I am a big-fan of a trivia book entitled "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader" and I own 7 of their books. My favorite two are Military and Tunes into TV. You'll find the most interesting facts in them and you actually trust their facts, which they have spent a good amount of time in researching to ensure what they print is correct. We keep them in our bathroom, of course, because a lot of people using the Golden Goddess chair, like to pass the time reading- something, to pass the time. I've decided to add a few items in the Journal, and since I'm not paid for this Journal I do not violate the copyright. I checked. Unless I wrote out the whole book for you, and I won't. Here's a few items from "Tunes into TV", created by the Bathroom Readers Institute.
The first TV Show The small-scale "experimental" broadcast to the few research institutions, companies, and individuals, who owned a TV set, occurred on April 10, 1939. What was shown? The opening ceremony of the New York World's Fair.
First TV Commercial was an ad for Bulova watches and it was aired on WNBT's first full day of programming on July 1st, July 1, 1941. It ran during a baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. Cost of the ad time: $4.00.
Studies have shown that TV is the third most talked about subject. "Cost of Living" and "family" as number one and two. But this study came out in 2011.
First full-color broadcast occurred on January 1st. 1954, as NBC televised the Tournament of Roses Parade from Pasadena, California, and it was a nation-wide broadcast.
First toilet filmed on TV; a "Leave it to Beaver" episode in 1957. Before the episode could be seen, censored shelved it for a few weeks due to the toilet. Nobody was on it, Wally and Beaver were keeping a pet alligator in the toilet tank, so Mom & Dad wouldn't find it.
Rosie: a Prime-time cartoon show, "The Jetson's'" robot was based on the actress Shirley Booth's role as a wisecracking house-maid in "Hazel".
Mary Tyler Moore's first acting role, she played an elf in a appliance commercial.
That's all for now. This is today's news, but only a bit.
Gatestone Institute News: "Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any costs? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?" This is just part of the speech President Trump made to the Polish people, just prior to the G20 Summit Leaders Meetings. The crowd in Poland were enthusiastic according to nearly all of the reports. ( I admit, this part of the speech reminded me of the speech made by President John F Kennedy, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country... This still remains as one of the best Presidential speeches in history, just a point down from President Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address".
Gatestone: Germany- "Chechen Sharia Police Terrorize Berlin", "They have come to Germany because they wanted to live in Germany, but they keep trying to turn it into Chechnya, with its medieval ways," State by a social worker, interviewed by the media. Berlin Police in Frankfurt say-"We are not paying sufficient attention to this." Concerning threats of violence against "errant" women." Such violence against these women are being viewed as acts of Patriotism." Said by Chechen Women. They added in interviews, that the expectation for behavior are more rigid in and among Chechen immigrants in Germany than in Chechen itself. "100 Islamists are now openly enforcing sharia law on the streets of Berlin, according to local police. Chechen migrants, are predominantly Sunni Muslims. The Salafists are using threats of violence to discourage Chechen migrants from intergrating into German society, while also promoting the establishment of a parallel Islamic legal system in Germany. German authorities appear unable to stop them.
Gatestone: Germany- "Multiculturalism in Germany ", A student sexually assaulted an 11-ear old girl and punched a boy in the face, breaking his glasses. Six other students have been beaten badly by this young man. The school leadership has reportedly refused to discipline, apparently because of his migrant background. Instead, they have "lashed" out at the parents for "demanding a safe environment for their children."
Gatestone: Germany- Around one-million non-Europeans living in Germany are now on welfare, an increase of 124% in just one-year. From statistics by Federal Employment Agency benefits include (509,696 Syrians; 276,399 from Turkey; 110,529 from Iraq: 65,443 from Afghanistan) This amounts to 962, 067 people from just those 4-countries. But, there are more migrants rom other Islamic lands. But there are also Christians in these migrants, and some people of the Jewish faith, and other religious groups.
Right now, Germany seems to be a focal point the world is watching. Unfortunately, Germany is now suffering for granting asylum to so many people. Reporters have mentioned of how a lot of the European leaders are people without children and seem not to care about the far future, when the children of Germany and France would be teens and young adults for the 2030's elections and they're countries might be under the control of the Islamists. 2030, 234 and 2038 could become startling events for these two democratic countries. Terrorism continues here and sharia law is not-to-gently showed down the throat of these two countries, and also other land. We cannot accept sharia law in the USA, but we can allow Islam to be worshipped here. "Freedom of Religion", its in our Constitution. But there shall be no other law of the land. This was attempted twice, with he Civil War and Utah's push from secession, both instances were put down by our military might. This could again happen right here if we open our borders to Islamic freedom fighters. President Trump doesn't want this to happen and he thinks a wall will stop it. North Korea is a prime example why walls don't work; the tunnel they've built will allow their tanks and large movements of troops to pass right under the mine-fields, bunkers and walls of concertina wire.
Personally, I feel military troops on the border would be a big help. I also believe as migrants are being allowed in, that those with no family members holding American citizenship, they be kept for 6-months at a re-opened military base down by the border. There to be thoroughly vetted and trained in an assortment of trades, or jobs they prefer, have them learning how to drive an understand/speak basic English. When one is found to have a criminal record, especially felonies and prior illegal entries, they be deported to their country of birth. Many additional items could occur here and we do have the bases/posts sitting vacant, but we should not award them for illegal entries and getting into the criminal world. Our bigger cities are becoming more dangerous to live in or walk down a city street, our police are far outnumbered, district attorneys are buried in court cases and out courts are swamped with serious felony cases. Increase the numbers in our National Guard ranks, but not to be sent over to the Middle East, but to be guarding are borders here at home and that includes are northern borders. We have jihadist now sneaking in from Canada.
An opinion by BILL.
That's it. Today is my writing day, so I hope to spend 6-8 hours here on the computer. Still on Chapter 3 of Book 6.
Hope everyone has a nice day. Since sitting here, dark clouds are moving in. God Bless, BILL