Chatted over the emails with my publisher, figured out he now has 8 of my stories pending publishing so I guess I can slow down a bit on writing new books for a bit. My computer just went crazy on me, threw me to a car add while I was typing this, but the draft storage saved me from having to start over. Anyway in the meantime I am making notes for new science-fiction story. I've taken the last week off from writing, but now its time to get back at it. Keeps my brain busy.
I've been checking the Etsy to see what my police toy collection might be worth, not that I'll ever sell my toy collection. But, I was amazed to see what some of my used police toys are worth now. Some of them go as high as $400 each, when I paid only a small price tag for new ones. But I also found that some of my toys I paid a modest price have lowered in value. I'll let Mona figure out who might get this collection when I'm gone. She thought about donating a lot of the valuable ones to the Alaska State Trooper museum, but I don't know if they would even want them. I am starting to send some items out to my kids and grandkids, for two of our boys are in law enforcement. Chris who does a lot of trading for his mechanic work as acquired a lot of steel, mostly guard rails from the highways and these will make our barn roof and carport roof. We eventually plan to build our apartment over the carport, connecting it to our house through my office. New room will have my new office, a master bedroom with private bath. We've been planning this for years and Chris's finagling is making it possible. Not sure who will get our old bedroom and my old office will become a simple sitting room and small library. We eventually plan to put the large library in the basement, for we have several thousand books in storage; her collection and mine. Going to be a mighty interesting winter if we get it all done.
Someday I would like to replace these three buses with small cabins. We are using our school bus for storage right now. So much stuff to part with, we've been collectors since we got married and want to really thin it all out.
Went to church on Sunday evening, we do not hold morning services right now as out pastor is a sergeant at the state's maximum security prison in Seward. He was sure on fire Sunday night, speaking a bit on the Israeli Jews desiring to rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, right where the old one was finally torn down by the Romans in 70 A.D. during the last of the three Jewish Wars against Rome. They apparently want to start sacrificing animals again as they did in the Old Testament. Now as you can imagine this is not going to make the Muslim very happy as they have their big mosque up on the Temple Mount. Might start a shooting war in Jerusalem. Now as Christians we know the whole sacrificing stopped with the Lord offering up His life as the ultimate and final sacrifice. But the Jewish faith doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. I was talking with a friend the other day and he wasn't aware of that. He thought the Jewish people believed in Jesus and were just like the Baptists, Mormons and Catholics. We had a long talk then about faith. My family heritage is German Jew and I do know of several Christian Jews. They believe in the old ways and the teachings of the Old Testament, and celebrate the Jewish holidays, but they have also given their lives to Jesus. They like keeping in the old traditions, but also believe that starting up animal sacrificing again is just wrong. I believe in the teachings of the Old Testament, but as I said earlier, Jesus was the final sacrifice when He offered up his life and died on the cross, only to rise from the grave three days later. Anyhow, our Pastor is a great Bible teacher, he can really make the history come alive.
Here are some headlines for those who may have missed reading them over the last few days. "Iran Issues Death Sentence for Accused U.S. Spy".... "Hong Kong Protester Shot Down by Police in 'One of the Most Chaotic Days' in Almost 4-Months of Political Unrest".... "California Schools Can No Longer Suspend K-8th Grade Students for Using Phones in Class".... "Sword-Wielding Man Kills One, Wound 9 in Finland School".... "Large 450-Foot Arch Bridge Falls into Taiwan River, 5-Dead, 4-Trapped and 10-Injured".... "Jimmy Carter Reported to be First President to Reach His 95th Birthday, Injured in Fall and Requires Stitches While Building Homes for Humanity".... "Taliban Attack in Afghanistan Kills 11 Policemen" .... "China Shows off Latest ICBM Missile, the DF-41, During 70th Birthday Parade for China's Current Political Regime. Also Shows Off New 'Super-tank' and New Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile- the JL-2".... "Swedes Feeling the Ill Effect From Taking in So Many Immigrants: High Unemployment, Child Poverty Escalation, Rising Social Welfare Costs, and Increases in Crime and Violence." "FBI Says Homicides Were Down in 2018, Falling by 6% in 2018, FBI Also Reports Violent Crime in 2018 Went Down by 4%. Murder by Rifles Has Declined by 24% in 2018, But Rapes Have Increased".... "Historic B-17 Bomber Crashes at Connecticut Airport, Several Fatalities Reported But No Numbers Available Yet".... "New California Law Allows For College Athletes to Profit From Giving Endorsements and Hiring Agents".... "Bernie Sanders Undergoes Emergency Heart Surgery and Suspends His Campaign for President While Recovering".... ""Iraq Protests Continue with Latest Protest Show 9-Dead and Hundreds Wounded as Security FOrce Fired Live Ammo into Crowds".... "Civil Unrest in Haiti is Keeping 2 million Kids From Attending School".... "Billionaire George Soros Donates $350,000 to Virginia Planned Parenthood".... "4 Killed in Paris Police Headquarters Knife Attack, Including the Dead of the Attacker".... " MGM Hotel in Las Vegas Agrees to Pay $800 Million in Settlement from 2017 Massacre" ...." Hong Kong Protester Who Was Shot Down by Police Now Pending 10-year Jail Sentence".... "Nigerian Unrest Shows Muslim Jihad Against Christians Has Reached Genocidal Proportions, also Supported by Nigerian President and Fellow Muslim Tribal Population".... " Taxi Driver Mows Down Hong Kong Protesters".... "Legendary 'Cream' Drummer Ginger Baker Dies at 80 Years ( I was a fan)"...." "Thousands of Hong Kong Protesters Defy New Ban on Face Masks, Which was Soon Afterward Lifted".... " "Death Toll Rises in Iraqi Demonstrations: 104 Killed and 6,000 Reported Wounded by Iraqi Security Forces".... " Kansas City Bar Attack by Two Men Leaves 4 Killed and 5 Wounded".... "Actress Diahann Carroll, Who Played 'Julia' in the TV Series, Dies at 84"...." Philippine Government Arrests 124 Rogue Policemen and Filed Complaints Against 126 Other Policemen".... " United States Issues Ban on Uninsured VISA Applicants- No Medical Insurance, You Don't Enter USA".... "China is Reportedly Breeding Pigs The Size of Polar Bears as Swine Flu Wipes Out Current Pig Herds, No Photos Provided".... "Iran Plans To Bring Suit Against USA For Breach in Contract of Nuclear Deal, to Be Heard in International Court of Justice".... "Some Hong Kong Protesters Now Saying it is Time For Them to Leave Hong Kong, With Threat of Chinese Military Now Considering Moving In"...." More Than 300 Protesters Arrested in London on 1st Day of Climate Change Protest".... "Over 16,000 Flee Unrest in Papua Region of Indonesia"
Very recently, President Trump issued a proclamation that he was removing US military out of Northern Syria and will allow Turkey to attack the Kurds of Northern Syria, who are mostly Christian and for quite a while our ally. Trump has decided to abandon the Kurdish People, who have no real Air Force and little in the way of battle field armor. But the Kurds are known to be courageous fighters. This arrangement will make the Turkish military and government quite happy, as well as the Russian leadership. U.S. Military leaders and Republican leadership desire Trump to reverse this decision of his, we are in effect abandoning the Kurdish people to their fate. This will also lead to the release of all the ISIS prisoners the Kurds are holding, making them available to make war again on Europeans, which has them worried, plus possibly attack the US and US Military in Europe and other desert locations. Trump's decision to abandon these people will send a warning to Europe and other Desert states that they cannot trust us. I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but had planned to vote for him in 2020. But, not now. What is behind his reasoning, far too many people are asking this. We spent 18 years fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, 8 years more than Vietnam. We deserted the Vietnamese and their country fell to the communists. Now the Turkish military is preparing to attack the Kurds in Northern Syria. This could end up being a real bloodbath with Muslims the winner and what is this going to show to the world? How we continue to abandon our allies!!! And yes, I still have a son in the active duty military.
After my story "A Coming Storm" was released, I've made a lot of comments over the years of how world events have matched up with what I wrote about in this story. As I've said before, I began writing A Coming Storm in 2005 and it was released in 2012. Based upon a lot of Bible Scripture found in the Book of Revelation, A Coming Storm concerns two weeks of dreams and visions I went through, months before I set down to write it. Oh, I did make notes, but didn't begin the story right away. Mostly it was about what happens in the United States as World War III comes upon us.
I tell of how China sends three super tankers into the Gulf of Mexico, where they silently drop off three large nuclear submarines who sit on the seas floor in silence for a couple of weeks, as the tanker move away. They run on diesel to keep the subs warm and allow a minimum amount of work to be done. But then on the assigned day, the activate their nuclear power, rise-off the seafloor and together launch more than 60 nuclear, biological and chemical missiles against the US 48-states. Wit5hin 8-minutes all the targets are hit and the US is turned into a fiery heap. This leaves Alaska and Hawaii the only military defensive strength to counter the Chinese, which has now become the OAP, or Oriental Alliance Pact. At the time I first wrote this story, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN as it is really called, the organization had 3 countries. In my story they have 10 countries. Right now ASEAN is 10 countries, with China leading the way and their major provider of war machines. China became ASEAN war machine provider.
In the book China works with the Russians to build a super roadway from China up through and to the Russian Oil Fields, one of the largest in the world. This highway is now being built.
At the time I wrote the story, China did not own any supertankers, they now do. They did not have any nuclear missiles launched from submarines, but they now do and displayed them for their 70th celebration parade last week, 70 years of communist China. They also displayed their brand new super tank, which is all-terrain. In my story the tank had to be all-terrain to get across the Alaskan tundra. The enemy attacks across the Bering Strait Ice Bridge, entering Alaska at the City of Wales. They keep from nuking Alaska as they seek the natural resources of Alaska and Canada.
Mona and I were the caretakers for an Internationally known Prophet who had come to Fairbanks. We got him where he needed to be and anything else he needed. I ended up telling him about the story I was writing and he then smiled at me. He told us of how he had received these same dreams and visions and how hundreds of others had received these same visions and dreams and reported them to him. I made my heart jump a beat back then.
Anyway, thought I'd share this with you. Keep an eye on China and Russia. In my story, China turns on Russia and attacks and destroys the Russian Eastern Army. Meanwhile the Russian Western Army becomes engaged with NATO. Russia is eventually defeated on both fronts, but nukes China, and a massive series of earthquakes are set off, volcanoes erupting and Hawaii is destroyed. This leaves Alaska to stand alone. But then Canada's western army comes to Alaska's aide. Though there is a civil war being fought in Eastern Family as Quebec forces fight for independence. The anti-Christ figure rises up as a young French general commanding the NATO forces and after leading his victorious army against the defeated Russians, he eventually becomes Emperor of Europe.
The rest you will need to read the book. I have now finished Part two of this story and this is entitled "The Final Challenge", and this story is set one thousands years in the future, when Satan is once more released to tempt the Christians and many will fall to join his army. This story covers the War for Jerusalem. Christ has vanished once Satan is released to prey upon all those who have grown bored with the current world. Christ does not allow any form of pollution, so no refrigerators, vehicles, TV and all those little things that made us happy. The new dark army/navy will fight a major sea battle against the Christians and then attack the beach defenses of Israel, until the City of Jerusalem is besieged. This one is awaiting publication.
All for now, Folks. May your prayers be answered and God Bless, BILL.