John Leroy, our oldest boy, called me while on his way home from his new job. He works for the U.S. Marshal Service in Anchorage and the trip home is about 30-miles to the Town of Girdwood. He really like his job and is making a good wage. But, we lost service and that ended the call. We've been having problems here in Moose Pass with communications, between the internet and phone service going out. It was out again this morning for a while. BUT, while talking with John I learned that his brother James, our third son, had taken a trip to South Korea without notifying his parents of same. It's nice to know these things as it helps us know how to pray for our children. Consider your hand slapped, son. Hope you got some good photos.
While waiting for Mona to finish the editing for "Homeland Security" as the proof sent to me by the publisher had numerous mistakes- my fault, I've started another segment in the Arizona Ranger series and finished Chapter 3 this morning. Currently, this one is entitled "Revenge at Superstition". I believe I've already told you about the history of that mountain range. This story takes place between "Blake's War" and "Indian Wars", which is in the hands of the publisher. The 3rd book is also done, "Geronimo". Currently this is a planned 6-book series.
I have a prayer need I'd like to send out as I really believe in prayer and the more you get the better it feels. A Couple weeks ago, one of our clan members was driving our only vehicle, which belonged to another family member and slid on the ice, running into a roadway guardrail. No injuries- thank you very much, but we've learned the vehicle is totaled due to frame damage. This will pay off the loan for the truck and we were provided with a very nice mini-van to drive for a week. But, it goes back on the 12th and then we will have no vehicles. So, we need something to happen, that the Good Lord will provide us with transportation. So, please include this in your prayers and I thank you very much. Oh, like so many other families we have our fair share of sickness and disabilities. We've been receiving a lot of answers to these prayers and we're sincerely grateful. Because of an insurance snafu, my pain drugs are not being covered right now and I'm doing without....and I haven't killed anyone. Nor would I. Any of you recall the old joke about "wood-eye-wood-eye!" in response to the earlier statement. Must be my age.
I've begun reading the Book of Hebrew in my early mornings, a chapter a day. It is my favorite book of the Bible and it asks a lot of questions that truly make you think about your life and future. I recommend it. I do this before I start writing to get my head on right. When I'm done writing, I often jump on the internet and review the Etsy sales. for me its like window shopping and I check out cop toys, often checking to see what my collection is priced at. This helps me relax before going to lay down for a nap.
Here's some headlines for your review: Over 100 democrats reportedly support banning private health insurance plans.... U.S. vows to support the Philippines in South China Sea in a warning to China....Muslims create new mosque on Temple Mount, using Gate of Mercy....U.S. Reportedly intends to end Turkey's preferential trade treatment.... 3,000 people evacuated from ISIS enclave in Eastern Syria....More incendiary balloons launched from Gaza on fourth day of tension.... Hillary Clinton announces she will not run for President in 2020 elections.... Authorities investigation Nazi swastikas scrawled in blood near Holocaust museum....Fear a war with China, Philippines Defense Officials review their treaty with the U.S.....17 miners die in landslide in Indonesia.....China says tariff war costs U.S. firms, consumers $4.4 billion in 2018...."California city removes statue of President McKinley during dead of the night....."Bernie Sanders calls for a socialist revolution in America"....Report- Bernie Sanders fills his ranks with anti-Israel advocates in antisemitism scandal"....U.S. European military commander wants more military power to counter Russia....Louisiana suspends abortionist's license....Israeli Jews plan to build new synagogue on Temple Mount in Jerusalem to counter new Muslim one....Most 2020 democrats running for 2020 Presidential vote call for slavery reparations....UN Human rights chief says the Israeli Defense Force is using disproportionate force at Gaza border....6.0 earthquake hits the Philippines....European Union and England's Brexit talks fail reach a deal....Democrats in congress delay vote on antisemitism issue....U.S. calls on Germany banks to close BDS accounts....Tensions rising as Jewish women prepare of "Women of the Wall" prayer service in Jerusalem.... Report that North Korea is already rebuilding its nuclear missile launch facility....Government reports more than 76,000 migrants crossed U.S. /Mexico border in February- twice that of 2018....1,500 pulses of lightening recorded off Southern California in a 5 minute period....American economy achieves 3% growth rate for first time in 13-years....Some house democrats want to "water down" house antisemitism measure....Wisconsin governor wants to start issuing I.S. Cards and driver's license to illegal immigrants, which could allow them to vote in elections.... Feds reportedly paid out millions for lobster tail, booze and toys at end of the year spending binge. (Isn't interesting to find out where your tax dollars are going?)
Up here in Alaska the new governor wants to severely cut the education budget, making school classes grow from 30 to 40 or more students and laying off over 100 students. This of course was not one of the thing he ran on. It would also eliminate quite a few special programs that keep our students in school. Now as I'm sure you other home owners do, I pay property taxes to help this school program and I'm curious how in one year we've undergone such a major change plus my taxes have increased. For me, in my sophomore year in high school I was ready to quit, but the sports program held me in. This led to 10 years in the military and 20-years as a police officers, which I'm almost sure wouldn't have happened had I quit. A lot of kids are in similar shape, plus the ones who need scholarships to get into college. Now each year we as Alaskans receive a dividend based on the sale of oil in our state, it was set up back in the 1970's. The governor was elected partially because he wanted to repay each Alaska the money they were shorted by the previous governor. Dividends coming out in early October. After a good accounting is completed of the educational fund and where the money is going, I'd rather see our dividend money go to keep our schools open, classrooms of reasonable size, no pay cuts and no firing of over 100-teachers. I wouldn't have voted for the man had I known what he was planning, but I suspect if he continues he can kiss his reelection goodbye!
So, life goes on as we gradually head for the start of spring's daylight savings time. Personally, I believe Alaska should opt out of this program, just as a couple other states have. Makes no sense up here with all the day light we receive in the summer. I can still remember coming to Alaska in early 1978 and Alaska had 4 times zones. My boss in Juneau was always getting off and hour before I was, and coming in an hour earlier to leave numerous messages on my answering machine. See, Alaska does have its difficulties, but its will worth it to live in this beautiful country.
This summer I plan to build my bunker, preparing for when the Chinese come....just kidding. Bunkers cost too much to build. I'll just dig an impressive fox hole and mine the forest. I'm sure the intelligence service in Nevada picked up on's those key words. Gotta be careful.
God bless! BILL