People have been known to die because they did not have the clothing or tool that would have kept them alive. When we lived up north, enduring minus 50 to even minus 82 degrees( that was back in 1979), we always carried survival gear and a survival box for the vehicle. More than once it has saved our lives. In the years we've been up here, this is my 36th winter, I have sustained 3rd degree frostbite of both my hands with threats to remove them both, but they saved them...THANK YOU!. I have frostbitten my feet several times of 1st and 2nd degrees, plus my ears, nose and 3rd degree of my forehead. Lost a small chunk. Stupid actually. I kept reaching up with my mittens to adjust my glasses and leaving ice crystals on my forehead.
But I have had a lot of really stupid friends, who at minus 60 decided to make a run to the liquor store and donned his parka, but was only wearing shower shoes for the half-mile drive. His car broke down and he walked half-a-mile in shower shoes and spent a night in the hospital. One group of idiots went out snow-machining and left some booze in the snow to keep it cold. Vodka if I recall. First one to the bottle, popped the cork and took a gulp and froze his throat. Thankfully, he was only a short distance from the hospital. High proof booze...well, even low proof, doesn't freeze, but it will freeze any throat its poured into it.
On with some news:
U.S.: President Obama's time in office has seen the EPA issue 3,100 New Final Regulations, taking up 27,854 Pages in the Federal Register. Observers criticize EPA for its having 16,000 federal employees and about an $8 Billion annual budget.
Two Federal Construction Projects to deal with nuclear fuel and its waste were supposed to cost $4 Billion, but they remain unfinished and already cost $7 Billion. - Department of Homeland Security Headquarters was due to be completed in 2003, but has not been completed and now cost taxpayers $4.5 Billion. - Department of Treasury paid out $112 million to a Public Relations Firm to raise public awareness of the new dollar bill's minor design changes. - Medicare Part B spent nearly 6 times more than Medicare Part D for the same drugs and equipment to treat cancer - The U.S. Enrichment Corporation received $60 million from the Federal Government, even though the company announced plans to declare Bankruptcy. -Defense Department is destroying $1.2 billion worth of ammo because it does not have a suitable inventory system to track supplies. The military services each use different inventory systems. - Federal agencies paid almost $50 Million to Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service for information mostly available for free online. - Government accountability office reports that duplication of federal programs and services costs taxpayers $45 Billion a year. ( Some of the these expenditures come from congressmen helping businessmen in their state, while others remain inexcusable. )
U.S.: Planned Parenthood has proudly announced the abortions of 327,653 American babies. ( How many statesmen, teachers, mentors, the nice person who lived next door, or the inventor of a cancer killing medicine. How many might have been the soldier who gave up their lives to save a planned parenthood activist or their doctor's military son or daughter? They'll never know now, nor will the parents who will miss out on the joys of hearing the laughter of a young baby, tears of love and gratitude.)
China: Launches Military Weapons Procurement Website. To show a guaranteed transparency in the procurement of a total of 350 items- from weapons platforms, tanks to jet fighters. ( I wonder how they'll purchase nerve gas and other WMDs?)
Germany: City authorities of Berlin now believe there are still some 3,000 unexploded bombs from WWII buried in the earth under the city.
Russia: President Putin signs a decree to allow foreigners to enlist into Russia's Regular Army and Ministry of Defense. ( I will find it interesting to see if a large amount of these new troops come from Mongolia, plus others of course joining up from former USSR states. But Russia can now also recruit from African states, where the soldiers have been at war for some time, as long as they fit into the 18-30 year category. This could easily double the size of President Putin's Army of Russia, but paying them could be a serious problem with the Russian budget already in difficulty. Yet, as with the Old Russian Army of the 1800's and even of Stalin's Red Army of 1930's to 1945, he could pay them through allowing them to pillage and loot. This could become a problem.) --Number of migrants into Russia drops by 70% compared to 1st week in January in 2014. --- Russian Orthodox believers converting to Islam at an alarming rate. Current number of Muslims in Russia estimated at 20-million. ---
--Russia oil has now dipped below $50 a barrel.--- Russian Ruble, which had taken a rise with the help of the Russian Central Bank, has taken another plunge to its current standing of 59.59 to the U.S. Dollar, and 70.74 against the Euro.
China: Has called for advanced ties with Costa Rica, boost Cooperation with Bahamas, forged strategic partnetship with Ecuador, enhanced financing to Venezuelan, helped Fiji reduce reliance on rice, met up with Diplomats of Zambia and Uganda, and continues to advise Japan to abide by its promise on hisotrical issues and follow a path of peaceful development.
Ireland: Has secured access to the U.S. Beef Market, becoming the first European Union member to achieve this.
China: Has approved investment projects woth 7 trillion yuan, ($1.1 Trillion U.S.) to be launched this year.
United Nations: Palestine Authority is to join the International Criminal Court on April 1st, which could very well lead to them filing multiple "War Crime" Complaints against Israel. This could also bring about a war if not handled properly. ( Sort of like Hitler accusing the Swiss of war crimes in 1943.)
South Korea: Defense Ministry says North Korea now has technology to "miniaturize" a nuclear device to be fitted on the tip of a missile. ( Oh joy!)
EBOLA: Current Statistics for Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea now showing 20,712 cases, and of these 8,222 have resulted in deaths. ( I wish they would go back to showing all the countries effected by the virus, instead of just the major three. I am curious about the US and Mexico. But WHO and UN isn't showing anything and that bugs me.)
U.S.: Forest Service canceled a $40 million Public Relations Effort to brand itself as a public agency that cares about people and nature. But the Federal Agency was spending funds on useless projects while closing down trails and camping areas due to a lack of funds. Employees, active and retired, were complaining and it sounds like someone finally listened.
China: Protest with the U.S. against Taiwan's flag being hoisted out from of their de facto embassy in Washington- which had been their embassy up until 36 years ago when the US decided to accept only the Chinese Mainland to represent both. ( The Mainland is Red Communist, while Taiwan is a Democracy. Besides, the US State Department was not aware of the flag raising episode and humbled itself before Beijing like a stepped on puppy.)
U.S.: "Wet Seal" Fashion Retailers announed the closure of 338 retail outlets and termination of 3,695 employees. ---- U.S. Steel to idle two plants, which means placing 750 working on the unemployment lines.
North Korea: Intelligence Report on North Korea Hackers operating secretly inside China, conducting complex cyber-attacks against worldwide targets and working from Chinese cities without the knowledge of Beijing. A former Professor, Kim Heung-Kwang, it was he who trained a lot of them. A Professor of Computer Science in North Korea's Capital of Pyongyang, until he defected in 2004, it was his job to train members of the elite North Korea cyber-intelligence corps. Some were alleged to have joined an outfit known as "Bureau 121". This was supposedly established in 1995 and the operatives were being sent abroad 10-years later. Mostly their destination was northern China, where they entered one by one, learning to adjust in the foreign city, but they would eventually join up in their assigned city to become a "North Korean Hacker Hub". ( With his defection in 2005, the Feds would have known of this for the last 9-10 years and how things were going on. It makes one wonder why a counter measure was not created to defense such an attack, based on what this professor had taught his pupils. Was this Sony attack allowed to happen, to keep them from knowing we had this knowledge to protect our military and intelligence network, plus see what China had on hand as a blocking force? Questions.)
China: Beijing- Group of Chinese businessmen allegedly paid $300,000 US to male students to find virgin girls, whom the businessmen would then offer or offered to "officials" as "Gifts". Several of the girls badly "Hurt", ( Not going any further here. It kicked off my filters and might yours too. ) Story was not found in my China papers was located in the Times of India newspaper. But police are on the case and the Chinese Communist Party has of late been coming down extremely hard on all forms of graft, corruption, harm to people. In one week they charged 30,000 federal employees under their new criminal code, including top bosses. They're still communists, but they do not like criminals, unless its the top guys and then no one wants to get shot standing in front of a firing squad. )
Australia: People from the Down Under are reportedly opposed to taking sides in any conflict between China and Japan. (Probably the smartest. If and when the sea turns into molten lava, they're far enough south to flee south and join a penguin colony. NO, we do not have those up here in Alaska. We have the Polar bears and tourists in RVs. )
No earthquake report tonight, sorry. Nothing major, no Atlantis rising and no report of flying saucers that can be verified outside of drones, garbage can lids and silver painted Frisbee's. Oh, no new report on Asteroid 2014 UR116. NASA still continuing to ignore it completely and the NASA reports on Russian news still confuse me. But I confuse easily.
If you notice a chunk of the moon has disappeared, that was due to my earlier journal entry tonight. I though I'd give you a short story, a quick sci-fi in two paragraphs to help me work on my writing skills and I lost it. Maybe NASA stole it. I've already got this stupid Drone buzzing around. I tell everyone to must never say you want to hurt a President of the United States, and we know I'm not the violent type anyway, or you can expect to find three 800 pound gorilla in tightly fit black suits, supported by a federal swat team at your door to haul you away and you might be seen again when you turn 65. Or in my case 95. But you may voice your dislike, complain about his intelligence because this is your opinion. But leave it at that. But once you voice such thought, you can expect a drone buzzing you because anything you send out is monitored by those big computers at NSA for key words. One you say them.... Hello there, you are on our new network. Why dod you think NSA built that city size computer storage locker? Have a nice night. God Bless, BILL