If you read your news today, you might have seen a story on a Florida Pastor, Rodney Howard Brown, having been arrested for refusing to lock down his mega-church. Rodney and his brother Basil came to Alaska in the 1990's from South Africa as missionaries. Basil spoke at our church for a week and his ministry was pretty awesome. I never met Rodney and was surprised to hear he had set up a mega church in Florida. Well he got himself arrested for holding two large services on Sunday and the news reported that Rodney had been quoted as calling any Christian who stayed home from church was a "pansy". As to what he did I will leave that between his lawyer and the state's district attorney. I do believe his church might have been hit because he has such a large flock and he would be a good one to use as an example for the state's lock down.
Not too sure how I would feel if that happened in Alaska, and up to now it hasn't happened here. I will say that there are a lot of strange things going on due to this virus and some of the things being done may not be to kosher. I have read about how military combat vehicles are being moved about in mass quantity We have 4 major military installations in Alaska and the helicopter is the main vehicle for transportation. I've also been told by a couple people that I should read something called the Agenda 21. I haven't looked it up let, but it is supposed to be revealing and frightening. Let me know what you think if you looked at it already. Latest conspiracy theory I picked up was how the Government may enforce mass immunization of all school children and teens before they can re-enter school, including colleges. The scary part was how a certain group of politicians would use those shots to contaminate particular blood types that will bring about massive sterilizations. All to lower the population, as people fear the world will not be able to handle our population after 2050. Hitler's scientists were working on such an immunizations to strike at all the Jews, when it looked like he was not going to win the war. Is it possible? Yes, it is. Scary right? Another item is as you look around the globe, antisemitism and anti-Christianity is growing as the Muslim world continues to burst forward. Just look at our own country as see how Christianity is being pushed out of the schools, churches are closing and the Koran is being allowed in schools where the Jewish Bible and The Christian Bible are no longer allowed. So, is this virus simply another weapon that allows the various country leadership to set aside their constitutions. Is total martial law in our near future? Well, I can only continue to pray. And, if we are forced to vote by mail, how easy is it to corrupt the system? Not all that hard. How many times have you been told your article of mail was lost. Votes from a strong republican or democrat area might just not make it in time to be counted.
Seems I have a lot of time on my hands to think about these things. Writing my two stories, " A Coming Storm" and a "Final Challenge" caused me to really think about the coming times and how easy catastrophe can come about.
Here are Headlines from the last two days: "Report- 2,945 People Have Died in US from Virus"...."Italy's Death Toll Exceeds From Virus Exceeds 10,000 Cases".... "Millions of Workers in US Not Expected to Receive Virus Stimulus Checks"...." New York State Reports 52,318 Virus Cases with 728 Deaths".... " New Jersey Reports 8,825 Cases with 108 Deaths".... " California Has 3,801 Cases, with 78 Deaths"...." Washington State shows 3,723 Cases with 175 Deaths".... " In the United States, Number of Known Cases Doubling Every 3-Days".... "A Cat in Belgium Tests Positive for Virus"...." Trump Signs Order Authorizing Pentagon to Call Up Former Troops to Help With Virus Fight" (yes, he has the power to do that).... "State of Washington Bans Recreational Fishing Due to Virus"...." Israel Reports 3,614 with 12 Deaths".... "US Navy Aircraft Carrier Named After Pres Roosevelt Canceled its Scheduled Mission After 25 Virus Cases Discovered"..... "Cambodia Closes Its Borders For All Foreigners".... "India Moves Into Its Third Week of Border Lock Down and In-Country Restrictions for Its 1.3 Billion People"...."Trump Considers Quarantine of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut "...." Macy's Stores to Furlough Most of their 125,000 Employees Due to Virus"...." US State Department has Retrieved Over 18,000 US Citizens Stranded in Foreign Countries"...."California Now Reports 6,895 Virus Cases With 142 Deaths"...."Italy Extends its Lock Down Until Easter"...." US Reports 2,945 Death From Inside US and Its Territories"...." As of 3/30, New York Reports 66,497 Cases".... New Jersey Reporting 16,638 Cases With 205 Dead From Virus"...." Alaska Now Has 114 Cases with 3 Dead"...."Amazon Warehouse Workers Go on Strike Due to Virus Concerns"...."Moscow Russia Now on Citywide Lock Down, While Rest of Russia Braces For Same."
I've been unable to find accurate caseloads for Canada, Russia, Mexico and many smaller countries. With New York City being such a hot spot, you would expect Eastern Canada to be showing Virus cases.
I've learned that the movie "Outbreak", with Dustin Hoffman has become a hot seller and I did find the movie exciting. You might check it out one night on Netflix. Done in the 1990's. Cuba Gooding Jr also starred in it. For those weak of heart you might miss this one as it gets a bit gory when you see the victims of the plague.
Like I said, its a beautiful day out there. We just had a couple minor quakes while I was typing this. We get a lot of those up here as the land is volcanic. On a clear day I can see three of them when traveling to Sterling.
Well that's it for now. Remember to lift up our world to the Lord for this virus to come to an end soon, and to protect your loved ones. God Bless you all.
Oh yeah, forgot one thing. For all you seniors out there, if in need contact your local Senior Center if you are in need of anything. Local Food Banks are helping with the various senior organizations as a lot of oldsters like myself are not getting out. But Mona and I , with the help of friends got prepared for this. I am looking for a Henry 45-70 if you hear of one in good shape and not costing an arm and a leg. Will I do have some sons running around here that might consider donating a leg....Not.