Troy- Thank you for the chair. Once I can move the other brown leather chair into their new home, I'll move the big blue chair inside. It supports my neck better. Foot part doesn't like to come down, but I'll ask John Alex to look at it. Nice chair. Thank you to both of you, Troy and Leslie.
We didn't do any raking this month, but the wind has been taking care of most of the work for us. Trees almost empty now, Fall seems to be almost over, the color has dwindled away to just your basic green. When the heavy snow hit, blanketing the trees, as well as the ground, it is really beautiful. No way of telling if it will be a heavy snow year or not. Weather people seem to be predicting it, but they cannot get together on an agreement. Mona and I work on the morning effect. We wake up and look outside, and that tells us what the weather is. NASA used to tell me a whole lot, but they've closed up shop and I cannot penetrate the site I used. Good thing I'm not a hacker, I'd get in trouble.
When I got on the computer today I had this amazing number of e-mails, oh what fun.
If anyone has James' (as our son) new e-mail is. All my e-mails to him are coming back, he closed his old sites. Maybe he simply doesn't want to talk with the Old Man. Joshua appears to be doing well at Federal FBI/Police Training in Georgia. I went there, for a different course in late 1991. But we stayed in a hotel instead of the dorms, Learned a lot and it helped me in some of my bigger investigations..
Book Report: I'm just now returning to work on Book 12, Chapter 2. The Oriental Alliance Pact forces are approaching Fairbanks and have stormed the beachheads at Seward, Homer, Soldotna and Anchorage. One of my favorite sub-stories in the series is entitled "Gramps and Jake", which is the tale of an elderly National Guard Native working alongside a young civilian, just inducted into the guard and now both working as a team of spotters. Gramps is a Master Sergeant and Jake is a buck private. Their job is to keep observation on the OAP Invasion Force that stormed Seward and now working their way north to meet up with the larger army in Anchorage. 14 spotter teams are spread through out the Kenai Peninsula. Between working out their own problems, as Jake is a racist who dislikes Alaska Natives, and old men. The two men climb up and down mountainsides to keep an eye on the enemy and advise Command with what they're doing. Soon, the OAP will be attacking a small force of civilian militia, who refused evacuation, and set up a defensive perimeter in Moose Pass. Gramps and Jake will work out their social problems as now its down to basic survival, as a snow storm leaves them isolated for nearly a week. but the OAP are stuck in the Crown Point area, too. The two man spotter team is out of food and running low on firewood, but they rely on melted snow and conversations to keep them alive. Gramps then notices that Jake has picked up a cough. This story was in "A Coming Storm", but I've added some to it.
New Report: Some of this runs between Oct-4 to October 14. I'm reporting it as I found this interesting and hope you might too.
Gatestone Institute News Service: "Islamic Sunset on Germany", by Guy Milliere. A gradual replacement of the non-Muslim population is taking place with a Muslim population, 40% of the children of 5 yrs of age and younger, or born in Germany, have foreign roots. Michael Paulwitz, a demographer, wrote in 2016- that unless the current trends are reversed, Germans will become the minority in their own country, Germans will become the minority (Yes, this sort of thing has been reported by me, but I wanted to add it to this news report), in 15 to 20 years. Now some people are saying this could be a lot sooner as millions more Muslims are soon to arrive in EU. Germany is attempting to hold that figure down to 200,000 a year. (Now just how many radical might be in that number?) . ALSO- "Last month (September), an Islamic preacher was caught red-handed in Britain, preaching for ISIS and Jihad, story by Khadj Khan. This preacher was also inciting youths to commit violence against non-Muslims. To everyone's purported astonishment, he was not delivering his lectures on websites. He was delivering his dangerous sermons live in public- a charity mosque, funded by British taxpayers. In Germany and France, these governments have so far failed to address this hate-speech sermons that this influence , these preachers of violence, have on local Muslims. Many of the European and British terrorists were found to have ties to local mosques, who say they are not accountable for the acts of terrorism of their members. No soft gesture, however, will deter extremist Muslims , unless the whole world submits to their version of Islam. Western governments might never-less once again choose to ignore the existence of religious schools and mosques that serve as radicalization and recruitment centers for extremist Muslims across the West.
Jerusalem Online: The international campaign to abolish nuclear weapons (ICAN) has won the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize. ALSO- President Erdogan of Turkey vows to seal-off Northern Iraq in response to Kurdish Independence vote. (Erdogan knows the oil is there in the Kurdish zones and he also required a free-fire-zone between Turkey and his neighbors. ( Like other wars, it is all about oil-money-rubber and a willingness to prove America will fight anywhere- Europe, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran, and our troops will die there. I keep wondering how many of our representatives and senators are veterans?)
Washington Free Beacon: U.S. State Department still refuses to call violence against the Rohingya "Ethnic Cleansing". The Rohingya are Muslim, the armies driving them out and committing all the atrocities, are Buddhists. Myanmar still refuses to allow the United Nations into their country. (Why? Do they fear sanction for what they are doing to reported tens of thousands of Rohingya? Are they holding off until they've accomplished what they set out to do? This is so contrary to Buddhists philosophies. But again, in Vietnam there were monks who were violent against the US Forces. And we had saved these people from the Japanese in WWII.)
Jerusalem Online: If you are not already aware, Denmark has banned the wearing of burqas and niqabs in public places.
Gatestone: Sweden: "A Land of Double Standards" Swedish government laments Nazi marches in the streets of Gothenburg, yet is happy to spend large sums of taxpayer money on those who agree with the Nazi on the streets in the Middle East. ALSO- Books aimed at 3 to 6 year-old's show up in Swedish libraries which teach on the Islamic practice of polygamy, which is illegal in Sweden. Some of these books also teach on normalizing misogynist practices and the covering of women from head-to-toe is now aimed at Swedish toddlers. ALSO- It has been recorded in Human Rights Courts that the Muslim offender, being accused of rape, should be innocent because any women not fully clothed from head-to-toe is crying out to be abused by a man. (So, how do you feel about that? This is also under sharia law. So, as Islamic religious practices spread, bringing with it the sharia law, a lot of women will have to conform or suffer the consequences.
An interesting item: From my research, (And please do this yourself- do not take what I say as fact), and talking with numerous scholars, I've found that Muhammad, Great Prophet of Islam, died prior to the last book in the Koran being written. Some say he was assassinated, I don't know and this was in the 700 A.D. time span. But it is in this last book that preaches all the violence against non-Muslims and created sharia law. In our recent history, black radical Malcolm X, was a hard line Black Racist and a Muslim. Yet, when he journeyed to Mecca, he found he was surrounded by many different races and this included white Muslims. So, when he came home, his views were totally different concerning races. As a result he was assassinated by his own inner circle who didn't like this new Malcolm X. Could of this happened on 0700 A.D.? Item of interest? The Malcolm X assassination is a training event for the U.S. Secret Service, how the act was committed. A disturbance began in the theater's balcony, distracting Malcolm's security force, which allowed the assassins on the ground floor to move in and shoot him.
Gatestone: "Multiculturalism is Splintering the West", story by Giulio Meotti. Under European multiculturalism Muslim women lost many of their human rights they had gained in Europe. This multiculturalism is in fact based upon the legalization of a parallel sharia society, founded on their rejection of Western values, above all the equality and freedom. "The European establishment closed its eyes while Muslim supremacists were violating the rights of its own people." (A good share of these Muslims were born right here in Europe and had come to respect EU laws. Not now.) ALSO- European Union's official statistics on terrorism are dramatic for 2016: 8 European Countries, this also include the United Kingdom, show that (142) failed, foiled or completed attacks occurred in 2016. More than half- (76) happened in the United Kingdom. France (23), Italy (17) and Spain (10), Greece (6) Germany (5), Belgium (4) and the Netherlands (1). (142) victims died in these attacks, while 379 were injured in the EU in 2016. (1,002) people were arrested for terrorism.
I can almost believe that in time, maybe 100 years or more, with all the Muslim radicals coming into the U.S., across our various open borders, that America could go the way of the American Indian. If the Lord has not returned yet, it could be the Christians, tossed into concentrations camps like we did to both the Indian and the Japanese. You might say that Reservations were not concentration camps and I advise you to visit one sometime. True, we had no executions, no showers filled with deadly gases, or ovens, but we kept the American Indian poor and having to rely on American charity. Only the birth of the Casino has saved the Indians. As for the Japanese, the war ended and they were gradually released to freedom. Their meals were served, they had laundry rooms, but two families would share a small Quonset Hut for 4 years and only a curtain to separate them. The Concentration Camps of Europe shocked the American people and as a result, the people of the US felt dirty for what they had done to the Japanese-Americans. For those of you unaware, the Japanese male wanted to serve in the military to defend their country- the USA- but the government was afraid to have them fight fellow Japanese. But they needed troops in Europe and the 442 Division was created- all Japanese with mostly White officers. The movie, "Go For Broke" told their story, but the book was of course more detailed. Go for Broke was the 442's motto. They truly did go all the way. I believe 7 Japanese soldiers were awarded the Medal of Honor, our highest medal. By the time they came home the 442 was the highest decorated division in Europe and a good many Japanese-Americans died in defense of their new land- many of them born right here in the USA.
I strongly dislike what we are doing in Afghanistan. 17 years to fight a war is just plain crazy, it truly shows a lack of leadership by our Presidents and our Chief's of Staff (military generals, bowing to politicians who enjoy the money they receive from the war lovers. Our Defense Contractors for President Johnson got him elected after he promised to create the Vietnam War by lying to the American people in how our ships were attacked by North Vietnamese gunboats- it appears that never happened. The captains of the destroyers and crew finally answered the questions sealed by a Presidential Order. They stated they were never attacked. We went in their to get Johnson elected, with all the monies given to him by the defense contractors. I have to wonder who might've become President, maybe Senator Barry Goldwater? I met him, my Dad knew him, as he was the Senator for Arizona. I cannot say how it was like before I got to Vietnam, except from what I've read and watched the documentaries. However, when I got there, even at 18 years old, I could tell some weird things were happening. We had quit trying to win the war, but tried to put a good face on it. Even when the enemy was spotted, we were ordered to ignore them and later, Americans died because of it. The enemy was carrying rockets toward our base at at 2 a.m., we got hit- men died. We knew we had lost the war when we loaded aboard a C-130 and shipped off to Thailand to help with some terrorist threat- we never saw any evidence of this except the base had been attacked 2-years prior. But as we left Vietnam, 200 North Vietnamese-our enemy and one enemy general was there to make sure we left their country. Oh, if you were not aware, President Kennedy, who had sent some advisers to Vietnam, was thinking very strongly about bringing his men home. He counselors, the ones he had faith in, told him we could not win a war in Southeast Asia. They were proved right. As whether or not the defense contractors assassinated President Kennedy, we'll probably never know. But, as for me, I never bought the sole gunner bit. But, who am I to dispute historic records? Made a couple great movies out of our disbelief.
No, we need to leave Afghanistan, for the battles being fought over there is between tribes and this has been going on for over 2,000 years. Our being there will not change this. Enough said.
Bring our boys home! One of the famous cries during the late 60's and early 70's.
Time to go. Thanks for listening. God bless your day BILL