Note from the Publisher: As Bill mentions in the post below, you can receive a FREE Kindle copy of "In Search of Honor" by emailing [email protected] and putting "Free copy of In Search of Honor in the subject line.
In exchange, Bill would appreciate an honest review of the book on Amazon. Thanks for supporting Bill's writing.
After an extensive study, I've come to realize that this household consumes an abundancy of doughnuts. Doughnuts, which can also be spelled donuts. No wonder people have problems with the English Language, I know I do. You have no idea how many word books I keep handy at my desk to find just that right word and then spell check says I'm spelling it wrong. But I took the word right from the book, which I was holding in front of me to spell out this 9-letter word that is yet another adjective to mean 'exciting'. But I had used the word exciting in a previous paragraph. I dislike reading books where the same adjective is used more often than it should.
Otherwise, we hit the Fred Meyer's and Safeway bakeries. This is what we did on payday, when they had their pastries on sale 3/ $1 after 6 p.m. and still had a good selection. I was surprised when my wife actually loaded up two-dozen doughnuts. As of Saturday morning, we have two doughnuts left over. But I still have not gained any weight!! Holding at 198lbs.
My publisher is providing the offer I told you about, that if you order a copy of "In Search of Honor" through Amazon, then provide your review of the story, he will provide a free E-Book copy. You can use this as a gift for others, or order the E-Book copy of Apache Snow to go with it in order to have Book # 1 in the series.
Contact my publisher at [email protected] be sure to make mention in the subject line "Free copy of 'In Search of Honor".
I will be writing Book 3 in the series this fall, after I finish my current manuscript. Below is a synopsis for Search of Honor:
"Over 58,000 men and women bravely gave up their lives in the 10-year Vietnam War. Now, reverently remembered, their names are etched upon 'The Wall' in Washington D.C. But, what of the millions who fought in this unpopular war? Men and women, who came home , who spat on and called names, such as 'Baby Killer', 'Nixon's Gestapo'. Eighteen- year-old Christian boys, who lost their faith after first pulling an M-16 trigger. Today, these men walk streets as homeless drunks; many hooked on narcotics. Countless warriors suffer from various levels of Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder(PTSD).
"Former 1st Lt. Bill Warrens, U.S. Army platoon leader and college graduate, is one such warrior. He's haunted almost nightly by the same PTSD nightmare; smothering him. The effects caused him to lose job after job. He left his family and way of life, becoming a vagrant. Now, dying of alcohol poisoning, he awaits death in a Los Angeles Veterans Hospital. However, a concerned Pastor Joshua Sanders, a Vietnam combat veteran, becomes drawn to help Dr. Scott Ahern, former combat medic, with PTSD out-patient groups and hospitalized in-patients. VA health care is limited by budget restraints. Obtaining medical appointments can often take months.
"Pastor Sanders discovered mislaid paperwork for Bill Warrens. Inside, it's revealed Bill was to be decorated with the Medal of Honor, the highest military honor bestowed upon servicemen, for his gallant actions performed on Hamburger Hill in 1969. The award is for the same deeds that haunted his impaired mind, through distorted nightmares. Now it's a race to cut through the red tape , so Bill Warrens is awarded his Medal, before meeting his maker. If the race is won, William Warrens Jr. will see his father's eyes light up with wondrous amazement, upon seeing the men he thought his actions had caused the death of."
Book goes for $12.99 244 pages and comes with a photo of me. Could you want more? Book # 3 will take Bill Warrens Jr. into the desert wars. Unknown if there will be a 4th book yet, as it will be based on sales. Apache Snow did well, but we of course would always like to see more sales.
So, I'd appreciate any advertising you can do for me by sharing this series with others. Both are Christian based.
So you know, I wrote this book to highlight the troubles all the veterans are going through. I am hoping to share something with parents, sisters and brothers, wives and children, of veterans dealing with PTSD. Now, I know PTSD strikes out at many different victims- rape, kidnapping, hostage, vehicle accidents, near drowning...the list in long. But my book is highlighting the military veterans World War II through the Desert Wars of today. I myself deal with a mild form of PTSD from a single experience over there and occasionally the nightmares come. As I get older I am noticing the more often this nightmare hits. But so-so many suffer harsher degrees of PTSD and they keep on coming home. It will help to have understanding families at home waiting for them. I can still recall the 2nd day after I came home, no parades and no pats on the back, and this pretty young woman came up to me inside a hamburger joint, where I was sitting and enjoying a real American hamburger. She flashed those pretty eyes at me, about my age, then from out of her mouth came so much disgusting hate. She finished by pouring a milkshake over my head. All I could do was walk out, fighting to ignore the laughter from the young adults inside. No, this isn't my nightmare, but this just describes what so many of us came home to and we were not prepared for it mentally. Anyway, this is why I wrote this 2nd book. But besides the incidents of hate on both sides, there is a lot of love in this story. I hope you give it a shot.
Going to town, have a great weekend. God Bless. BILL