fired. Hamas unveiled long range missiles in their parade, along with their new navy commandos. ( Hamas is also insisting Israel withdraw to 1967 borders, which will supposedly help them defeat Israel in one final war...or so they think. But new Hamas long range missiles came as a surprise for many.) Turkey: Chinese security Analysts claim the ambiguous policies of the Turkish Government allows terrorists to enter Turkey and have easy access to join Islamic State. China: Condemns any denials of Japan's wartime aggression in Nanjing, which is being seen by many analysts as an implicit warning against any possible reemergence of militarism in Japan. ( This could also be seen as an ill wind blowing up ahead because Japan is a US ally, or will Obama abandon them as he is doing to Israel?) Uzbekistan: Urges Russia to help protect Central Asia against possible Islamic State threat, as US forces withdraw their forces from Afghanistan...but there is still 13,000 Americans posted there. ( But does Russia desire to return to Afghanistan? After all, this was their 10-year version of our Vietnam for them to endure and they left so fast they failed to take their dead with them. They were fearful they would not make it back over the last bridge without coming under another attack by Afghan forces, but their enemy rejoiced in them departing.) Israel: Prime Minister Netanyahu says Israel will rebuff US and United Nations moves toward forming a Palestinian State . Nor will they withdraw from Israeli territory that Palestine seeks for a state, which involves the 1967 borders spoken of so often. ( Obama Administration is working very hard to bring the Wrath of God down upon our government. I wish he would read some about Israel's history and others who tried this. Only when Israel turned against God, did God remove his covering to teach them a lesson. One lesson was their enslavement in Egypt and then God sent to them Moses. The 6-day war is called this because it only took Israel 6-days to bring their enemies to their knees with God's help and the world was shocked. Then peace was sought, but now war is being sought once again by people who no longer remember God's power and His love for His people. ) Lastly, my Earthquake Report for 48-hours: (28 quakes- over 4.0), (8 mild) Alaska, ( 2 -5.1/5.1) New Zealand, (3- 4.6's) Japan, (13 mild) Oregon (6-with a 4.1/4.3) Oklahoma, (2- 4.7/4.5) Fiji, (2- 4.6's) Ethiopia, (3- 4.8/4.7/4.8) El Salvador, (1- 5.2) Visokoi Island /South Atlantic, ( 1- 5.1) Easter Island, (1- 4.6) Chile, (2-4.8/5.0) Indonesia (1-5.2)Tonga, (1-4.7)Columbia, (1-4.6)Japan, (1-4.3) Italy. The globe has not sustained a real shaker since 12/8/14, a 6.8 that hit Panama. I follow the various fault lines to see which is active and how long it stays active. When the follow the Ring of Fire and stay active, I prefer to know so I can keep a bag packed for my jaunt into Canada. I'm way too close to the coast for a series of volcanoes to shoot off around the arctic. But with only one two lane highway leading into Canada, I may choose to go overland and let my sons pull me on a sled. Right! Tomorrow I need to spend a lot of time working on my new manuscript, so no news is good news. Keep your pray life active, sort of like cleaning your rifle or sharpening your knife. But sometimes its the little prayers that can be the most important for the Glory of God. God Bless, BILL Greetings to all my friends, relatives and new visitors to my journal. Tonight's Blog takes in news events and comments from December 11th & 12th. I might mention this is my second attempt tonight to write this, as my computer swallowed my first attempt like the great whale did Jonah. I've always wondered how that must've stunk, being inside that great fish, or whale. I just watched Sharknado-2, needing a laugh and I did certainly enjoy parts of it and would recommend it for bored people on a rainy day, laying in a full body cast. I finally gave up counting how many old character actors they had in that movie and just had to smile when the mayor of New York City presents the hero with a huge chain saw to go out and save the city. I won't say anymore, not wanting to ruin this adventure sci-fi that is assuredly soon to be a classic for Christmas time. However I am a bit upset, Netflix isn't showing any of the classic black and white Christmas movies that I grew up with. Big stars in holiday movies.
Last journal I mentioned Russia locating an asteroid aimed at earth, with a potential for impact in 2017. NASA has still failed to confirm or deny the truth to the sighting and my binoculars have not picked it up yet either. I mentioned how in my book, A Coming Storm, I used a comet to set off a panic in the world, leading to World War III and use it again toward the end of the book as the time of impact approaches. You'll have to read the book for details about the comet and impact point. As I've said many times before I wrote this book 15 years ago, my second manuscript. My first manuscript is Apache Snow and I hope this book will be out soon. But in writing A Coming Storm I realized I provided a catcher, a grabber, a few paragraphs in the beginning of the story that will cause the reader to want to continue and in doing so, purchase the book. Now some of you have heard this story and for those of you who have- skip ahead to the news briefs, as I believe you'll find some interesting ones tonight. Well, as I was thinking over an idea for a catcher, I came to the computer one morning, turned it on and the screen opened up with the CNN Science Page. I didn't know CNN had a Science Page. But the headline read a comet was coming toward earth, expected impact in 2017. It explained the space rock had sprang out from behind the Planet Jupiter and was showing an extremely strange flight path. I knew right then I had the grabber I wanted and it fit perfectly with my storyline, also for a spot toward the end of the book. I took notes, but the next day, I tried to locate it- the page, and couldn't. CNN showed no history of it. Even stranger, my computer history failed to show it for the day before and NASA had nothing concerning the space rock. Well, 5 years later, my manuscript complete and now sitting in the file cabinet because I had not found a publisher yet and decided against self-publishing because of cost, that same CNN Science Page showed up on my screen. I wasn't sure what to think, but I finished jotting down some notes I had failed to get last time. During this time period of 5 years, some of the events I wrote about occurring in the future- remember this was 15 years ago when I first wrote the story, began to occur. I've told people repeatedly how I am no Prophet. I play congas for the worship team- or used to. True I do receive dreams, which gave me the ideas I used in this book and others. If I dreamed the same dream three nights in a row, I wrote the notes down and used them in the story. These included simple things like China and Russia signing peace treaties, becoming buddies, at a time when most people thought they'd go to war. China increasing its military strength and joining up with multiple countries to eventually form its own alliance. I also foresaw China's attack on Vietnam, though back then they were allies and now they're saber rattling over South China Seas issues. I was really surprised by the pipeline between China and Siberia, not so much for the oil pipeline but the massive road project involved in building the pipeline going from central China to Siberia. I saw this road, up through China's northern mountains as an access route to move their heavy tanks for a war against Russia, when China breaks their treaty and invades eastern Russia and then prepares for invasion of Alaska and North America. So, I have this asteroid now, expected in 2017, but it still doesn't add up with the timing of the Two Witnesses who appear in Jerusalem for a lengthy period of time, performing miracles and many other things. I guess I will just sit back and watch. If the asteroid hits in 2017, it will leave a very big hole or cause a mighty wave to wash over an entire coastline, but everything is always in God's hands. As to the weird occurrences with the CNN page, I have no response. For my dreams, I am thankful for the Lord giving me some interesting happenings for my story, if nothing else. Now on to News Briefs. World: "You think all men are equal...Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough , you will become victims of the enemy you have welcomed into our home." Archbishop Amel Shimon, exiled Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Mosul, Iraq. Around 45 churches in Mosul were destroyed or turned into Mosques when the Islamic State seized the city. Muslims beheading Christians is a growing spectacle. A Christian man in Syria recently had his head brutally hacked off by Islamic Militants after being forced to deny his faith and salute Mohammed as "The Messenger of God". But in doing so the speaker becomes a Muslim and in theory is protected from jihad. Not so for this hapless man and for so many other who recant their Christian faith in Jesus. This one man was murdered on camera. The odd thing about this concerns the Muslims' belief in Jesus Christ being a prophet, but he, like other great leaders in the Bible's Old Testament all came prior to Mohammad and the last prophet is the one recognized as the True Prophet of God. In the lands of Islam, you used to be able to say you were a follower of Jesus and not have any problems with Muslims. BUT, you never mentioned the word "Christian", because of all the harm done by the Christians who fought in the many Crusades and what they accomplished in the Holy Lands. Muslims have never forgotten the crusades, even though a 1,000 years have pass by. Netherlands: Dutch politician and member of Parliament- Geert Wilders made a statement during his interrogation before Dutch State Police, who are considering prosecuting him for asking voters, during his election campaign, whether they wanted more or fewer Moroccans in the Netherlands. "Our freedom is being threatened . Threatened by a violent totalitarian ideology- Islam- that brings with it death and devastation. Threatened by a politically correct elite that does not tolerate criticism of Islam and mass immigration, and that nurtures cultural relativism- I rise up against this," PM Wilders. He also added a quotation by Dr. Martin Luther King, "I close by saying, 'The is nothing greater in all the world than freedom. It's worth going to jail for. It's worth losing a job for. It's worth dying for'." Britain: British Muslims are asking for their scripture from their Quran to be read in the next coronation of a new monarch, as Queen Elizabeth may soon be passing the torch on. Yet, no British Christian or Jew may set foot in Mecca. Nor do the Muslims pray for their queen in British mosques, while Jews and Christians offer up prayers for their Monarch from their churches and homes. If Islam is offered the opportunity to share their scripture, what about the British Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Kurdish and even the Atheists, who might want a word in? China: Vietnam's sovereignty claim for South China Seas Islands of Nansha and Xisna have been dismissed by China. It is "illegal and invalid", and "China will never accept such a claim." So much for China wanting to work things out through dialogue, per their 4-point plan. China also rejects US officials' criticism of China's Human Rights situation, urging the US to focus more on its own human rights issues and stop its groundless accusations against China. Document linking China's railway to Iran via Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan was signed by all parties. China will soon have railways running from India, Southeast Asia and into Iran, with many port cities in between. China is also now considering raising tobacco taxes and cigarette prices to reduce the number of smokers in the country. Ireland: Irish Parliament recognizes Palestinian National Authority as Palestine State. Israel: Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon says President Obama's Administration is blocking construction in the West Bank settlements, but adds it is only "Temporary", because the Obama Administration "won't be around forever." Ireland: Tens of thousands take to the streets of Dublin to protest the new water charges. Russia: New nuclear submarine joins Russian Navy. The "Vladimir Monomakh" will carry 16 ICBM nuclear missiles. Earthquakes for last 48 hours: (31 quakes at 4.0 or higher), ( 16- with 4.1/4.1/4.0) in Alaska, ( 14) in Oklahoma, (4- 4.9/5.1/5.1/5.7) Visokoi Island/South Atlantic, (4-4.4/4.4/4.4/3.2) Canada, (1-4.8) New Guinea, (6-4.3/4.5/4.5/4.5/4.5/4.5) Indonesia, (2-4.6/4.6) Japan, (2-5.0/5.0) Fiji, (1-4.4) Tajikistan, (1-5.2) New Zealand, (2) California, (1-5.3) Chile, (1-5.0) Russia, (1-4.5) Greece Ebola Statistics: 10 December- 17,942 cases with 6,388 deaths. 639 healthcare workers infected, with 349 who have died. Newer statistic on Dec 12th now show cases raised to 18,118 and fatalities now at 6,533. Statistics show an increase of cases at 176 people in two days. Fatalities amount to a change of 145 deaths in two days. Health Care workers were not listed on 12 Dec report. US: United Kingdom based security firm- Blue Mountain Group was providing security at the diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya during 2012 terrorist attack, but documentation obtained by Judicial Watch found that the company did not have a license to operate in Libya. Denmark: Has voted against recognizing Palestinian National Authority as a State. China: City of Urumqi, Capital City of conflict ridden Xinjing in Northwestern China, has passed a regulation banning the wearing of full-face veils and full-body coverings in their fight against militant Muslims. Russia: Top Russian anti-drug cop claims the cause of the Ukrainian Revolution - which, he said was was enacted by brainwashed methadone addicts, was due to Ukraine offering opoid replacement therapy to heroin addicts, who receive methadone to ease withdrawals and drug cravings. Russia is among the most vocal opponents of opioid replacement therapy. ( I've worked narcotics for a good part of my 20-years in law enforcement and to blame the Ukraine Revolution on drug addicts, especially by reportedly Russia's top drug cop, makes me wonder about President Putin's desire to support this war with troops and paid mercenaries. Also leaves me wondering what they might be doing in Russia in their own war against drugs with such "intelligent" top drug cops handling the situations. Most all cops know drug addicts move slower and make better or easier targets, they cannot keep enough thought going to plan a revolution and any weapon you give them they'll sell off as quickly as possible to pay for their next high. And who would ever want to be around a bunch of "loaded" sky pilots armed with automatic weapons? Much less grenades or anti-tank weapons. I think I've already seen this movie on the sci-fi channel.) Russia: Rubles slides down to 57 rubles against the US Dollar. Britain: US hid British links to the now infamous CIA torture report at request of British Spy agencies. Ukraine: Former NATO Commander, from 2009-2013, Retired US Admiral James Stavridis, says non-lethal aid is insufficient in fight against separatists in Ukraine. He urges NATO to send arms to Ukraine and military advisers to help fight Moscow-backed separatists. " I think we should provide ammunition, fuel, logistics." Ukraine recently announced it would conscript 40,000 more soldiers at beginning of next year and double its military budget. US Senate just passed a bill authorizing President Obama to provide military training and arms, including anti-tank and anti-armor weapons. ( I believe we should insist on mandatory drug testing to ensure we do not hand out automatic weapons to drug freaks. Interestingly enough, a lot of Vietnam vets are seeing a similarity between this building war in the Ukraine and our time in Vietnam. We supported the South, while the Russians and Chinese supported the North. Here we support one side, while Russia is supporting the other. Another game board in action.) Poland: Polish Defense Minister calls Russia's Naval and Air Force activity around Baltic Sea this week unprecedented, marking further escalation of tensions in the region. "We know that the Russians say that their activity is a reaction to NATO actions," and "But for us, this raises an alarm." The US has several hundred troops now deployed to Poland and the Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, as part of NATO's protection against Russia's Threat. ( In the beginning of World War II, Russia in a treaty with Germany, attacked Poland and the People of Poland have not forgotten this.) UN: United Nations Security Council strongely backed the new agreement for NATO to train, advise and assist Afghanistan's Security Forces. In January, 2015, US and NATO forces will draw down to approximately 13,000 troops, from a peak of 140,000 troops in 2010. ( With President Obama shoving us back into Iraq and Afghanistan, it may not be long before we are back up to those numbers. It could be our third war in the Sandbox. I'm surprised the protestors have stood still this long, while the anti-war protestors in the 1960's and early 1970's numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Where are they now?) US: President Obama believes congress should stay out of the way of D.C. voters who approved the legalization of marijuana, for he in his other hands he is preparing to sign a massive government fund bill, that somehow includes a provision banning D.C. from legalizing Pot. ( Now he can blame it on Congress- meaning the new Republican majority. As with the release of the 6,000 page CIA torture document that has possibility forever stained America and soured the Republican Party, Obama attacks the term of President Bush and the Republican Party. This report was released by democratic majority, even thought it would bring great harm to our country, just so it could hurt the Republican Party and their 2016 drive for President. Especially if another Bush is running. Obama has really hurt America. True, people should have been investigated and prosecuted, but hat happened to Fast and Furious or the Benghazi Report? Because they have a drastic effect on the Obama Administration and the Democratic party, they sit in some drawer. Nixon's Watergate was done in less time. Americans suffer for the games Obama plays in Washington. This report could bring physical harm to American tourists traveling overseas. Now even North Korea is resembling a light weight in human rights violations as the whole world glares at the US. Senator McCain who was tortured sadistically in Hanoi, Vietnam, hates torture but admits this report should not have been released to the public/world's eyes. ) Israel: Israeli man and 4 kids injured when Palestinian man threw acid at this Jewish family in occupied West Bank. Family hospitalized and man arrested. Israel: Switzerland blasted by Israel for calling a special meeting of the High Contracting Parties of the Fourth Geneva Convention for next week, which is expected to severely censure Israel for its actions in the West Bank and Gaza. Switzerland summoned the meeting at the request of the Palestine Authority. Not only will Israel not participate, but is calling on all countries to boycott the meeting. Yes, that is finally it for tonight and I thank you for those who stayed with it and finished my journal to the end. For you new readers, I search out news events, somewhat hidden or often buried in small newspapers from around the world. I read the English speaking papers of Russia, China, Taiwan, Korea, US, Mexico, Europe, India, England, Africa, WHO and the United Nations for medical reports, NASA, White House, Israel, USGS for Quakes, Catholic News, Intelligence Reports from various servers and extra sights these might lead me to. I try to find stories that might be leading toward End of Times, Biblical Prophecies. Governments failing, countries joining together and spreading of religions. That's about it, I leave the big stories to your other sources. I'll be back in a couple days. Pray for our snow and I hope all is well with you. God Bless, BILL A very quiet afternoon here in Moose Pass, Alaska, while in Pearl Harbor, a few surviving veterans and families of lost loved ones, have come to give honor to all the Americans who were killed or injured on December 7th, 1941. Older service veterans have come in wheel chairs, some having to use breathing machines, while others walked with the help of crutches or a cane. But they insisted to be here, escorted by a son or daughter and down the line to great-great grandchildren. Tears are shed, old war stories retold and relationships rekindled as dear friends once more find one another for the up-teeth time For yes, this is the 77th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day, a "Day that will Live in Infamy", as later quoted by President Franklin Roosevelt as war was declared against Japan for its surprise attack on the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii was an American Territory back then, but Pearl Harbor was our largest naval harbor in the Pacific Ocean. We also had thousands of Army troops and a few hundred Marines on the Islands at the time of the attack and over 2,000 soldiers, Marines, sailors and civilians were killed. Enemy pilots not only bombed and strafed the military installations, but also the townships, schools and hospitals. There were many heroic figures that day, some in uniform and others who had not even joined up yet. A lone black cook's helper, forced to work in a non-combat specialty because of his race, dashed the length of his ship to take hold of an abandoned .50 caliber mounted machine gun. He had learned to fire it by watching the sailors manning the position during drills and he had brought coffee out to them. But he had learned will. Within a matter of mere moments he dropped two Japanese zeros from the sky and was later awarded the Navy Cross for Valor- our 2nd highest award for gallantry. No, there was no racism that day and only the American uniforms stood out as men and women dove into the cold Pacific waters to rescue one another, pushing bodies aside to reach the leaving. Ships on fire, sinking, were climbed into and servicemen fought down flaming corridors to rescue trapped sailors and drag them up to toss them into the sea before the ship rolled over. No, it would still be 20 some years before the racial barrier would be officially brought down in the service ranks and even longer for the men and women themselves to acknowledge we were all Americans. In some places it still continues and this is sad.
Mona and I went to Pearl Harbor, a trip I wanted to make since I was a kid. Before going out to the Arizona, we entered the theater and watched newsreels of the attack as a volunteer military veteran of the attack gave his side of the attack. We then went out in boats to the memorial, but we were reminded how reverence was to be maintained for the memorial, for it was built right over the top of the USS Arizona. Here, some 800 sailors and officers lie entombed below. But a flag still waves, because the USS Arizona is still carried as an active US Navy vessel- a Battleship. Yes, there was a reverence and you could feel it as you walked across the memorial and could still see the oil bubbling up from the ship below. Whenever a ship passes by it renders the USS Arizona its proper honor for two ships passing and as veterans you feel a bit closer to the sailors and Marines below. When asked why we still honor this day, I've told the young folk how this is a constant reminder how we let our guard down and allowed a suspected enemy to catch us asleep. We knew Japan had become a predator, or they had invaded China in 1931 and then came Korea. The military minds knew it was only a matter of time, but for some reason they didn't think it would be this quick and we suffered greatly for it. Now Japan and Germany, plus Italy became allies and they proceeded to conquer the land. Some of you may not be aware, but when Germany invaded Poland, Russia had signed an agreement with them. Russia was going to be given Poland's eastern regions. But then Russia got upset with Hitler and broke its agreement after securing it part of Poland and began fighting the German- this became known as the Russian Front and its length became of such a size Hitler could ill-afford to defend it and fight Britain and the arrival of the US troops at the beginning of 1942. Once war was declared against Japan, President Roosevelt took the initiative to declare war with Germany. This is the war Roosevelt wanted and now he was forced to split his forces between Japan and Germany/Italy. But Russia never declared war against Japan, they were much too close and had once lost a great sea battle against the Japanese at the first part of the century, when the Japanese fleet wiped out the Czar's navy. As a result of this, Stalin would not allow President Roosevelt to use Russia for any attack against Japan. No airfields could be built and no aircraft carriers could sail into Russian waters. Still, Germany did help America defeat Hitler. I sometimes wonder what would've happened had we dropped the bomb on Berlin. A few of our great American generals wanted to take Russia on after Germany surrendered. But President Truman would not allow it. You've now had your history lesson. But please, follow my news briefs as you'll find a couple interesting ones today. Gaza: Hamas has begun its reign of terror by leaflet drops- threatening poets, writers and women who refuse to wear the proper attire of a Muslim woman- for they now risk being stoned to death for disobeying Muslim law. Hamas continues to insist the Islamic State is not operating in the Gaza, but Islamic State flags are now appearing all over football stadiums during games, on vehicle windshields and rear windows, mosques, educational centers and even wedding centers. It is now pretty clear to the Muslims in Gaza that when Hamas falls, it will quickly be replaced by the Islamic State and Israel could find itself in a state of all-out war. Plus, all those countries that stood to vote to make Palestine a State may be paving the way for a violent takeover by the Islamic State. (Countries such as Belgium, France and Sweden might want to be observing their Muslim population and see if any Islamic State Jihaddists begin to show up. It is always nice to show the world how liberal you can be, but what happens when those black flags of terror begin being waved in your own neighborhoods?) United States: Dozens of lawmakers from the House of Republicans are demanding that President Obama explain and clarify recent reports about his administration considering sanctions against Israel. But President Obama has refused to confirm or deny reports on whether or not he is thinking about taking such actions through Executive Order. He knows such an action would never make it through congress. Still, he blames Israel continual building of new homes in Israel as undermining the peace process with Palestine and other Middle East countries. (Why are we involved in Jerusalem building projects? The Muslim living in Jerusalem have access to a Jerusalem court to file paperwork to stop the building and they have lawyers current in laws of Israel. If an Israeli Judge or a Israeli/Muslim court can't figure this out, the Torah and Koran is not being adhered to properly. We shouldn't be playing police officer at this stage. If there is no legal precedence to stop their building homes, then let them build. We certainly don't tell people not to build in the US if its legal to build in the spot so chosen. If this unstable peace process hedges on this issue, we are fooling ourselves and President Obama needs to stay clear of this for now. He's already tarnished his sheriff's badge, any worse and it will resemble his discarded Boy Scout merit badge for Beginner's Politics and How to Keep Your White Hat Clean and Balanced on Your Head. ) China: International Monetary Fund has said that China has overtaken the United States for the first time and is now the largest economy in the world. (Sort of like the turtle and hare race and the US was the hare, sitting on its butt too much. They've got us twice now, first with now having the largest International Trade Currency with their Yuan defeating the US Dollar. Along the way our former allies turned their backs on us, including Australia and Canada.) Russia: For those of you who have read my book "A Coming Storm", you may find this interesting, much as I did. 15 years ago I was given insight to a coming comet, believed to impact with earth in 2017. Now as I've said over and over, I am no prophet, but I find it bizarre how many things given to me back then have come about or are coming about. True I first thought the one comet that appeared out from behind Jupiter and its strange flight path toward earth, made me suspect it could match up with the one in my book. This was Comet CS-ION. But it apparently didn't survive the sun, or not enough to be dangerous. But I continue to I keep an eye on NASA internet sites and Russia's version of it for sightings of comets, asteroids and little green men. Today, Moscow State University Professor Vladimir Lipunovi, a Russian astrophysicist, discovered an asteroid, which could be potentially on course to collide with earth. The Asteroid was verified by the Russian Space Agency and was dubbed UR116. This asteroid has a diameter of 370 meters, making it slightly larger than the Apophis Asteroid, which was previously feared of striking the earth in 2029 or 2036. NASA has since ruled out Apophis for possible impact. But UR116 is coming much quicker, with suspected impact in 2017. Exact date has not been fixed. It is believed that if UR116 did impact with earth, it would cause an explosion 8,000 times more powerful than that caused by the meteorite that exploded over Russia in February 2013. UR116 is expected to cross into Earth's orbit within 3 years time. ( Could this be my space rock? One of these days I'll explain how I received my insight to use it in my book, which as I said was written 15 years ago.) United Nations: Ebola Report/Statistics as of Dec 5th- 17,256 cases being treated and of this, 6,113 have died. Fatality rate showing approximately one-third. Earthquakes: Around the Globe over last 24-hours. (23) quakes of 4.0 or higher magnitude. (5 mild) in Alaska, (1 mild) Oklahoma, (8 mild) in California, (4-5.8/5.6/4.4/4.5) in Guatemala, (9- 5.0/5.4/5.2/5.2/4.7/4.9/5.0/5.7/6.8) New Guinea, (1-4.8) Romania, (1-4.6) Fiji, (2- 4.5/5.1) Russia, (1- 4.6) China, (1 mild) Kansas China: Chinese Government released a position paper on Matter of Jurisdiction in South China Seas Arbitration Initiated by Government of Philippines. Position Paper reiterates China's firm stance that they will neither accept nor participate in arbitration , and elaborates at length on China's legal basis for its position that the Arbitration Tribunal has no jurisdiction over the case. The Position Paper also states the issue over the South China Seas is also beyond the scope of the United Nations Convention. The Position Paper urges all Parties involved in South China Seas issue should continue dialogue, working together with one another States to maintain peace and stability. ( In the meantime, China will continue to build up its island fortifications, expand its naval forces and prepare itself for war.) ( In my book, "A Coming Storm", China does conquer 10 major counries to form the Oriental Alliance Pact, just prior to breaking its treaty with Russia and invading Eastern Russia. Then, in Siberia, the Oriental Alliance then prepares itself, for invading North America by crossing the Ice Bridge between Russian Siberia and Northwest Alaska. The Road the Chinese will use to cross it great mountains into Russian Siberia is already being built, coming after the treaty made with Russia involving oil pipeline. Now some of this stuff really rattles my cage.) China: A Non-Government Group known as China Federation of Demanding Compensation from Japan, has asked the Japanese government to apologize to the victims in the Nanjing Massacre and their surviving dependents and to pay suitable compensation. An apology was also asked for all those murdered by Japanese troops during World War II. Japan invaded China initially in 1931, followed by a full-scale invasion in 1937. Around 35 million Chinese soldiers and civilians were killed or injured between 1931 and 1945. Japanese invaders captured the Capital City of Nanjing (also known as Nanking by foreigners), in Dec 1937. They then began a 40-day massacre of more than 300,00 surrendering soldiers, civilians, women, children and even babies. Atrocities committed were many, where Japanese soldiers were ordered to conserve their ammo and use their bayonets. Additionally, more than 20,000 women were violently raped and some of them lived. Japan has never offered an apology to the victims of Japan or Korea. Now a video series has been put together, providing evidence of the barbaric attack, carrying testimonies of surviving victims- now aged women and men. There is also diaries, read in the video video series as victims await their time. ( As In Germany, I suspect the survivors were the ones who were forced to carry the bodies away, to dig mass graves. Forgiveness is needed here from all parties, including us, here in the US. For in combat, Americans who experience the worst and see their friends fall, will turn barbaric to seek revenge to fill the hole in their heart. But it never fills that way. I attended a Christian conference one time in Pasadena with a dear friend and by chance or assignment there were two Asian groups in attendance. One was South Korean and one of of old Japanese. The leader of the conference followed the Lord's directed and in the second half of the conference he brought the two groups up on the stage. The bitterness by the South Koreans radiated from them and the older Japanese were really uncomfortable. The Pastor of the host church prayed and then asked the two groups to forgive each other for the events of WWII. Japan had invaded Korea and committed brutal offenses against the public. The leader of the Japanese, who had been a Japanese soldier, stepped forward. He looked to be about 70-75 years old. He held his arms out and pleaded for forgiveness for himself, for his group and then his nation for what had been done to South Korea. But then the youthful female spokesperson for the South Koreans grabbed a live microphone and boy, did she light right into the old man. I do not recall the exact words, but they were sharp and dripping with blood. She blamed him for the raping of her mother and so much more. The whole audience of several hundred people were utterly silent. You could drop that proverbial pin and hear it chime, accept when she was screaming at him. The pastor looked as if he was going to wrestle the microphone away, but something held him. She was inching toward the old man and I feared she was going to strike him with the microphone, still no one moved from either side or from the floor. She was almost growling at him, forcing him into tears and almost to his knees. BUT THEN, she utters these softening words, "I forgive you". It felt as if the air shattered, I have always had trouble explaining what it sounded like. Then both South Koreans and Japanese were hugging each other like long lost brothers and sisters. For the rest of the conference, the sat together all mixed up like campers on the last day of camp. This is what the world needs to do. US: China's Confucius Institutes are facing some tough questions. Schools in the US are under fire concerning their transparency and effect on academic freedom. Over 400 of the institutes are attached to colleges and universities across the country, which raises concerns the are conducting surveillance on Chinese students and promoting political aims of the Communist Party of China. Syria: Syrian Foreign Ministry has reportedly appealed to the United Nations for sanctions to be brought against Israel for their conducting air attacks against Damascus, Syria. Tomorrow or next day, I'll give you the story of how the Comet in my book came about. You might find it interesting. Now don't get too crazy with your Christmas shopping, better to enjoy the company of loved one and good food. We get so wrapped up ( no jest) in buying things we spend more money than we have, putting ourselves in debt and often or not it end up sitting in a drawer, piled in a box, next weeks trip to a pawn broker and with these modern toys- broken within 48 hours. Just a tip for you Christians, Disney Productions is now doing its best to distance itself from God and the rest of the Christian world. Like government agencies, it doesn't want to offend atheists, other religions, possible aliens ( little green men type). They're not concerned with us Christians, thinking they can keep us happy with food, toys, and cartoons. For me, I was planning my 75th birthday at Disneyland. Not now. If they don't want my God, they must not want my money. Oddly enough, Walt Disney was antisemitic, a racist, but he had this drive to make kids happy. White kids. Read his life story sometime, its a big book, but enlightening. You'll notice no Black or Hispanic kids on the TV Mickey Mouse Club. Only after he died did they begin adding minorities. He did hire both Jewish people and other races, but they were never allowed to achieve manager rank in any department. Oh well, I've taken up the last two hours. I should tell you the rains came- alot of water and most of our snow is gone. So now e are praying for a white Christmas. God Bless, BILL Happy greetings on this after-midnight hour. I took a long afternoon nap, so I am awake until I take my night medications and then I'm out within 15-minutes for the first 4-hours. I wish I had this stuff when I was a teenager and having girl friend trouble always kept me awake. Now before high school, I didn't have this sort of problem. I was one of those guys who had several girls, who were friends, but it ended there. But with high school came football, wrestling and track ( I lobbed a shot-put, I did not jump hurdles, pole vault or run circles around the track). However, my football coach had a devious sense of humor and often liked us to run around the track in our football gear- he learned how to make football players when he played 3 years for the Green Bay Packers back in the Coach Vince Lombardi days. But with conditioning, girls began to notice me...and oh, the turmoil that resulted.
However, I wanted to add something to my last blog, concerning wage increases. I joined the Air Force in 1971 and for you young people, yes, we had airplanes back then. When I graduated basic training, my pay as an E-2 or a one stripe holder, I was paid all of $168 a month. I was soon married, having been engaged my whole senior year of high school, and collected an extra housing allowance and rations. This totaled, with my regular pay, $345 a month. With this I rented a trailer for us to live in, opened a charge account to buy our needed housewares and also bought a brand new car- 1971 Chevrolet Vega Coup. To help out, during the summer I worked at the trailer park's pool as a life guard. Oh, we ate pretty well, gas was cheap and most stations were under 30 cents a gallon. Then President Nixon came through with his promised pay raise for all ranks and services and my pay jumped from $168 a month to $360 a month and wow, we thought we'd found out pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. First thing we bought was a new stereo system for under $50. BUT, within two weeks, the Base Exchange and Commissary prices had doubled in most everything. Sure we had a pay hike, but we ended up losing it all to the new prices. Internet wasn't around back then, so we had to drive 70-miles to Kansas City to find any savings. The outlining towns raised their prices 20% to 50% and I do not believe the town locals were all that crazy about the military pay hikes. I was also paying income tax for the first time. So, as I said, be careful for what you wish for. You'll pay for that wage increase and probably a little bit extra too. Business owners, especially the bigger chains, where states pass their own wage hikes for minimum wage, will use this moment to add additional percentage beyond what the wage increase will cost them. They do not believe the consumer will even notice. My beloved wife has taught me how to shop, by looking at the cost per pound instead of the price per article and this has saved us a lot of money. Beef has skyrocketed because shortage of corn to feed the critters, plus numerous droughts. Chicken is up and down, but you need to be wary of where the chicken is coming from- how it was cared for-what kind of growth incentives were shot into it that would now be consumed by you, and please be careful with your eggs and milk. We only buy certified organic. Same with pork. This stuff is going into you and your kids. Okay, enough on Bill's culinary corner. Our snow is still here and our refrigerator is still outside on the sidewalk. I could say it works will out there and no electricity costs, but truthfully we just haven't gotten back into the kitchen. This is our replacement, given to us by a dear friend and our old borrowed one has gone back to the church for our new pastor to use. We are just getting a few final items out of the way before we bring the monster in. Back in the old days I could move one of these by myself- plus a dolly. I recall being a furniture mover for a company in Arizona, I was 16 years old. One day we had to move a 8-foot long couch up to the 7th floor and it wouldn't fit in the stairwell, so we took it up the elevator. By the time we reached the 7th floor, two frustrated movers ended up with a 6-foot section and a 2 foot section- yes, it came out of our pay. But that summer I learned a lot about moving furniture. One thing was how to not drive the company's facility golf cart into the side of a millionaire's car...more about the side of a boat. I had to apologize to him and found out he was a retired Washington D.C. politician, a trusted adviser to President Eisenhower. I just knew I was going to prison. My only excuse I was busy staring at a pretty gal in a bikini coming from the pool. That made him laugh and I was off the hook. Oh, I had to pay for his vehicle repair and then my Dad fired me. Girls always got me into trouble. I add this into my books. Some News Briefs: United States: So you know, our Federal Deficit or national debt, has recently surpassed $18 trillion dollars. But the Obama Administration still says they've cut the deficit by two-thirds since President Obama took office. But the figures they give out and the actual figures listed in government accounting do not match. When Obama took office 6 years ago the National Debt was $10.6 Trillion, which he blamed all this on President Bush and his running to China with a credit card, but President Bush had only driven the deficit up to $4 trillion in his 8 years, with two wars going on and the 9-11 security response build-up around the country. President Obama then in 6 years drove it up an additional $7.4 trillion dollars, nearly twice what President Bush did and in less time. Obama still had driven it from $10.6 in 2008 to over $18 trillion dollars in 2014- 6 years. But Obama's Administration like to play loose and fast with the old smoke and mirrors routine and hope you will not check deep into the numbers and simply take them at what their favorable newspapers print; those owned by the democratic party. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said, this is a "Sad milestone for America." Belgian: Parliament in line to recognize Palestine as a state, after France does. ( No offer of land for Palestine from France or Belgian, though.) Britain: United Kingdom Members of Parliament call for "action" on Palestinian state recognition. ( Maybe they could give Wales to Palestine, of course the Welsh might object.) Egypt: Sentences 188 people to death for the murder of 11 police officers in a 2013 incident. New Zealand: Research of the Antarctica waters have found polluting chemicals found in everyday soaps, cosmetics and sun screens, at the same levels found in many urban areas of the world. Russia: Soviet propaganda in play-using anti-police protests and riots in the United States for their basis of giving Russians the impressions the US is all up in flames. Russia-China military ties deepen, growing significantly amid the year long Ukraine crisis, which has pitched East against West in Cold War style conflict. Ukraine: Energy minister voices "No threat" from accident at their nuclear plant. No news on what actually occurred at the plant has been released, yet. Earthquakes: (15) 4.0 or better quakes for around the globe in last 24 hours. (6 mild ones) Alaska, (4 mild ones) Oklahoma, (1-4.8) Indonesia, (1-4.8) Philippines, (2-4.7/4.6) Japan, (1-4.7) New Guinea, (1-4.6) Sumatra, (1-4.4) Mexico, (1-5.3) Ecuador, (1-4.9) Fiji, (1-5.1) Chile. China: President Xi Jinping has urged accelerating development of military equipment systems to help build a stronger army. Beijing denies recent reports that Venezuela intended to pay off its debt to China by giving China an island. But Chinese representative is meeting with Venezuelan Economy Chief. ( If such action was carried out, this would place a possible Chinese military base dangerously close to American territory.) Libya: Islamic State has set up training camps in Eastern Libya. ( So, how much of previously purchased weapons, already provided to Libya and tax money gifted to them over last couple of years, will end up in the hands of the Islamic State?) Ukraine: Approximately one-third of the fighting force Ukraine is facing in pro-Russian territory, is shown to be 10,000 Russian troops and paid mercenaries from Russia. Philippines: Super Typhoon is gaining strength and heading for the part of the Philippines already devastated by previous mega-storms. Thousands have already died this year in the storm struck communities. Armed forces on highest alert for the storm, which is due to hit on Saturday. US: Obama Administration is refusing to discuss reports that emerged early Thursday claiming the White House is considering imposing sanctions on Israel for continuing construction of Jewish homes in Jerusalem. ( What is this man think he is doing? Does he truly desire to take down the wrath of God upon our country? Does he hope for a civil war, using our military to stop protesting Christians by the hundreds of thousands, plus the Jewish. Or is that his plan? Which could leave our country defenseless as Christian and Jewish soldiers lay their weapons down, refusing to dishonor God. Maybe Obama wants to bring in scores of Muslims, declaring an act of emergency to call a postponement to the 2016 election to leave him in power. Only a fool or a planner like Hitler would attempt such a thing and I doubt Obama is a fool. I sincerely hope his advisers can stop this action from taking place or Washington DC may end up being targeted by an Israeli Nuke.) Russia: Russian Ruble rose up for a few days but then took a bad drop following Putin speech to his country. Ruble now sitting at 54.5 rubles to the US Dollar. Oil in Russia was previously selling at $115 a barrel in June, but is now down below $70 a barrel. Putin optimistically based his upcoming yearly budget on $100 a barrel. United Nations: World Food Program announced suspension of its Food Assistance Fund for 1.7 million Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt due to a lack of funds. The food program requires $70 million each week, but many of the donors have not honored their pledges. UN: Ebola- Virus has risen to 17,145 cases, of which 6, 070 have died. Health Care Workers in the three worst hit areas; Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone account for 605 infected and of them 339 have died- over 50%. There has been no report on an US Military cases. China: The People's Daily newspaper, China's largest paper and official Communist Party outlet, has accused the West for stoking extremism in the Middle East, for support of anti-government opposition movements. These involve Syrian Rebels fighting the Islamic State in Syria. Western sources feel China is apparently growing nervous about the effect the Jihaddist groups might have on its far-west region of Xinjiang, where Beijing could face its first threat from the Islamic State, or already has with at least fellow Jihaddists. China has shown no sign or desire to join the United States efforts to use military force against the Islamic State. The People's Daily accuses the West of allowing Jihaddists to pass unchecked into Syria, which allows the Islamic State to expand in number. China says in the article how the US needs to understand, "That the enemy of your enemy is still your enemy." But riots have broken out in Western China's Region of Xinjiang, where 12 people were killed in the Chinese City of Kashgar. Rioters armed with knives killed their 10 victims, while police killed two assailants. Turkish Muslims reside in this area and China maintain a strong security police presence to to past years of rioting and murders. China blames past riots and this recent one on the Muslim religion for breeding frustration. Unfortunately, China rarely provides much details about the criminal goings-on in this region. There is no approximate count on the number of Muslims in China or how fast it may be growing, due to its western borders lining up with Muslim held lands. However, I doubt even the Islamic State will attempt to take on a country that can field an army of 100 million and flatten their lands with nuclear weapons. It might be interesting to see who has the most patience? Well, that's all for now. I wish you all a good night and a great coming weekend. God Bless, BILL It is now 2:22 a.m. and my dogs are snoring. The Mighty Snow Giants have arrived and Moose Pass Valley now has its awesome covering of white, slippery and wet sloppy SNOW. For two days we had moderate snowfalls, leaving us with about 4 inches- two inches shy of the heralding call for our heroic and often frozen snow-plower. I mention frozen because over the last couple of years he has come out on his tractor, with no front window and takes on the elements to get our driveways cleared. After he does our we try to get him inside for a warm-up of hot chocolate and some of my homemade cookies. Last year he had the snow piled so high, my driveway had begun to resemble a tunnel and his tractor's blade, which could reach 12-feet, could go no higher. One more major snow fall and I'd have to hire a truck to come in and remove some of the snow. But that was the end of major snow storms. Still, it did take awhile for all that snow to melt away. It looked like a lot of snow, but then I remembered Whittier, where we were hit with 30 feet of snow and the kids were jumping out of third story windows into the snow and tunneling their way out to the driveway. I was always worried we'd have to rescue one of these kids who would get lost, with 10 feet of snow about him or more, but they always made it. Of course they were all soaked by the time they got out and then it was back up for a second try. Now I know, 4 inches is not too much, but it's a start and at least we will have our white Christmas.
Right now as I type, I have 3 and occasionally 5 ladies in my kitchen, repainting the ceiling and preparing the floor for new tiles. In the mean time between folding clothes and other chores, the older women are watching the little kids, and keeping them out of the paint. Me, I feel it is safe up here in my bedroom, where I have my computer desk and even the four hounds have decided I am better company than what's happening in the kitchen. Over the years I've learned to stay out of the way, its safer and I can get some work done- like clean the cat box, which is under my desk. Reminds me of a perfume my first wife used to wear...sorry, actually the cat box smells better. I have quite a few news bites, but before we start I'd like to say something about minimum wages. My first job was as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant- so many dishes per customer and I quickly learned to dislike how so much food was wasted ( I could've fed a small country with what I had to throw away), or those people who put out their cigarettes smack in the middle of their unfinished dinner. I was paid $1.15 an hour, which was then minimum wage, but it was amazing what you could buy back then. My next job was as a stock boy at a slaughter house/market and my wage went to $1.35. I hadn't noticed it back then, but thinking back I recall how the things I used to buy when I was paid $1.15 an hour now cost more with the lifting of the minimum wage. However, I did notice it when I went to work for McDonald's and then an Ice Cream Parlor called Betsy Ross. This was my last job before I entered the Air Force. Eventually I had two sons, while in the service and feeding a family of four was difficult. But I saw that as the military pay went up the items in the Base Exchange and our Commissary were also raised. The numbers changed, but it was always us, the user, who paid for those raises. The manufacturers and companies who sold the goods always passed those government minimum raises right back onto the shoulders of the consumers and often took this opportunity to put an additional raise of 25 cents to even a dollar on an item. With these new minimum raises being passed in the states, far above the US minimum wage increases, can you imagine what the price increases will be. It will always fall on our shoulders to pay. Oh it may sound good to be making $13.50 an hour, but when your food basket totals out to $500 instead of what used to be $200, that pay increase doesn't look so great. BUT for us who live in a fox retirement and we do not see these raises, that $500 basket is a killer, or we just can't do it. This is why This is why some of the older people living on federal funds consume dog food 4 out 7 days to break even, only turn the heat on when the temperature reaches 10 degrees in the house and have the thermostat set at 45 degrees. As a police officer I've gone into these homes, where they only use one light at a time, have no TV and use a lot of old blankets to keep warm. Usually I was called out to conduct a security check, meaning they wanted me to see if the couple was still alive. So, when you vote for a minimum wage, think about who is going to pay for the increase. All that money will come from us- the consumers, as the store prices and Burger King Whoppers, have increased. Some of you oldsters might recall how you could get a hamburger, regular fries and a small Coke for under a $1...oh those were the days. But back then a dollar was still something. Now another thing to think about, the US and state government stays quiet about it, but with that increase in wages...taxes go up and unless you've got loop holes or a new grandmother to care fore, maybe you're supporting a nonprofit group, your taxes just increased and Uncle Sam is doing his best to hide his smirk. I really hate paying $5.99 for a loaf of bread and $4.99 or higher for a gallon of milk. I once paid $.19 for a gallon of gas in Missouri. We never thought it would ever break a dollar. NEWS BRIEFS: China: Foundation stone laid for new China-Pakistan Economic Corridor's Motorway. China also delivered a new-type of off-shore patrol vessel to Nigeria, the first such patrol ship given to the African nation. Chinese general says to the United States, "Stay out of it." Remark was made in reference to the US urging China to halt land reclamation activities in South China Seas. China and Serbia upping their military cooperation. India: India and China to work on a feasibility study in building a 1,750 km high speed rail between Delhi and Chennai. China: Denies it is attempting to build a military base in Walvis Bay, Namibia- the country's only deep water port. Israel: Stabbing attacks continue in Jerusalem with two Jewish men and 1 Palestinian youth being attacked amid spiking tensions. 4 Hamas members arrested for suspicion of planning to assassinate Foreign Minister Lieberman of Israel with an anti-tank rocket. Austria: Arrest was made of 13 suspected Jihadists in a major operation. France: Announces it will officially recognize Palestine as a state in the event peace talks fail. ( All these different countries want to step in and publicly recognize Palestine, but not a one of them offers them a single acre of land. Their fellow Muslim countries, where they have vast deserts and waterways, seemly ignore Palestine about the land issue. They just want Israel to give up their land to the pre-1967 war. This would be like the US giving California, New Mexico, Arizona and a part of Texas back to Mexico, which was taken after we defeated them. How would we feel? Israel took on armies five and six time their size and with God's help defeated them all in 6-days and we and others ask them to give back what God has granted them. I feel we lose favor with our Lord simply for asking such a thing as a country and Obama looked really foolish when he did and they said no right on television. If anyone noticed, our President started going downhill after that moment.) Russia: President Putin says, "The use of ultamatums and sanctions in talks with Russia are unacceptable and futile." Russia also considers Ukraine's potential NATO membership as a threat to global stability . Russia-China military drills being planned in 2015 for Mediterranean Sea and Pacific Ocean. Greece: 24-hour nation-wide general strike hit the country over government bailout deals with international lenders. ( The people want a say before the government begins taking out mega loans from China or EU. They have seen what has happened to their neighboring countries and the debt the US is in.) Russia: HIV epidemic rapidly spreading throughout the country, with Russia's Federal HIV/AIDS Center warning how the registered number of HIV cases could reach 1 million by late 2015. NATO: Warning that Russia's "militarization" of the annexed Crimea Region could be used by Moscow to exert control across the whole Black Sea Region. Russia: President Putin annouynces the creation of a new Arctic Strategic Military Command, to cover all operations in their arctic waters. Their Command Center went into operation on Dec 1, 2014. North Korea: has made allegations of Human Rights violations against the United States for how authorities handled the Ferguson, Missouri protests and riots. North Korea reported abuse, racial discrimination and human rights violations. Cambodia: 57-Country Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Cambodia, which is primarily Buddhists and some Muslims, to begin talks on cooperation. NATO: United States to hike the number of troops it is keeping in Afghanistan in 2015 to fill the gap not being filled by other NATO countries. ( With over 3,000 troops now in Iraq and our forces building in Afghanistan, I might mention it appears our President has our troops, "Back in the Saddle-Again." We spent 10 years in Vietnam and when we left- we left. There was no residual force, this was not Germany or Italy, or Japan. Coming back is only going to kill and wound more Americans. Afghanistan government is corrupt and overly friendly with the enemy. In Iraq a recent investigation showed the US was paying out a fortune to pay for "ghost soldiers"- men who were never there, except as names. In this case I feel like one of those anti-war protestors of the 1960's, shouting "Bring our boys home!" If we need to be anywhere, it should be to reinforce Israel's borders. ) Earthquakes: last 24 hours we endured 21 quakes around the globe of 4.0 or higher. Largest quake was a 5.6 in Indonesia. This area has been extremely active and on December 1, a 6.3 was produced in this area. Sweden: A department store in Western Sweden is to clean up its toy section after customers complained of finding over a number of miniature toy soldiers, painted in WWII black SS troops colors, with Nazi symbols added on. Also, a photo of a till receipt with Nazi slogan "Seig Heil" printed on it went viral over the Internet. The supermarket, "Coop" launched an internal investigation. Added to this event was a Swedish democrat election candidate who resigned after a photo emerged of her wearing a Nazi armband. Russia: Ruble crashes past historic 50 Rubles to US Dollar, but within days it went down to 54 Rubles to the US Dollar. Russia now threatened with recession, but still plans on a massive productivity and wage hike for space industry workforce. Russia lawmakers have drafted a bill allowing the country to deny entry to foreigners who have "offended" the State, or its citizens, to shut its borders to critics of the Kremlin. NATO: Russia denied to conduct military exercises in the English Channel. Russian military vessels were sighted in the Channel, but they were waiting out an Atlantic Storm. Any exercises being conducted were crew on-board exercises; survival techniques for flooding or fire in their vessels. China: Chinese authorities say Indian media reports of it setting up overseas military bases in the Indian Ocean are untrue. This includes the report involving China building a military base in Sri Lanka. BUT- Satellite photos (which I've seen), show China's military is constructing an island in the South China Sea, which is big enough for military installations and runways. Unfortunately, the island being built with the use of dozens of large earth carrying vessels, lies in the disputed waters of South China Sea. UN: 592 Ebola health care workers infected by the virus. Of that number, 340 have died. This is a much higher percentage then the civilian stats. WHO: Portugal's Legionnaires Disease Outbreak was officially declared ended on November 27th. (Finding news about the outbreak was tough). 396 people were hospitalized and 10 died. The crew of experts sent in by WHO located the offender as being a refrigerator tower in the town of Vila Franca de Xira, a suburb of Lisbon, Portugal. NATO: Norway's Air Force reports Russia's Air Force as becoming more "aggressive" in their actions as they approach Norway's shoreline. Norway's F-16's responded and found themselves in near collissions with Russian MiG-31s, flying with their transponders off and taking off without filing flight plans from civilian airports in Russia. Kremlin also constructing a new war room to handle entire country in the event of war, calling it a "major upgrade", and built to mirror the Pentagon's capabilities. This war room, which is actually several larger rooms, a super computer, underground bomb shelter, focuses on ballistic missile launches and deployment of strategic nuclear weapons. NATO: Announces military assistance to Ukraine in the form of trust funds for logistics, cyber defense, rehabilitation of wound soldiers and other uses. IRAN: One week after nuclear talks had failed, Iran unveiled their new missiles, torpedoes and warships. ( It could appear that Iran wishes to become involved in the naval action around the Mediterranean Sea and its many tributaries.) Russia: Hopes to pass a new bill which will make internet providers censor their content before delivering onto their users, which is a very costly procedure. A lot of Russian upset with the planned censorship. More Quakes for today: 17 more quakes of 4.0 or higher. (5) small quakes in Alaska, (1-4.7) in New Guinea, (5) in Oklahoma, (1-4.8) in Chile, (2- 4.3/4.3) in Mexico, (1-6.3) in Philippines, (2) in Calif, (2-4.8/4.9) in Indonesia, (1-4.6) in Greece (1-4.5) in Fiji. NASA: New information came in via probe and satellite on the mysterious Van Allen Radiation Belts, first discovered by Explorer One in 1958. Though invisible, these two doughnut shaped belts of seething radiation surround earth and have been found to contain a nearly impenetrable barrier that prevents the fastest, most energetic electrons from reaching earth. The first belt remains above the earth 4,000 to 6,000 miles, while the outer belt remains at 8,400 miles to 36,000 miles above the planet. The two belts can merge together and even produce a third belt. There is still so much unknown about the belts, but with additional probes and satellites, NASA scientists hope to learn more. Taiwan: Military unveils its new Hsiung Feng 3 (Brave Wind 3) and Tien Kung 3 (Sky Bow 3) Missile Systoms. The Hsiung Feng 3 is said to be among the most advanced anti-ship missiles in the world and touted as an "aircraft carrier killer". This missile can travel at Mach 2.5 to Mach 3 and travel a distance of 150km. These missiles are now deployed on Taiwanese frigates and patrol ships. India: Successfully test fired its nuclear capable strategic missile- AGNI-4 from a mobile launcher. This was the second test firing of the missile this year, the first was on Jan 20, 2014. Japan: A joint force of Japanese and Chinese officials traveled to Northwest China to safely destroy chemical weapons abandoned there at the end of WWII. China: 3 gas fields in South China Seas start production, owned by China National Offshore Corporation. (Such an active oil field may lead to attacks by other countries who still dispute these waters as not belonging to China. Three such countries are Vietnam, Japan, and the Philippines. But there are others.) China: Islamic banking growing quickly in core markets, but they appear to be missing opportunities to build a "global footprint". Muslim bankers and a good share of the investors prefer not to do business with non-Muslim corporations or persons. ( China appears to be watching this bank and it seems they are also watching the people who do business with them on day to day operation. China has had a hard time dealing with upsurge of Christians and realize they are losing ground, but now to see Islam spreading...it is unknown how long they will allow the Muslims to remain. They are not the type to roll over, they've been waiting decades for their chance to move on the world and they will not let the Muslims take away this chance.) South Korea: Yuan/Won direct trading between South Korea and China has been launched. Their country's currencies for direct trading began, with traders and government officials in Seoul transactions were more active than expected. WHO: New Ebola statistics report lists 16,169 patients of Ebola Disease, with 6,928 fatality count. India: France and India have reportedly agreed to bury all their old differences and past problems, so they may finalize a $15 million US Dollar deal for France to sell India 125 combat jets. (That is a lot of fighters. But what kind was not in the report.) Islands being built to hold fighters and moor new ships under construction and military hardware being bought up, while roadways are under construction and high rail railways growing faster. The world is modernizing for the next war and it's a sad state of affairs, but as Christmas approaches how many people in Ferguson, or St.Louis and Los Angeles are thinking about the reason behind the season. Will honoring their fellow man replace the hate they have burning in their hearts. And please, do not give me a Happy Holidays to be politically correct when I come through a register line. I am weary of seeing my Lord's name being thrown out of schools, courts and any government building. I really dislike an anti-Christian/anti-Jew agency of one clerk typist, one lawyer and one office manager taking on the whole east side of the US, while a similar agency, same in size, takes on the whole west, only to win out by using our written laws, but not understanding the meaning behind what is written. We spend all of our time looking two or three laws and totally ignore the 10 laws these were built upon. This only saddens me, but it does tell me we are ever growing closer. But maybe not in my lifetime. I believe the Lord's wristwatch works on a whole different time table. Still, that's okay for I know where I am going, as long as I don't foul things up. Christians need to be ever vigilant, for the enemy is always out there to trip us up. In my book, A Coming Storm, I centered on Alaska and I had our part of the Battle of Armageddon fought at an abandoned US Army Post- Fort Greeley. Only 300,000 or a bit less, survived to make the stand there, but they did plant their two feet and awaited the enemy's advance. Over 1 million strong, they came, but in those final moments more than 2/3 our force stood with God and didn't run. A lot of prayer went up and some pretty great singing. Then, when all seemed lost, the enemy breaking through the lines and Christians falling mixed in with non-believers and thousands of enemy troops, the proverbial Trumpet blew. Those musical notes we have waited for over 2,000 years rang out over just one of many battlefields. This one was Alaska and the year was 2017. Yes, this is a long one, but it kept me out of bothering the ladies downstairs. As far as my new novel Apache Snow, publish date has not been agreed on. But I'll let everyone know when its about to hit Amazon. Thanks for listening to me wander about. God Bless, BILL |
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AuthorBill Casselman is the author & moderator of this blog. For more information about Bill, please click here to go to his author page. Categories |