Having a bit of a problem with the insurance program I'm under. They've decided to quit supporting two of my pain meds, concerned about addiction. But, these are not the drugs people get addicted too, so my doc and I are appealing. I only mention this in that I could use your prayers, I'm also going in for a VA Re-evaluation. My last one was in 1994, where they announced I suffered from PTSD. They wouldn't give me my results for Agent Orange contamination. So, I'll try again. I wish to know if this is what caused all my medical problems. the non-disabling ones. Like that day my head fell off and rolled across the kitchen floor. I never pushed it back then, but I am going to ask for further testing. It's embarrassing when the old noggin drops off. Maybe its just related to my PTSD. Mona is always saying she wished I had a brain in my head. She was in the kitchen and has her proof. Though on a serious side, I've told her that when I leave this earth, to have my brain tested for that CTE disease that has become quite noticeable in football players and other sportsmen. I played high school ball and later with a semi-pro league. As a defensive end my head was always getting pounded. Other events happened as a police officer, I was prone to lead with my head when the knuckle brawls occurred in the bars, or in those unfriendly-like domestic situation. Can't tell you how many times I was smacked in the head by broom handles or whatever was handy when I arrested some guy for beating his wife. Then she'd turn on me. Most of the departments I worked for rarely had back-ups. So, I'd end up hauling them both in. The judges always loved those double assault cases, and sometimes the wife went down on a felony assault for using a club on me. Then I had to drag them both out to the patrol car.
At Edwards Air Force Base, I worked as a Desk Sergeant with the Security Police and had to dispatch two patrols to a real noisy domestic situation, then I had to dispatch two more patrols and a supervisor. When they decided to apprehend (we never called it arrest in the military- weird), the NCO, who was pretty drunk and had become vicious with his wife, she turned around and assaulted both policemen from behind- rupturing their splines with well placed kicks. Two ambulances were needed for my guys and 10-days in the hospital. Since it wasn't the first time we had responded there. They were kicked off base and he was thrown out of the service. He also took the blame for his wife, since no one wanted to charge her with felony assault. Oh, the old war stories- sorry. funny how the old events pop back up.
I'm now working on the re-write for "Badge and the Cross- Book 2- Stronghold", concerning my time in Skagway as a patrolman. A lot of memories, some good and some not so good have resurfaced. This was an unusual time for Mona and I, as I learned the reality of Spiritual Warfare and I was a two-month old Christian. Experiencing it again as I re-write the chapters, has helped me once again in my prayer-life. I learned in that town of how the enemy really existed and we had the Lord's power to use against his actions. Spiritual Warfare became a new experience, one I truly didn't think I was ready for. Tough on Mona, too. But on the normal side, that town got extremely busy in the summer, slow in the winter. My last summer there I worked 7-days a week, 12-hour shifts for just over 5-months. I became a cop who lost almost all tolerance with drunks, brawlers and wife beaters. We didn't get a lot of sleep back then as I was backing up the day shift officer and he was backing me up at night. During the 3 summer softball tournaments, it was the worst when the town hosted 80-ball teams for each tournament, coming from Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau and Canada. I'll have to say it was the Canadians who forgot how to behave. Then on a Christmas night, when the town was quiet, a 17-year old boy killed another 17-year old with a knife, witnessed by another dozen or so teenagers. It is in the story, all under factious names. However, I learned a lot while in that town. I can at least say that and the Good Lord took really good care of me, minus the occasional bump on my head.
I loved my years as a police officer and it helped me grow as a man and a Christian. The poor kids in the youth group Mona and I led in Fairbanks, about 30 to 50 kids when everyone came, got stuck listening to my old cop tales. It was worse for my children, who had a cop for a father. But, thanks to their mother they basically came out okay. We worked with the teens and young adults for nearly 4 years and then decided younger group leaders were needed, and we stepped down. It has been a blessing watch the kids grow into adulthood. Most remained as a believers, but some developed too much bitterness toward God and blamed Him for their home life. Couples got married, had kids and our kids have stayed in contact with a few of them. When I learned one of the kids had become a senior pastor for a large church, actually our old church in Fairbanks, I was so proud of him and his wife. Being a pastor is not an easy job, nor is it easy for the wife and children. Sort of like being a cop's kid.
I'm going to go to the news stories now. Otherwise I could be on here forever. When I'm writing ( on one of my books), it really drives me to continue this long winded affect in my e-mails.
Disclaimer: Pieces of news detailed here could be "propaganda" from my foreign sources. I you are curious or want a more in-depth follow-up, please check out the whole article.
But please try to review the news, you actually might find something that is of interest.
CONSERVATIVE ZONE: "Insanity: President Trump blamed for the rise of satanism" "Devastated liberals accuse President Trump in newspaper for the 'apparent rising popularity of satanism' 'saying feminists and the disenfranchised' are turning to the devil." ( This has been reported in the 1960's thru today, concerning the rise of satanism. Yes, I so agree it is always present, the earth is the devils foothold, but a strong belief in God will shoot him down every time.)
JERUSALEM ONLINE: "Report: 10 Iranian agents arrested in Germany for spying on Israeli targets. ALSO- Terror attack foiled at Joseph's Tomb (Jerusalem), an explosive device was neutralized after it was discovered near hundreds of Jewish worshipers. But, then stones were thrown toward Jewish worshipers and Security Forces in the area. ALSO- "Pakistan: 1,800 Muslim clerics declare suicide bombings 'UnIslamic'. Info reportedly carried in a Pakistani book published by a state-run university.
GATESTONE INSTITUTE NEWS: "The Terrorism jobs program, pampering the Palestinians must end" "Palestinians need to start taking responsibility for their own existence and stop relying on the world to take care of them while they use the money freed up by the International Community- to launch their jihad and intifadas." " No entity should forever be permitted to devote its resources to terror, while the world is expected to owe them everything. Financial support, jobs, citizenship, and even building the infrastructure that they keep destroying." Financial aid is provided in hope to stop the terrorism, but they turn around and use these funds to sponsor terrorism.
ALSO- "Oh you cross-worshipers, we'll kill you you all" "Muslim persecution of Christians, August 2017", A popular Arab-language newspaper attacked Morocco's Christian activists for their faith and ended with "Koran requires the killing of apostates (non-Muslims)". ALSO- Sweden decided to deport a female Iranian who had become a Christian when she pleaded that back in Iran she could face the death penalty, Swedish authorities reportedly said, "It's not our problem if you decided to become a Christian, and it's your problem." This happened to Aideen Strandsson. Meanwhile, Sweden continues accepting Muslim refugees. ALSO- In the name of "Fighting Terrorism" Bangladesh made changes to a law that forced approximately 200 Christian organizations to shut down.
PATRIOTIC VIRAL NEWS. "Fact: Walmart sells more guns and ammo than any other store."
AMERICAN DAILY CONSEQUENCES: Consumer credit-card debt reportedly increased by $11.2 Billion in November 2017. Consumers now own a mountain of credit-card debt in an excess of $1 trillion, highest level since the 2008 financial crisis. Saving rate for consumer dropped to just 2.9% as of November 2017. The only time Americans reportedly has less savings was during the "infamous 1929-1931, during the peak of the Great Depression", Americans are borrowing more and saving less, than virtually anytime in history. US Consumer Debt increased to $3.8 trillion in November 2017, the largest monthly increase in consumer debt in 16-years. Student auto loans rose to $16.8 billion in November 2017, up more than 7% from Nov 2016.
THOUGHTFUL MIND QUOTE: "What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity , we are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other's folly- that is the first law of nature." by Voltaire (Gives one something to think about.)
JERUSALEM ONLINE: U.S. Panama Ambassador announced his resignation - says he can't work under President Trump
GATESTONE: "The Palestinian Terror Party: Celebrating Murder" Palestinians do not feel the need to condemn terror attacks against Jews"..."The Palestinian Authority has been condemning Israel for launching a manhunt for terrorists."
THOUGHTFUL MIND QUOTE: "The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and the direction you have chosen." By Ralph Marston. ( I would God into this quote)
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: Washington "DC Teacher's Union President supports BDS (the boycotting of Israel). ALSO- The NRA to give $25,000 to Pennsylvania Police Agencies.
AMERICAN CONSEQUENCES: Report: "The looming student loan default crisis is worse than we thought" "At nearly $1.4 trillion in loans outstanding student debt is now the second largest source of household debt (after housing costs).
FAMILY SURVIVAL HEADLINES: "School agrees to pay $800,000 after transgender- student who was born female is denied use of boy's bathroom."
THOUGHTFUL MIND QUOTE: "The Ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience , but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". by Martin Luther King Jr.
`WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: "73% of the 549 individuals convicted of international terrorism -related charges in U.S. Courts were immigrants." From a report issued by the Department of Justice and Homeland Security. ALSO- Senate hearings will examine if Medicaid has made opoid crisis worse." ALSO- U.S. Lawmakers urge AT&T to cut commercial ties with Huawei" U.S. Government feels this connection with Mainland China could bring up National Security issues.
CATHOLIC NEWS: Vatican says, "Young people at the forefront of the pro-life fight called 'New Magi' of the movement. Pope appeared in Chile to ask forgiveness from the victims of clergy sex-abuse in Chile.
MANILA TIMES: 20 countries, including the Philippines in crisis talks on North Korean nuclear Weapons problems. China was said to have been absent from the meeting in Canada. ALSO- United Nations says 22-million Yemenis now in need of Humanitarian Aid due to war, Some 8.4 million at risk of famine, up from 6.8 million in 2017.
GLOBAL TIMES: China- Alleged residents of an East China city expressed heated online opposition on Tuesday to a government plan to move their ancestor's tombs to make room for a mosque. ( Bible makes mention of one world religion in the End Times, could it be Islam?)
ALSO- Another 360 illegal immigrant rescued by Libyan Coast Guard. ALSO- At least 600 individuals arrested in night clashes in Tunisia protests. ALSO- A Salmonella scandal at French Dairy Group Lactalis has effected 83 countries, involving 12-million boxes of powdered baby milk, now being recalled. ALSO- Report that people in Britain using debit and credit cards to pay for things in U.S., paid $228 million U.S. dollars in just one year in hidden charges- from Department of Treasury. ALSO- Pakistani Coast Guard reportedly seized narcotics worth $32 Million in U.S. dollars. ALSO- India launched their 31 satellites on a single mission. ALSO- "U.S.-UK relationship reportedly at risk," said by British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, "After President Trump canceled a trip to London, amid warnings of mass protests. ALSO- US Announces a new decrease of Americans troops in Iraq. ( Maybe President wants our troops out of the area in the event he has to deal with an Iranian nuclear program.)
FRENCH NEWS- "Gangs in Paris". Problem of youth violence in Paris. One problem is the young age of the gang members. France also having a serious problem with refugees. France President said he will demand Prime Minister of England to take more responsibility for the refugee crisis. ( I bet having a President and a PM can really cause some problems in a government body.)
GERMANY NEWS: "Student leaders to be taken to Auschwitz in bid to combat campus Antisemitism.
POLAND NEWS: Europe's Financial Times says "Europe's biggest test will come in Poland". For here is World War II began , where the Soviet Empire began to crumble and here , Poland may again play a crucial role as it stands fast against the refugee crisis, effecting the European Union. (Poland may finally elect to leave the EU, possibly relying on Britain and US to help keep Russia off their borders.)
GREECE NEWS- Greek Police free 13 immigrants held for ransom by human traffickers- two Pakistani arrested.
RUSSIAN HERALD- "Pentagon confirms existence of Russian 'Doomsday Weapon'." Pentagon reportedly confirm Russia has developed an nuclear underwater drone, with potential to devastate U.S> ports and harbors. ALSO- One of the coldest inhabited places on earth- the Russian Village of Oymyakon hit a minus 89-degrees (F). ALSO- UK scrambles two fighters to intercept Russian jets. UK claims ongoing tension exist between Russia and UK. ALSO- U.S. denies aiding in drone usage on Russian bases.
MOSCOW TIMES: Moscow gets 6-minutes of sunlight in December. ALSO- Russia is reportedly preparing sanctions in retaliation for Olympic doping ban.
THAILAND NEWS- "New cyber attack on cryptocurrency investors came from North Korea, report says...the hacking malware is similar to that used by North Koreans attack on Sony Pictures.
ASIA TIMES- "President "Duterte reaches for unlimited, unending power in his drive to amend the Philippine Charter could extend the populist leader's rule beyond one term-limit and transform national politics." (Emperor Duterte? Revolution?) ALSO- "Minorities pack their bags as religious freedom plunges in Pakistan." ALSO- "Six-year old's rape and murder ignites outrage in Pakistan", forcing the "Government to address rampant sexual abuse of children in Pakistan".
IRAN HERALD- "Two suicide bombings rock Baghdad, dozens killed. ALSO- Saudi Arabia shoots down missile fired by Yemen's radical "Houthis".
SAUDI ARABIA NEWS- Report- "Israel plans for railway connecting it with Saudi Arabia. ALSO- Reports of "Secret Middle East Alliance", aimed at restraining Iran's imperial desire for a land mass between Tehran and the Mediterranean Sea was moving into a new phase, although there are no former diplomatic ties between the two countries. ALSO- Report that Air India could fly to Israel, through Saudi Arabia.
PATRIOTIC VIRAL NEWS- Report: Switzerland is said to be moving toward requiring immigrants seeking citizenship to repay any welfare they received.
FRONT PAGE PATRIOT- If you haven't heard it, "US Military to get largest raise in nearly 8-years, with 2.4% for uniformed and 1.9% raise for Federal Workers.
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER- Walmart employees get raises, bonuses, $5,000 adoption aid and expanded maternity leave, due to new tax cuts.
NOTE FROM BILL: "How Not To Die" book, covers subjects I am using now. Book recommends nutritional yeast for cancer, also improved wound healing. Author is Michael Greer, MD FALCM. If interested- email him at no-reply@nutrition facts.org You might also check out Truenorth Health Center News, they're on Facebook. There are some real natural remedies and you learn what not to eat. And no, I am not being paid for this nor given a free book, but my cousin sends me updates on this doctor's way of doing things naturally. Next time you get a prescription, look at the ingredients and ask the professional behind the counter concerning the ones you don't know about and how they might effect your body. Also look at the side effects. One of the pills I've taken for 30-years has destroyed nearly half of my teeth, I chew soft things now, and other problems. I can only imagine what it has done to my bones and the printed side effects are a bit scary. But, it is the main pill that has kept me walking. Now I plan to go off of it. I've tried twice in the past cold turkey and each time I was back in my wheelchair within 4-days. But this time I'll be under the doctor's care as I withdraw. I'm looking into additional natural supplements and yes, Marijuana edibles is one of them. But, I'm still not sure I get anything from them. That's it for the ad.
JERUSALEM ONLINE: Following US Cuts, withholding funds from UNRWA, Belgium pledges $23 million to UNRWA. ALSO- Prime Minister Netanyahu reportedly stated- "We will reach anyone who tries to harm Israeli citizens."
THE DAILY SIGNAL MORNING BELL- "International Court pushes gay marriages on to 20 Latin American nations . ( Most of these countries have majorities who are Catholic.)
GATESTONE- "PLO leaders who met in Ramallah on Jan 17th, recommended that the Palestinians revoke their recognition of Israel." ALSO- Turkey has been in the UN since 1952, and has pursued membership in the EU since 2005, but Turkey has "done nothing to reduce the persecution against religious minorities in their country." The Alevi community numbers up to 25% of Turkey's population and is Turkey's largest minority. They have been persecuted for centuries. Even though they are Shi'ite off shoot of Islam.
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: The University of Michigan invited an anti-Israel activist to speak twice on Martin Luther King Jr Day. This speaker is Steven Salaita, who gained popularity in 2014 after approving the Hamas's kidnap and murder of 3 Israeli teens. This event was sponsored by the Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives and Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies. The event also gave Salaita an opportunity to promote his new book. One of his infamous quotes is, "Zionism is one of the reasons the world is so shitty today", ( Pardon the profanity), He verbally attacks Israel in his speeches. ( The part that bothers me is how US taxes are used to bring hate onto our campuses. Federal grant money to the campus, plus federal student loans. Let him rent a hall, a stadium, but not our schools- my opinion)
GATESTONE - "Canada: ' Islamophobia Day'? Are you Kidding?" "In Canada Islamophobia comes in only fourth behind crimes against Blacks, Hispanics and Jews. In Fact the crimes against Muslims have dropped, even though the number of hate crimes have increased" for the other minorities. This is according to the latest Canadian statistics. Still, the Toronto Star Newspaper has printed there is no such evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood exists in Canada, or the U.S.. Accept, the Muslim Brotherhood is in fact in North America. The Toronto Star was getting their information from a Muslim Brotherhood council member, Jamal Badawi. The Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is being asked by the National Council of Canadian Muslims to designate Jan 29th as "National Day of Remembrance and Action on Islamophobia. BUT, it is felt by non-Muslims that if the PM takes this action it will clearly demonstrate the Muslims ability to "Manipulate the Prime Minister's Office". There is no official day in Canada to recognize the Black, the Hispanics or the Jews, who suffer more hate crimes than the Muslims.
JERUSALEM ONLINE- "Report: U.S. Embassy to move to Jerusalem in 2019.
THOUGHTFUL MIND QUOTE: "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you." Said by John Bunyan
So, that's it, folks. I'm curious if you made it through? I pray blessings upon all of you and hope the next few days ahead are good ones. BILL