I've developed a wee bit of a problem, having picked up what I believe is called ransom ware and a virus bomb. Still getting screen warnings about who to call and then I'm told they want money. They're holding my computer hostage and I'm curious if the FBI looks into such things? But, John Alex has worked on it twice and I am at least able to work on my book.
Notification: "Legend of Silene" is finally coming out and we are now looking going over the final proof. I hope you will give it a read, but be sure to review the back cover so you'll know what the book is about. I've had people critique prior books because they failed to notice my books have a Christian premise, even my Vietnam series. I write fiction, but all my books have a Christian message to some degree. Though fiction, Legend of Silene is based upon the real St. George and the Dragon story. I've added a bit of my own flair to the tale and my own artwork to the cover.
My oldest daughter Elizabeth has had her birthday in the early part of April, immediately followed by her son's 22nd birthday. He's here for a couple of days, sitting through my lectures about the need to find another job...a patient young man...while also visiting with the rest of his family.
I was given a call the other night by a dear friend who was concerned about the State of Illinois preparing to vote on taking away all the firearms belong to their state citizens. From what I was able to find, this only concerned a total ban on military-style rifles like the semi-automatic AR-15 and semi-auto AK-47, plus others that resemble military style weapons. A State judge had decided this ban would not effect our 2nd Amendment. I told my friend, it was only a matter of time for a hardcore democratic state to do this and I imagine California will soon follow suit. Poor Abe Lincoln is probably rolling around in his grave. Possibly within 10-years the nation will have a total ban on these weapons, and this will eventually lead to the total ban on all firearms we the citizens own. In time the Feds will once again go after the firearms owned by PTSD patients and it will spread to other reasons. Russia and China would love to see America disarmed, then they'd be able to walk in. But, I'm simply an alarmist. Truly I am. Still, I'm waiting to see a lot of FEMA employees come to Alaska to seize the people's firearms. That wouldn't be a pretty scene. By then I'll be old enough to gum them all. Read my new "Fire and Ice" 13-book series, which I hope to have out by the end of the year. Oh, I've written it, but the editing will take Susan some time. She has several of my books waiting to be reviewed before being sent to the Publisher. Next book to go to print will be "Rookie", which she is working on now.
JERUSALEM ONLINE: Gaza Committee preparing to sue Israeli soldiers over border deaths from last Friday's "March of Return" and this this Friday's 2nd encounter at the Gaza Wire. Palestinian Authority are asking the tens of thousands of people who had responded to turn over their photos and action flicks taken of the event. Protesters set fire to hundreds, if not thousands of used tires, to provide the protesters with possible access via thick heavy smoke, to get over the fence. ( Okay, here's what I do not understand. The Palestinians want to forcefully enter Israel, to take back the land they lost in an earlier war. They wish to destroy the Israeli people and their Jewish religion and have been found in possession of Molotov cocktails, grenades, firearms and knives, and they have a hard time with understanding why the Israelis shouldn't just flee and giveback the land. America had a similar situation during the Mexican-American War, where we secured Southern Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California. How would we feel if the Mexicans attacked to secure this land they lost in that war...how would we feel in being told we have to give it up by a mass of anti-American countries? Maybe a lot of American should think about this before we start shouting for Israel to surrender their property and very possibly their lives. Not to forget all the land we took away from the American Indians. If we were told to give everything back, we who are non-Indians, could end up taking boats back to Europe and England, where we might not be made welcome.) Oh, as an add on, 11 of the 17 people who were killed so far in these massive demonstrations, have been identified as known terrorists. We still have a reported 4 more weeks of these demonstrations on the border.
ALSO: President Putin of Russia attended the ground breaking ceremony for Turkey's first nuclear plant. ALSO- Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, who does not agree with his father, the King, has recognized the Jewish people's right to their Israeli homeland. He also feels the U.S. should maintain their military presence in Syria.
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: Democratic Secretary of State for New Mexico reportedly announced that he thinks the state voters are incapable of filling out their ballot without help.
THE DAILY SIGNAL MORNING BELL: Report that EPA begins revision of Former Pres. Obama's Climate Rules for cars and trucks. "Regulations are inappropriate and will be revised." State by EPA Chief Scott Pruitt.
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: Report- "How The Media was Misleadingly Covering the Gaza Border Violence." ALSO: London has surpassed New York City in murders for the first time ever.
JERUSALEM ONLINE: Report- "British Government Funding Palestinian schools, teaching martyrdom." UK taxes paying the salaries for 33,000 Palestinian teachers, who have been presenting a new curriculum that educates to embrace jihad and martyrdom. According to an article on the London Sunday Times.
GATESTONE INSTITUTE NEWS: Based on a statement by HAMAS leaders, the "March of Return" was not about improving living conditions for Palestinians on the Gaza Strip. Nor finding ways to solve "Humanitarian" and "Economic Crisis" on the Gaza Strip. But, the mass protests were aimed at forcing Israel to except millions of Palestinian "refugees", as a first step into turning Jews into a minority in their own country. To expel the Jews and transform Israel into a Muslim state. Yet, the media believe this to be a "peaceful protest" and "popular". ( If the Arabs and the Egyptians provided unoccupied land for their Muslim brothers, the Palestinians wouldn't need to press on Israel. But this is all about destroying Israel and the Palestinians have been chosen as the Muslim sacrificial lamb. The HAMAS and other Muslim terrorist organizations feel that Israel should just surrender, but that will never happen. For they have great faith and they feel they are truly the "Chosen People".)
THE DAILY SIGNAL MORNING BELL: Report- Dental offices threatens parents over kid's dental neglect. Parents could now face child abuse charges. ALSO: A California State Court has just ruled in favor of a Bakerville Baker, concluding the court has an obligation to protect free speech for everyone.
JERUSALEM ONLINE: Jordan and Egypt condemn Israeli's aggression during the "March of Return" Protests. ALSO- Israel files official complaint with U.N. Security Council over their scheduling an emergency meeting on the Jewish "Passover", which is Israel's major religious holiday. ALSO: The United States blocks a UN Security Council Draft Statement- blaming Israel for the Gaza's protest deaths. ALSO: Palestinian group calls Netflix show "Fauda" as being racists, They want it dropped. ALSO- Israel arrests 10 Palestinians suspected of planning terrorist attack on naval vessel. ALSO- "Uganda denies signing a deal to accept refugees deported from Israel."
PATRIOTIC VIRAL NEWS: "Another massive wave of Central Americans immigrants are passing through Mexico, on their way to the U.S." Report says Mexico did nothing to stem the tide and openly encouraged them to violate the sovereignty of the United States of America." ( The Mexican drug cartels pump a lot of money into the pockets of the Mexican politicians and these people would lose a lot of money, possibly their lives, if the flow of drugs is stopped from entering the US. We are talking about multiple billions of dollars per year. The wall and the troops will surely hurt the cartels and cripple the finances of the Mexican politicians and the people who work for the cartels in Central America and Mexico.)
FRONT PAGE PATRIOT: Sweden announced plans to ban all religious schools.
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: A Report- "Palestinian government still paying terrorists with U.S. Taxpayer funds, defying US laws."
GATESTONE: "UK is funding the creation of textbooks that teach children how to blow themselves up. One book reportedly urges - "Giving one's life, sacrifice, fight jihad and struggle are most important meaning in life."
ALSO- "Russia seeks to change the international order, fracture NATO, and undermine US leadership in order to protect, re-assert dominance over its neighbors, and achieve greater influence around the globe" - stated by U.S. Army General Curtis Scaparrotti, Supreme Allied Commander-Europe.
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: U.N. Ambassador Haley "slams" the U.N. for the inaction on Syrian chemical weapons use. "We are rapidly sliding backward."
JERUSALEM POST: Turkey says France could become a target for backing Syrian Kurds. ALSO: 1,000 reported injured and 7 dead in this last protest at Gaza.
THE DAILY SIGNAL MORNING BELL: Report- "There is no solid evidence of genetic basis for Trans Identity." also " There is no objective, robust, physical test to prove whether "Trans Gender persons exist beyond a person strongly insisting that he or she is a Trans Gender person."
THOUGHTFUL MIND QUOTE: "The only thing worse than being blind is having sight, but no vision." Helen Killer
GLOBAL TIMES: Report- United Nations new report that shows Israel has impoverished the Palestinian People. ( It appears the UN has a strong dislike for the Israeli people.) ALSO- Palestinian People "slam" United States for impeding UN Resolution over "Israel's Brutal Killings" at border demonstrations. ALSO- Palestinians now hold general strike to mourn their victims. ALSO: Turkey's Erdogan says his country is ready to move on new targets outside their borders.
TAIPEI TIMES: United States to continue arm sales to Taiwan, upsetting China.
All right, remember there could be propaganda in some of these stories, hopefully no "fake news", and I try to report on stories not being carried in the major news services in the US. Or, I may have something to say, as with the arms sales in the US.
I believe that's it for now. I pray all you nice people will have a beautiful weekend and may the Good Lord bless your walk in life and please remember that prayer is extremely powerful. Our Good Lord is always listening, but sometimes He has his own reasons for not replying to you. I've waited years and yet, I've had prayers answer so very rapidly. Gives me something to talk about with the Old Gent when I come to meet him. Bless you all, BILL