I reviewed a story from an American story, which I still need to verify, but it states our government is putting together a device, working off of satellites, that will be able to read your e-mails-what you receive, meaning accept, and what you send out as long as your computer is on. I believe it will work on the same function that our phone are monitored by that super-computer gizmo the government owns, which monitors our phone calls and watches for the usage of key words... like bomb, nuclear, protest...you get the point. It will then monitor you whole call to show if you have enough of a problem the FBI needs to be notified to put you on an "alert list", needing for you to be checked out. This new device will then work off your computers. This would be the most advanced system for monitoring American citizens. Read the book or watch "1984". A very scary flick, where America becomes worse than a dictatorship. People have used this story often to show where America is headed toward. I know a lot of people who say, "Never happen in my USA". Will, you phone calls are being monitored right now and have been for the last couple of years...or more. But strangely enough, people in our country got too busy with their lives and never stood up to say, "NO!". They just allowed it to happen.
Is this all part of the End of Days? I sure don't know. I wish you all a great week. God Bless, BILL