More rain expected today and for the rest of the week, but at least were not in Texas or Louisiana. I'd hate to have alligators coming into my front yard. I do enjoy reading about the acts of live and kindness shown by complete strangers during this disaster. One positive note in all this are the people volunteering so much help and the miracles occurring- that the press seems to avoid. The media and now even our American media seem to forget what this country was founded on- Christianity. But our Constitution allowed for all religions in our Land. But now, Christianity is being hit hard. The violent demonstrators may make up less than 1% of the church, but they blame all Christians for what is occurring with all these anti-Confederate statutes and Slavery, or what they see as slavery involvement. Will they blow up Mount Rushmore, the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument. Maybe Lincoln, for at first he didn't want to free the slaves, frightened about what the ex-slaves might do to the north. But shortly afterward, he came to realize the Army needed the ex-slaves to fill their ranks. A lot of northerners did not feel the war was right and failed to support it. Lincoln had to fire on New York Harbor to ensure New York would send their militia into the fight. They refused at first until the U.S. Navy shot up the docks with cannon fire. Our history is what made America. Some, were not proud of, but it help us to beome better Americans. A lot of southerners do not want their statues and monuments destroyed, that's why it didn't occur after the Civil Right Movement took place. Long over due I might say. Learning of the good and the bad of our country's history helped me to become a stronger American. Think about it, on in the socialist and communist governments have erased all the history that shows bad moments in their past. Is this where were headed?
The News Continued:
Manila Times: President Duterte is floating the idea about for forming a Revolutionary Government- (this usually means DICTATORSHIP!) and he wants it under him, as a way to make progress. But so far the National Court has said, "NO", if he tried. But the Philippine Congress is to start deliberation on proposed changes to their Constitution to shift to a federal form of Government. ( Duterte now has some support by the Chinese, who might be brought in to support what he desires. The Chinese desire Subic Bay, one of the largest bays in the area for holding and servicing naval forces. It was used by American Naval Forces for decades.)
UN News: India- At least 41 million people affected by floods in India, Bangladesh and Nepal. ALSO- Visiting Gaza for the first time since becoming UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres has called for Palestine unity and the Two-State solution. ( The two-state option, to which President Obama hoped for and was put back on his heels when the Israeli Prime Minister said "NO" in television. He wasn't ready for that answer and had apparently failed to speak with the Prime Minister before going on TV. The Two-State solution puts Israel back into the lands they held before the 6-day war in 1967- I believe that was the year. but, blessed by God Israel defeated Egypt and two other countries to win that war in a very short time and secure land that protected them from the sea. To give that up forces them back to becoming highly vulnerable to a naval attack by Muslim Armies. Currently Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries are reportedly using Palestine to fight against Israel. YET, Palestine is looked down upon by the rest of the Muslim World- sort of the bastard child. Bad situation.)
Catholic News: In a bid to be inclusive, a Catholic School in California (San Dominco) has been removing its Catholic statues from their grounds and also removed the word-"Catholic" from its mission statement.
Gatestone: Turkey- "Victims of Turkey's Islamization: Women" "Women should no their place, in gender equality, it is against Human Nature." As stated by President Erdogan of Turkey. (Now that's how it read, which sounded strange). From another source, "70% of women in a Turkish poll said they have been physically assaulted. ( I did not see who did this poll, but I really doubt the Turkish Government did or would report on it. In Turkey, along with other Muslim countries, woman have no rights and are looked upon as second class citizens. A husband may rape his wife, without worry of the law being involved. Child marriages are okay. You've heard this before. One of the articles I read on President Erdogan carried a statement that he is out to become the next Emperor, which means an end to voting and now desires a departure from the European Union, but still a member of NATO.) ALSO- "Europe's New Lie: Comparing Asylum shelters to Nazi Concentration Camp", story by Giulio Meotti on September 4th. "In the current crisis, governments, NGOs, charities and media have all embraced migrants by the millions, and welcomed them with open arms, the Jews during the Second World War, most of whom were turned away, turned in or betrayed by the European Government- the Jews were not so fortunate", "Even Pope Francis compared a center for migrants to a concentration camp."
Gatestone: Turkey- Mass persecution of Christians and Kurd's", story by Uzay Bulut on September 4th. "Yazidis, Alevis and women in the region are also being abused by Turkish authorities, and dozens of Kurdish Journalists, who have publicized this have been imprisoned (this also means torture in Turkey). This hatred of Christians and Kurds I Turkey is not restricted to government to government officials. It is widespread among the public as well, and expressed extensively on social media. Turkey is a member of NATO, but since 2015, the government of Turkish President Erdogan has been attacking Kurdish- majority areas of the country- curfews beginning in 2015 were declared 6-times for several days, ( Now this doesn't sound like to much, but the statement continues). These curfews were 24-hour blockades, which led to clashes between Turkish State Forces and Kurdish Rebel Groups, resulting in the deaths of hundreds. Heavy weapons, including tanks, mortars and artillery were used by the Turkish military. Numerous historical buildings and monuments were destroyed. ( The media tends to forget the Kurds are mostly Christian, who've been our ally in our battles against Iran, something to remember. President Erdogan wants the Kurdish gone and all their vast lands n his grasp. Similar to what Hitler did with the Jews, for he wanted their wealth, their homes and their land....and got it.)
Gatestone: "New NGO Racket Smuggling, Inc.", story by Douglas Murray. "Although the European Union successfully bribed Turkey's President Erdogan, inducing him to slow the flow of migrants heading through Turkey and into Greece, Italy has received 100,000 refugees so far this year-2017"...."This makes the NGOs effectively no more than the benign face of the smuggling networks. Undercover workers have also discovered GOs handing vessels back to the smuggler's network."..."Helping them to continue their criminal enterprise indefinitely". ( Other smuggler's boat are usually burned on the shore or at sea.)
I might have said this once before, but as I am sure you've noticed I tend to use Gatestone Institute News a lot. This is because I trust them and their reporters risk their lives to get their stories out. Many of them, mostly Jewish, work undercover to get their stories. There is the Iran Herald and Global Times out of China, and the Russian Herald who provide interesting news, but must be recognized that their English reports could or will be propaganda pieces. I try to verify all the stories, but I also provide you with the news source for you to check out yourself. I only provide a synopsis of the story.
What is occurring around the world can be looked upon as entering the End Times prophesied in the Book of Revelations. But I also wished to state there were Christian leaders in America who felt the break out of the Civil War, World War One and Two, could be the wars mentioned in the Book of Revelation. WE Will not know when this event occurs, Only the coming of the TWO Witnesses foretold of in Revelation and their ministry will last 1240-days. This is the only place in Revelation where the Lord states the time leading up to the Second Coming. Many years before I learned in my studying and by word of mouth of how the Chinese felt their torture and mass killings at the hand of Japanese soldiers prior to World War Two, was certainly leading up to the Lord's arrival. Hundreds of thousands perish, including the 178,000 who died in a single weekend in the "Rape of Nanking". Now, for some reason, some of the churches dislike certain Christian churches from sending their missionaries to China.
Now on the subject of "Rapture", I do not believe in it. It came about as an American belief following a young girl's dream during her delirium, where she saw this and it quickly caught on, as it offered an escape from the horrors of the End Times. As with millions before me, I hope to see the End Times, knowing how soon the Lord's arrival will take place. But so many millions have hoped this since the Lord left the earth. I imagine from what I have read, even the original disciples hoped for the Lord to return. It is His timing, not ours, but we should always be prepared in some fashion. This also means our walk with the Lord.
Yes, I am a Christian- now for 37 years. This is why I write Christian fiction.
I do hope you all have a good week, remember to pray for each other. It just might be your prayer that leads a person towards Salvation, the miracle of healing and the blessing one needs to help them over a rough time. GOD BLESS-BILL