I can't tell you how excited I am to have three books in print and I wish to thank my Publisher: Alaska Dreams, my cover art by Elizabeth ( our oldest daughter, and editing by Susan Smith, another family member and former U.S. Army Journalist. I also wish to thank my son, John Alex for all the computer assistance he provided.
This whole writing thing makes me wonder if my high school English teacher might still alive, but in reality I doubt it. The man smoked 2-3 packs a day and was in his mid 50's. But he flunked me twice for Freshman English and I learned he disliked jocks as a whole. However, the English language was a foreign language to me until I joined the military.
Now I may have mentioned this before and because of my memory problems, I no longer recall the man's name, but he told me that every person on this planet of ours has 3 books within them. Three stories to tell the world, or only their family if they're afraid to face rejection from the world. I know some writers like that, good writers, but they cannot reach the point of mailing their work in to a publisher. But for writers, those of us who live in our stories, dream our tales, we will simply continue to write as if we're starving for the next page of these stories and thirsty for the very words to make it all work. I thought I'd be confined to war or police books, but I've stretched myself out into cowboy tales, sci-fi and thrillers, but all with a Christian message. Go for it! Even if the writing only helps you and you never make a sale. I went for 19-years without a novel being published and I couldn't write another short story after the Christmas Tree, and my account on the "Blue Eyes" episode in my life, which I wrote for the family. I simply could not condense my words, my thoughts into a limited number of pages. But you may be a short story writer, a writer of poetry, a what-to-do writer concerning hobby craft and so many other talents people are interested in today from rock collecting to mushroom picking. I say this because next month our home is playing host to a famous literary scientist who will be giving a teaching on mushrooms and then taking us on a mushroom walk. He has published books and is invited to campuses to teach, but now retired he take things a bit easier. He will be instructing at the University of Alaska/Soldotna campus and then visit us. Susan Smith set the whole thing up and now maybe I'll know what mushrooms to pick. I usually the hopeless case involving plant life, killing flowers when I'm out pulling weeds. I now no longer work in the flower beds...or for that matter work much outside. But I have a nice window by my writing desk and my music, not to mention the 5 ankle biters to protect me from harm. They work cheap, only a cookie per my writing shift.
Oh yeah, if you can establish a writing schedule and stick to it. I almost never write on Sunday, but since this is my job I try to devote 6-9 hours a day to it. I prefer working in the afternoons and once my brain is tired out, I grab someone else's book to read and help relax my mind. Develop your own requirements for helping you write. But if you are a reader and not a writer, please check out my last two books, "Apache Snow" and its new sequel, "In Search of Honor". Both can be purchased on e-book or kindle, or the normal sized book through Amazon. But what I'd like you to do, after reading it, provide an honest review. These reviews help me to become a better writer. Now, "A Coming Storm", still needs a final editing and Susan will be working on that soon. A 3rd Edition will come out as part of the trilogy, but currently it's been released with a new cover. We really like the new cover and this book is also in ebook/kindle.
Hears a bit of news:
Senior German Ministers have called for a ban on the wearing of the Burqa and an end to dual citizenship.( Both would involving a re-writing of Germany's Constitution involving religious practices and citizenship.) Another new proposed law call for the deportation of Preachers who incite Terrorism.
Since December 2015, France, acting under its new expanded emergency powers, has shut down twenty mosques for preaching Salafism. This is the teaching followed by the members of ISIS and other fanatical Muslim jihadists. Such teaching was being taught in 120 Mosques in France's 2,500 Muslim Mosques.
Republicans in American Virgin Islands claim that the territory's Democrat-controlled government squashed their primary vote to keep the GOP off of the November ballot.
China says increasing U.S. Military deployment in the region to be used by China and Russia in its upcoming war games could cause a "provocation".
Report: "World Vision- A Christian Charity" is on an anti-Israel mission, giving donated funds to known anti-Jew terrorist organizations.
In Britain, mainstream Muslim organizations are reportedly dispensing "Islamic Justice" through more than 85 Sharia courts attached to mosques.
In Britain, it appears wearing an Anti-ISIS t-shirt is now against the law, even when wore out of the country. Mr. Robinson attended EURO 2016 Football Championship wearing a F**K ISIS T-shirt. Upon his return to England, he was immediately charged with "Inciting Racial Hatred". Britain has lost the rights to free speech for offending a murderous terrorist organization, or is it something else? Has the government grown afraid of their Muslim population. Only a year ago it was anti-Irish shirts and no one was arrested for those.
Crime is paying in Palestine. Palestinians imprisoned for 5 years or more, or killed in their attempt to strike down a Jew receives monthly payments from the Palestinian Authority. For "Martyrs", the family collects the money. Also, released prisoners are titled to a job with the Palestinian Authority. In 2016, so far, not less than $300 million was allocated to prisoners and martyr's families. Palestinian Authority, the governing body for Palestine, is rewarding suicide bombers and killers of children with knives and machetes, because they now call this a Holy War. (This reaches the U.S. low when we paid bounty on Indian scalps- which got so bad the scalpers were killing Mexican women and girls and passing it off a brave's hair. How can the United Nations allow this?)
From an article in Germany's "BUILD" Newspaper-paraphrased by Me: Germany's migrant rape crisis spread now into 16 of Germany's federal states. Most perpetrators are never found and those caught and tried frequently receive lenient sentences. One in ten rapes in Germany is reported and only 8% of rape trials result in convictions- According to Minister of Justice Maas. Up to 90% of sex crimes committed in Germany in 2014 did not appear in the official statistics. Strict instructions from the top advise departments not to report certain offenses committed by Refugees. (one might wonder if the true numbers were reported and the right people convicted, fewer rapes would have continued as the point got across to the arriving refugees in that rape is not accepted here. You violate it, you'll got to prison and then be deported. But this wasn't done. It can almost make one also wonder that the million Muslims living in Germany might have threatened holy war if too many arrests were made of what can be considered acceptable under Sharia Law?)
That's it. But I sure wouldn't be visiting Europe right now. With the increasing build-up of Muslims, it's not hard to see the possibility of a religious war spreading like a wildfire across Europe. How long before that same flame could be touched off in the U.S ?
England and Germany were our strong allies, but will we be able to trust them in the foreseeable future with all they're allowing in their own land?
You know I often ask these questions and rarely do I get a response. I'm beginning to feel like one of those weird, patriotic, flag waving Nam Veterans, who bites his tongue whenever he sees our flag set on fire. Then I laugh when the man with the flames does something real stupid and sets himself on fire, too. As if all the dead veterans had their own say in the end. But then the Word of God brings light and I pray the man or woman isn't seriously hurt and they learned something from this. Sometimes the Christian walk is not the easy one.
Love to all. God Bless your Day BILL