The hardest part of Dividend Day is deciding where the money needs to go. Bills, tires, new frig, new front door, that new 7mm rifle.... Oh, new chain saw. But, that's only my list. Every year it's the same thing, but we are grateful for the Dividend. I've been receiving since the beginning and this comes to just over $40,000 per person. First Dividend began at $1,000 and the next year it dropped to $300 and a bit more. Our best dividend was a few years ago when we received $2,000 and our governor tossed another $1,200 on top of that. You can sure do a lot with $3,200 apiece. A lot of people finally got that dream vacation or a second car for the family. That was one of the "good old days".
I've recently been in e-mail contact with an old friend who served with me at Edwards AFB, California. He earned his stripes and then received his officer's commission. Now retired, he still works for the government. He is going to order a copy of my books and if he likes them will take them to the "Desert Rat" Reunion. This is where a couple hundred former
Air Force Security Policemen who served at Edwards from 1974-1978 come together every year. I've been invited, but declined.
My computer connection is acting up, I'll try latr