Now according to the weather people we are due additional snow storms starting tonight and possibly go for 3-4 more days. For my relative who used to live in Seward, 28.5 miles south of us and right on the coast, I was told over 6 feet of snow was on the ground. I haven't checked that out because were snowed in. But that's a lot of snow in one night and part of a day.
But don't worry, we still have electricity and wood for our wood stove. I'm getting some of my writing done for my latest novel- "Apache Snow- Book 3, The Sandbox Wars". This story still concerns the men of the 101st Airborne, who have been sent out to engage the Taliban. In my current chapter a US patrol captures 2 foreign advisers: an Iranian Army captain and a Russian Army Colonel. They were serving as advisers for the Taliban and become a major score for Captain William Warren. I am also hoping to be finishing off the last page by the end of February, and then it goes to Susan for editing.
Once again I am not including any news, but I hope all of you are watching the events taking place in Germany right now. It is very possible a civil war will break out there, for politcal free speech is now illegal, anti-Semitism is being allowed and the government has turned anti-Israel and gone pro-Muslim. This is a government move that follows France's government and most of Spain. Seems the Spanish fishermen have there own views concerning their country's politics.
Once again, Israel is standing alone against 70 countries. These countries desire to strip a good share of the land from Israel, turning it back to 1948 boundaries and present this land to Palestine. Not one of those 70 countries has asked one of the Muslim countries to donate land to Palestine. No, they just want it from Israel. Now Israel is being blamed for all the unrest in the Middle East. They just don't seem to understand that by reducing their lands, it would now make possible for an attack that might split Israel in two, for the narrow point would only be about 10-miles wide.
I find it ironic how when these 70 countries stood up to Israel, the US remained silent and abstained from the vote to take this land. We, a major supporter of Israel since the 1950's abstained under Obama. I also find it strange how these 70 countries seemed to have forgotten Israel's last stand against foreign invaders by 3 adjoining Muslim countries and what all too quickly happened to them. This was the 6-day War. 6-days and Egypt was defeated by a military 1/20th of Egypt's military strength, not to mention the other two countries who attacked from the north and the east. This demonstrated the might and conviction of the Jewish people, clearly supported by the one true God. Why do they think that will change now. Now there are thousands of Christians, standing beside their Jewish brothers. Also, all across America millions of prayer warriors support Israel. Plus, now we have President Trump who is said to be pro-Israel. Against 70-countries, this could be a real David and Goliath act, but we all know how that ended.
Secretary of State Kerry was leading the cause to blame Israel for not giving up land they had fought and bled for. I just wonder how many of those 70 countries would give up their land and reduce the size of their country? Oh, I never liked Kerry and in the past I wrote about him in this journal. He received the Silver Star for Valor by chasing a single Viet Cong through the bush and shooting him in the back. That's war, but a Silver Star? If this was the case to earn such a medal, more than 40% of combat troops should've received that same medal. He was also guilty of murdering a whole village of women and children, his attempt to teach the Viet Cong a lesson and this wasn't even brought up during any of his hearings for Secretary of State congressional investigations. Personally, I am glad he is gone and now he can write a book and add millions to his present riches. But, his blistering attack of Israel before the United Nations still riles me.
I have to stop now, its a bit cold in my typing corner and yesterday I gave my portable heater to someone else in the house. Don't worry though, I'll pick-up another heater on Wednesday...if we can get out that is.
Oh, we have a lot of things to pray for up here and if you're a prayer warrior and your interested, send me an e-mail and I'll give you our list. Or send us your list. Mona and I will add our prayers for your needs.
To add my last two cents... I did not vote for Trump or Hillary, but he is now our President. Mona and I pray for the Office of the President, in hopes he will make the right decisions in the days ahead. But I can foresee some wild times ahead for our country, so remember to pray for our men and women in uniform. Selective Service ( the draft) may return.
God Bless you all. Good night. BILL