Today I am sending to my publisher my completed work on "Homeland Security", Book # 1. Then I'll wait and see when I'll be working on Book # 2. Should I detonate the nuclear bomb in Central Alaska, or not? Any thoughts?
We seem to have a cold bug in the household that is slowly moving through the clan, but summer colds are not unusual here. Mona has been down for sometime, but it is allowing her time to catch up in all the "Downtown Abbey" episodes she's missed. While she watches that downstairs, I watch "Police Story-Season 2" and the whole series of "Swat". Now I enjoy the shows, but I must admit I grow weary of the intro music. Both these shows were on TV in the 1980's, maybe as far back as 1970's. I do know a lot of the actors they use are long deceased. Some of these actors got their beginnings acting in these early cop shows.
Okay, think about my previous news disclaimers, as I begin the News Section of this journal. It's been 4 or 5 days since my last journal, but most of this news comes from the last 2-days.
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON: U.S. Grand Jury indicts 12 Russian spies involved in the 2016 Election Hacking, but as a result, Russia has expelled 150 western diplomats and shut down a U.S. Consulate.
GATESTONE INSTITUTE NEWS: "The Relentless Radicalization of Sweden". Swedish police report that Muslim children have been telling their non-Muslim classmates of how they will cut their throats while showing them beheading's on mobile phones. This came from a report in a new study on Salafism in Sweden. A report by Swedish Defense University. ALSO: "Many women live worse (lives) here in Sweden than in their former countries"- from a Swedish Care Giver.
THOUGHTFUL MIND QUOTE: "To keep the heart unwrinkled , to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent- that is to triumph over old age"- Thomas Bailey Aldrick. ALSO- "Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him." U.S. President Dwight d. Eisenhower
GATESTONE: Germany outlaws Turkish Boxing Gangs." Most gang members are Turkish Germans, with a report they have ties to Turkish President Erdogan. "Buzzfeed, an American Internet Media Company has falsely accused Gatestone of fabricating the existence of such gangs in Germany, but evidence provided by the police shows their report to be false.
JERUSALEM POST: Israel warns HAMAS after rocket barrage, as U.N., Egypt push for a ceasefire between this factions. An estimated 200 projectiles were fired at Israel, wounding 3 Israelis in Gaza Strip region. Israeli Defense Force struck back at Palestinian rocket launching site in northern Gaza Strip. ALSO- Quebec Court reportedly evicts Hasidic Jews from their summer homes in Canada.
GLOBAL TIMES: Chinese military begins recruiting "Civilian Personnel" amid efforts to attract more talent. ALSO- China to build the country's first maritime patrol ship over 10,000 tons. ALSO- China "Closely Monitored" U.S. Warships in the Taiwan Straits. ALSO- China to promote first female captain to a military ship in their naval history. ALSO- Turkey states its 2 year old State of Emergency is expected to end on July 18, 2018. ALSO- Iceland elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council, to replace the United States, who withdrew over council issues concerning Israel. ALSO- 30 killed and 60 injured in suicide bombing of a politician's auto convoy in SW Pakistan. ALSO- a 6.4 earthquake has hit Isangel, Vanuatu. ALSO- Deadly rains kill over 200 people and even more are missing still in Japan. ALSO- Another 10-5 killed and 150 injured in a second suicide bomb blast has hit a political meeting in Pakistan.
BLAZE NEWS: Popular cereal- Kellogg's Honey Smacks linked to salmonella outbreak in 33-states.
GERMAN NEWS/ Local: Stuttgart , Germany is the 2nd German city to place a ban on old diesel vehicles.
GREECE NEWS: 4.7 quake hit Crete on 7/13/18, no report on damages or injuries.
ITALY NEWS: Government refused another 450 rescued asylum seekers, transferring them to other ships for transport elsewhere, but Italian court rules that telling migrants to "Go home", amounts to racism.
SPAIN NEWS: Spanish Supreme Court rules Spain must take in more refugees.
FRANCE NEWS: France to deploy 110,000 police officers for Bastille Day and World Cup finals on 7/18.
JAPAN TIMES: Dementia is pushing cancer out of the medical spotlight. ALSO- Four Japanese firms reportedly used foreign trainees in the clean-up operations for the Fukushima Nuclear Plant- Report is that these companies are under investigation ( And this plant is still leaking into the ocean- they have not stopped it.) ALSO- 5,900 Japanese /flood evacuees still in shelters as Tokyo moves to expedite aid, as deadly rains cause over 600 landslides in 31 provinces , closing 7 expressways, 39 national roads and 24 train-lines. Over 126 reported killed and 86 still missing. (The monsoons that have smacked in Japan are now head for Taiwan.)
TAIPEI TIMES: 190 countries in the United Nations agreed on a global compact to promote safe and orderly migration and reduce human smuggling. This issue was boycotted by the United States.
IRAN HERALD: India vows to go ahead with missile deal with Russia. ( This makes Pakistan very unhappy, but they do their own deals with China.)
That's it for the news.
So, life goes on. I'm trying to get 12-13 cords of dry wood for this winter. We went up and got almost a cord, but the forest service cut all of this down and left 98% of it in 20-30 foot logs. We picked up what the truck could carry, but further work awaits a new chain saw. Makes me wish the State of Alaska handed out their dividends in July to help Alaskans prepare for the winter. The Alaska Dividend is a gift from the state based on a % of the oil sold from our state. It is a nice gift, but we must wait for October.
So, this is all for now. Wish you all a gentle July and please enjoy the rest of the summer. God Bless, BILL