Since I came to Alaska, got married and moved around the state with my beautiful bride, we've seen so many of nature's wonders. Only a few years ago a fantastic display of aerial agility occurred as we open a large trash dumpster and a very-super-very and large added in Bald Eagle with a wing span of at least 30-feet...will more like 8-9 feet soared over the top of our head, missing my majestic gray hair by mere inches and the eagle's talon had to be in the 4 inch length. I could not believe someone had closed an eagle in to one of those dumpsters, frightening the bird. It took a sudden drop while spreading its wing and sailed over the ground by only inches, before it gained lift and then rose up to put on a beautiful show before leaving. Events like this are not all that uncommon. On patrol, a 5 a.m. I would close down the bars at Skagway and then drive out to the point between Skagway proper and Dyea, the little mining community where the men and a few women started their climb up the Chilkoot Trail. Now those were some real diehards. But out there on the point I'd watch the Orca pods and here they would play "catch" with their food, tossing sea lions or salmon back and forth. Then when one was really happy, he'd come flying up into the air, standing on his tail and dancing before his weight causes him to return to the waters. The dance of the Orca is a sight to behold. Out with my bride I've go into shouting matches with bull sea lions- as long as I can keep the rocky bluff between us. Those things have a lot of teeth. Once two of us were out searching for an elephant seal and saw it at some distance and thought that was cool and we were headed back to the dock, when this thing, at least 2,000 pounds surfaces within arms length of me to look me over and my friend. What an ugly critter, but so much power and it was amazing how long he could hold his breath. He must've thought we were pretty ugly because he blew water over the two of us and made his dive. Yes, I love Alaska and what it has to offer for us nature nuts.
I try to remember to thank the Lord for the life He has given me, for surviving the war and protecting me so many different times when I knew it could only be the Lord, or I wouldn't be here to have fathered so many kids and grandfather 21 so far- plus one great grandson.
Well, I've got some news for you and some you may have already heard or its slipped by the American media ( this is what I look for, actually). That might be why the black SUV is parked at the end of my long driveway. Several radios I guess. I figured when I began looking at these sites I might be picked up by one of their sweeps because of the key words I use. This is just a nice warning that if you are worried receiving my news you might not want to click on my e-mail site anymore. But you might not be doing that now and don't wish to hurt my feeling. Thank you.
Now this first bit of news concerns a word, a word I feel you should look up and go from there. A very dear relative and friend, sent this to me and as I am right in the middle of writing a book, I have my time divided between this journal and my book and cannot conduct further research on it beyond what I have. The key word here is "DHIMMITUDE" , which I capitalized only to make it more visible. I first noticed that it was a real word because my spell-checker didn't reject it. Now, supposedly this fine looking word can be found on Page 107 of President Obama's Health Care Bill and in the passed Health Care Law. Google also says it is a real word- "Dhimmitude", and apparently it is the "Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through Jihad (Holy War). Specifically , it's the taxing of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence and as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam." Muslims , by the mandates of their religion - Islam, are granted exemption from having to obtain health insurance and as a result do not have to pay a fine like the rest of the U.S. Population who fail to obtain health insurance. In some cases it is also against their religion to gamble, the very same mandate the Muslims use, but they are ignored.
You should read more about this and how Muslim law was introduced into our own laws, similar as it is now happening in Britain and Germany. In Britain and Germany, Sharia Law is now being practiced. Far too many professional people say it is due to the government's fear of the Muslims that is allowing Sharia into their laws, while there are others who believe the European Union will become Muslim States within 20 years or less.
You should write to your congressman and senator and voice your concern is how you feel about Muslim speech, such as this Dhimmitude and what it means was allowed into a Federal Law. Also how you feel about Sharia Law moving in on your home state. Far too many things happen because people fail to act and then they sit in front of their televisions and ask, "What's happening? Why didn't someone tell me." I have no idea who I'm going to vote for as I feel the party lines have all failed us. Don't vote for the party, vote for the man or woman who will sit behind the desk guiding our futures.
Gatestone Institute: More than 1.5 million Germans, many of them highly educated, have left Germany during this past decade. Of these numbers, 138,000 German citizens left Germany in 2015 and even more expected for 2016.
Gatestone Institute: Germany is facing a spike in migrant crime. An epidemic in rape and sexual assault. Mass migration is accelerating the Islamization of Germany, with many Germans losing hope in a future direction for their country.
China Globe: China- Despite strained relations between China and Taiwan, many of Taiwan's youth are heading over to China to seek a better future , as Taiwan's economy is reported to be stagnating.
China Globe: Japan- a 6.6 earthquake has hit western Japan. 3,000 people were displaced and more earthquakes are expected.
China Globe: China- By Sun Xiaobo- "Beijing needs to consider ASEAN members' concerns in regional affairs."- "But in process, perhaps China has to use more patience and tactics artfully to listen and talk to ASEAN Nations, and to quell their doubts and fears. With such brief contact with ASEAN Delegates, I feel it is necessary to learn more extensively what people in ASEAN think of China's Rise. ( I believe this is yet another example of the change of the ASEAN Nations changing from an economical platform into a League of Nations, such as NATO, in which China will eventually lead by their sheer power. They will become the dragon head with ASEAN becoming the BODY. (Again, this is what I attempted to show in the "A Coming Storm trilogy".)
Telegraph UK: Greek Embassy- Thousands of Greek Businesses Flee to Bulgaria to Avoid "Tax Avalanche". More than 1,500 companies have registered in Bulgaria's tax offices in first quarter of 2016- data was provided by the Greek Embassy.
Telegraph UK: Scotland Government published a draft bill to pave way for a second independence referendum to potentially cut formal ties with Britain.
Telegraph UK: Belching smoke on the English Channel, a Russian Aircraft Carrier is so unreliable it now must set sail with its own breakdown tug boat. It is believed the Russian Fleet is headed for Syria, which is also where a lot of other ships will be anchored.
Telegraph UK: The Queen of England is reportedly to be now facing a million-pound black hole in estate finances after "Brexit" is completed.
China Daily: Under China's new "Second Child" Law 18% of known married couples in China have applied for their permit from the State to have their 2nd Child.
Taipei Times: Hong Kong government issued a statement on Friday, 10/21/16, calling on Taiwan to refrain from interfering in the territory's internal affairs. The statement, delivered by a government spokesman at a press conference, (it appears I had to do with an election in Hong Kong, but it's the little things like this that become big news stories easily enough and this was run as a headline).
Manila Times: "Muslims in Italy Protest Over Freedom to Worship", by Agence France-Presse. Rome- "Several hundred Muslims staged a protest prayer outside the Coliseum in Rome on Friday, 10/21/2016, over what they see as unfair restrictions on their freedom to practice their faith in Italy." This had come about following the closure of 5 "makeshift" Mosques. Building inspectors found such problems as the number of toilets on a particular mosque/premise and other code violations. But many of the Roman Muslims feel the people are reacting to the Islamist Terrorism being carried out through out Western Europe.
Gatestone Institute: Turkey's President Erdogan should explain why he demands more and more tolerance for Muslims living in non-Muslim lands, including his desire to build mosques in every capitol, while his own government pushes to deport Pastor Andrew Craig Brunsun and his wife on the spurious grounds that they pose a security that to his country . The police explained their crime as having carried out "missionary activity and received money from abroad". The missionary activity, which was his spreading of the gospel and the money from home was the few dollars they received for support. The Pastor will be Deported in about 13 days and his wife will fly home normally, but both may never return. This is happening for dozens of Christian Pastors throughout Turkey.
Gatestone Institute: "U.S. will help Muslims coming from persecuted countries- but this turns into a tribal things and not a religious battle. But the US is used in this anyway. But the Native Christians?
* Obama Administration has taken in 5,435 Muslim refugees officially out of Syria, but the US has only offered sanctuary to 28 Christians. Even though Christians are approximately 10% of Syria's population and are classified as experiencing a genocide there.
* One million Christian children in Nigeria are starving, while 20,000 people had died in Boko Haram's (Muslim Terrorists) rebellion, which has lasted 7-years and continues on.
* One social media posting by the Islamic State showed a photo of a young girl with the following caption," Virgin. Beautiful. 12 years old...her price has reached $12,500 and she will be sold soon." Can you imagine this happening in your town, ignored by the police because under Sharia Law they may look at it as being legal. It might be your granddaughter, or even your grandson.
Some one I know and trust, who spent time over there in the great sand box, he became well-liked by the locals and was often invited home, but this was not allowed. He was presented with the uniform of a high official he looked cool in the photos. But then he was offered young girls, and when he declined and thinking he might be miss-wired, they offered him boys. He told me how they do not look upon this as rape, not a sin and their wife allows it. But I am sorry, this is truly a sin and any religion that allows such acts of depravity, is a false religion. I guess the time is a coming, for when men and women will have to make a decision on who they will serve. The days are drawing to an end, but it might not be in my lifetime. Still, I wonder. Steps are taking place awful fast in Europe and now in China. But I am no fortune teller, I only know where my beloved and I have our hearts.
Love to all of you and much blessings. BILL