But had we still had Radar, we would not have had any of the ankle-biters. But he died early, at 12-years old from cancer. What a great dog. If you ever have the opportunity to purchase a Newfoundland puppy and always a puppy if possible so they may grow with the family, go for it. Great kid's dog, good at protection for wife and children. Puppies go for $1500 to $2500 with shots and papers. Warning: if you do not plan to breed your dog, get them fixed right away. When a Newfoundland is in heat, they can utterly destroy living rooms, chew through your new couches and many other not so loveable tricks you'll always remember. I was once given a 1-year old Great Dane, supposed to be house broken. He wasn't and do you know how much liquid a Great Dane can hold? I came home to Lake Eerie. I gave him back. I was living in base housing then at Edwards Air Force Base and the dog couldn't even walk on the linoleum floor. The former owners were hoping to ship out before I got tired of toweling the floor.
But I'm now jumping to the World News- hopefully it might enlighten you:
Christians United for Israel: Senator Linsey Graham recently introduced a Bill, "The Taylor For Act " , to stop American funds from being donated to the Palestinian Authority. . It is named after an American veteran who survived deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan, only to be murdered by a Palestinian Terrorist. American taxpayer funds of $30 million dollars a year are going toward paying cash rewards to these terrorists who murder, or to the terrorist's family members if the terrorist dies or goes to prison.
Gatestone Institute: Palestine- No secret that Arab countries mistreat their Palestinian brothers and sisters, governing them with inhumane laws, imposing severe restrictions on their public freedom and basic rights. These Muslim brethren build walls around Palestinian Communities to prevent terrorists from entering or leaving. Now in Lebanon, there is construction of a security wall around Ain al-Hilweh, the largest Palestinian refugee camp, ( with a population of nearly 120,000) has drawn sharp criticism from Palestinians and has revived memories of the abuse they regularly received at the hands of their Arab Brethren. (Arab Muslims do not want to grant their Palestinian brothers and sisters an acre of worthless sand or a beautiful valley gorge between mountain tops. But they will gladly force the Palestinians into a war with Israel to eventually create an all-out religious war- of Muslim versus Jew. One, where the Palestinians will be the first to fall before the air power and artillery might of the Israeli Army and Air Force. Still, why cannot the Palestinians see this? Why cannot there be talks of peace, where all the outsiders are not invited. Much as it was with General Sadat of Egypt and the Commander of Israel. Peace was then maintained until Sadat was murdered by his fellow Muslims and once more, border friction began.
* Germany: A school in Kassel( This is my ancestral home on my Dad's side), "Because of the high proportion of Muslim children", and because of different cultures of the children, Student Sarah Haus, stated, " The school was 'renouncing' Christian rituals."
* Germany- During the first 6-months of 2016, more than 2,000 migrants who requested Asylum, were found carrying false passports, but German Border Guards allowed them to enter. These were migrant who could've been linked to ISIS.
* Germany- German President Gauck believes Germany may eventually have a Muslim President. ( London now has a Muslim mayor).
* Germany's Federal Statistics' Office reports the highest birth rate in 33-years, in 2015, boosted mainly by immigrant women. A 49-year old Syrian refugee in Rhineland is seeking social welfare benefits for his 4-wives and 23- children.
BILL'S NOTE: Because my granddaughters, daughters and other very nice ladies may read this journal, I will no longer speak in detail concerning the horrendous events occurring in Turkey and other Muslim Countries who practice Sharia Law. Nor will I detail such events as committed by felons in our own court systems. For evil remains evil. New allowable laws for men over women have also been practiced in this country, and still is in our executive pay schedules in numerous large US companies. Witchcraft still continues in this land, as well as other false religions. But this is a note of apology for what I might have said or quoted in the past. I might put some thoughts, statements or even arguments in my books, but they do not belong here. Thank you.
Washington Free Beacon: An Iranian military vessel of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard pointed a weapon at a US military helicopter in the Strait of Hormuz, International Waters. Reported by the Defense Department. (No one showed their stupid side, thankfully.)
Manila Times: An unexploded bomb was found outside the U.S. Embassy in Manila, by a street-sweeper.
* Mayor Estrada has ordered all 690 of the Manila Traffic and Parking Bureau Officers to submit their courtesy resignations, saying more than 50% of the personnel are extortionists. "We are swamped with complaints everyday by motorists who claim that they were victimized by extortionists..."
* Meanwhile, 174 Philippine National Uniformed and non-Uniformed Police have tested positive for use of illegal drugs. This is an embarrassing fact against President Duterte's recent war on drugs, where offenders have been judged by officers and executed on the streets of Manila by his police officers.
* Jerusalem-Israel: Israel to order (17) more of the U.S. F-35 Aircraft to bring their fleet/wing up to (50) such aircraft.
Global Times: China- Child Labor in Chinese clothing sweatshops exposes weak law enforcement in the clothing industry factories. A undercover news video taken at a Chinese factory last week revealed how common child laborers are being used in Chinese clothing factories and the Black Market chain behind the phenomena.
* A prehistoric pentagonal shaped building structure has been uncovered in Northern China, believed to be a tribal meeting hall of some 6,000 years ago. This would be in the Shanxi Province.
* China is now concerned about the high number of Chinese people being detained in the Philippines, for a crackdown on on-line gambling and has urged the Philippines to handle the matter fairly.
* In Beijing, 12,000 Seniors are to be given bracelets to prevent them from getting lost.
* Africa- UN Refugee Agency has helped 35,192 Somali Refugees to return home from almost 2-years ago.
* Israel won't allow ISIS to open new border front. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that Israel will not allow a new "Front of Terror in the Golan Heights," a day after Islamic State militants clashed with Israeli Soldiers.
* Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked the Palestinian Authority President for sending fire-fighting teams and equipment to help Israel battle all the wild fires they had faces them. European Union was also thanked for sending men and equipment.
* Philippines- Ready to cooperate with China and Russia, amid a rift in relations with the U.S.. Philippines may waive the need for Visas for Chinese tourists to boost travel between the two countries.
Russian Herald: Saudi Arabia- Riyadh calls off meeting with Russia after disagreement over sharing of oil supply cuts.
*North Korea: -Kim Jon In is now eyeing the men of the west in order to sell a unique "Sex Potion", to help Boost a Man's Libido. ( First he wants to nuke us and now this...sorry, I'm still laughing at this man and yes, this was a Russian Herald theme story-front page.)
* Washington- Six members of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty have had their accreditation revoked in Tajikistan as of 11/25/2016. This is yet the latest action targeting the company's reporting inside Tajik. Radio Free Europe has just done a story on the country's president appointing his daughter to a departmental position-cabinet member. When Radio Free Europe was given 5 minutes to remove the story and they hay hadn't, they were stripped of accreditation. (At least they were not taken out to a wall and....)
* New study conducted by Business Advice Group Korn Ferry Hay, revealed British organizations were in no hurry to close the vast gender pay gap.
* India- Tough times ahead as Indian Prime Minister Modi urges move for India to become a cashless society. But street protestors are out in force against currency ban."
Egypt News: Egypt and Russia to sign a nuclear plant contract before the end of 2016.
* Germany plans to send 500,000 migrants to detention centers in Egypt.
* Egypt Parliamentary Delegation to visit London this last Sunday to warn England against 'Political Islam'.
* Egypt and Jordan is sending fire fighting men and equipment to Israel.
* Egypt's population to increase by 1 million in 6-months. Number of Egyptians worldwide to reach 100 million by this coming Thursday.
Gatestone Institute: In France, retail chains and importers now have a legal obligation to label products coming in from Judea, Samaria, Eastern Jerusalem and Golan Heights. Regulation # 1169/2011 was passed for the French Republic, ordering "Economic operators "To inform consumers about the origin of the goods from the territories occupied by Israel since June 1967." The regulation was actually issued November 12, 2015. The notice also states that the European Union does not recognize Israel's sovereignty over territories occupied since June 1967. These include the Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
* While Muslims finance Islamic studies in departments on campuses and teach Islam in public schools , across the USA, the same rights must be awarded in Muslim countries for American religions. But this is forbidden, unless when the religious study does not involve Biblical Studies of the Old and New Testament. If Muslim Governments are given full access to build Mosques in America, Americans must insist on having the same access in these Muslim countries. But Islam sees our non-Muslim Religion as illegal, "Hate Crimes". If America continues to allow this one-sided way of doing things to continue, Western Culture, Free Will and Free Speech will Atrophy and DIE! Islamists are counting on this to WIN!
"Telegraph-UK: German Intel Officer is arrested over Islamic plot, raising concerns the German spy agency has been infiltrated.
Manila Times: 7- members of the President's Security Detail were wounded in a roadside bombing in Marawi City, Tuesday morning. No one else was hurt.
* House Justice Sub-Committee on Judicial Reforms has approved a Bill that seeks to reinstate the Death Penalty on heinous crimes, including possession of (10) grams of any illegal drugs, to include Marijuana. (This would mean possession of 1-ounce of marijuana could lead the criminal to his death. But the police are already shooting drug offenders down in the streets of Manila. Sort of like old Chicago in 1927-28, when bathtub gin was the hot item and the enforcers used "tommy guns" or "Street-Sweepers", to handle the competition.)
Washington Free Beacon: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service Bureau has issued thousands of duplicate green cards to immigrant, including many that include duplicate incorrect information and allow these individuals to overstay in the U.S., according to government oversight report warning, which also says Department of Homeland Security is incapable of tracking immigrants who may post a security risk to the USA.
* Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma has released a report-last Monday, chronicling billions of dollars of misused and "waste" by the Federal Government. "This book lists only a small fraction of the wasteful and duplicative spending from our government over the last few years." ..."With each of the 100 problems identified, I also suggest a common-sense and often simple solution. -----A $47,000 application that randomly points left or right for the TSA at airports.----
$300 million in grants to sanctuary cities----- improper Medicaid payments of $142.7 Billion since 2009---- $676,417 to the National Institute of Health for a study on an anti-tanning bed targeting mom's through social media------Another $477,000 to send text messages out to tell American men how quit using chewing tobacco-----Another National Institute of Health Grant for $1.7 million for a refugee exercise program that sends "Community Partners" into their mosques to talk about physical activity-----a 12-part "love, sex and choices" government funded 12-part soap opera costing the taxpayer $3.1 million. The list goes on and on.
China Globe: Beijing petitioners find their requests go unanswered for many years, some detained by police for several days and sent back home. Some have traveled a great distance and this is now bring back old memories of the Old China.
* China issues a new document the aims to tighten management on the country's new auxiliary police force.
* Egypt: Egyptian Prosecutors have brought charges against a senior judge in the criminal court over accepting a bribe to acquit a defendant in a drug smuggling case. (This will become a very major case if it follows through.)
* Italian Police arrest over 100 in a 3-prong attack against the Mafia.
* International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported nearly 4,700 maritime migrants have lost their lives while crossing the Mediterranean Sea in their attempt to reach Europe. Hopefully, most if not all of the bodies were picked up and returned to shore by boat. (No information on which shore the bodies were taken to).
That is it for tonight. It is my hope you found some of my news stories worth note. I try to find synopsis of stories you can look for if you wanted to dive deeper into it, but probably will never see in regular US media. Yet, sometimes the story does appear and that will surprise me happily.
So, may our Lord Bless You, watch over your days and protect you and yours. Good night. BILL