Went to Seward yesterday with three kindly old ladies, including my wife, good to get out and breathe the fresh air. But, the prices in the stores still stun me. Like the stories my mother used to tell me about the depression in the 1930's, I recall buying bread for 20-cents a loaf and now it's up to $6 for some brands. Personally, I like the cheap bread, toasted and loaded down with peanut butter- that's my breakfast. Never got over my love for peanut butter- creamy, but Mona likes the crunchy stuff.
I spent sometime a couple days ago thinking up new book ideas, making notes. The part I enjoy the most is the development of characters for my stories. Names, descriptions, backgrounds and how they work into the story. I still prefer to write Christian stories as I am hoping to reach the lost with them, but I desire an exciting story. I'm not one of those who can write "Little House on the Prairie", thought I am sure they are fine books. I watched the show a couple times and then went looking for a John Wayne or Errol Flynn movie.
We've still had a few minor tremors, but nothing to be concerned about. Our volcano has stopped smoking, so it appears things are calming down.
Been following the news somewhat, though I do not do the research I used to. I have trouble understand countries like Norway and Finland, who's Courts of Human Rights have flip-flopped so much and allow the persecution by fanatical Muslims. Now I have no problem with Muslims, I think the vast majority of them are good people, but I can't stand terrorists and those who use their Quron to persecute women and children, and now these Human Rights Courts are protecting them. I do not believe Finland and Norway remain top on the list for tourist visits.
New York's new abortion law.....enough said. I grow weary of the democrats trying to take our guns, when most of them have protective services guarding them- nor do they hunt to put meat on the table. They blast President Trump, ( I didn't vote for him), for his illegal immigrant plans, but it was President Obama who originally set these things up and don't want you to remember it. And now.... the little city of Tijuana, Mexico- tourist trap and border town, is said to have become one of the deadliest towns in the world as a new drug war picks up over some new drug on the illegal market. One of the reasons I support the Wall being built. Another 2,000 troops being sent to the border to build a wire fence, which if not patrolled is a farce. I've been to that border and to Tijuana, easy access to the U.S. throughout Arizona and New Mexico, a bit tougher in Texas. Enough on the news, it can become depressing. but please, stay on top of it as you need to be informed, but only believe about 10% of what you hear. I so easily recall what was spoken o and written about concerning the Vietnam War. Bad.
I look forward to summer, as I do every year, with a long list of projects. Hope to get our barn built this summer, out behind the house and our roof repaired. Then there is the ongoing drive for enough firewood for next winter. Mona and I plan to start going through all of our stuff and giving away what we no longer need or desire....easier doing it now. Being junk collectors....well, makes for a lot of stuff. Important stuff to go to various relatives- children, rest to be donated. Always so many things to do every summer and then suddenly the first snow hits. Happens every year.
Well, I need to get back to work on my manuscript....my navy fleet of wooden ships is about to leave Washington for a long voyage to Korea. There to join up with another Asian fleet. Eventually, a sea battle is fought between 5,000 ships belonging to the enemy and 1200 ships sailed by the Christians. Battle takes places right off the shores of Israel, to keep Satan's army- remember he was released from his prison after 1,000 years to tempt mankind once more- from laying claim to Jerusalem. There is also a land battle in Israel, inside the city, but you'll have to read the book to see how I covered it all.
Well, that's all for now. I hope this day finds you warm and comfortable. Enjoy your Friday and if you are a football fan, the coming Superbowl. God Bless you all, BILL