Last Grant I saw was a federal grant for women, seeing how wine ... never mind it was for $40,000 and stupid. I need to be on one of these grant boards, we'd spend less money.
I'm not going to rewrite all that I wrote out today, maybe tonight or next week. No new Ebola stats, Obama still looking sad, China still busy...terrorism spreading, people frightened...list goes on. Aliens landed at White House, given green cards and they posed with Hillary for 2016 promos. People made "It's a Cook Book" remarks, but Aliens didn't smile, just licked their lips. Life is pleasant here in Moose Pass. Wood detail to begin soon, so my impersonation tonight of withered old man lying on bed, whining, should win Oscar.
In Closing, send donations for small sledge hammer to be placed by my Frankenstein beast, to be used in the event....reasons to follow at later time. God Bless, BILL Oh, donations, after purchase to be used for my special donuts. Helps me write.