Out in Palmer, Wasilla areas, 13 farmers got put on hold, who had quit growing veggies in their fields to start up marijuana crops. Then all got put on hold because one couple sued the ballot measure the voters passed to legalize the marijuana in their area of Alaska. I do not believe one couple should have the right to stop the legal process that its put into play by thousands of voters. Let them sue, but continue process they had voted for. Now 13 farmers have lost their summer crops. And as we are speaking on laws, I do not believe marijuana should have been placed as a Category 1 drug, comparable with Heroin, meth and cocaine. This was completely a move by the democrat power-machine. If you look back, this was a similar tactic made by the republicans in the 1960s, when they held the power of the media and the Whitehouse. In my old Air Force Police days and going up through 1988, marijuana could be bought for $10 a dime bag. This meant an ounce, $10 an ounce. Most cops weren't busting people for sampling possession, but we destroyed the drugs and sent the user on his way- unless he or she got nasty. As for dealers, I disliked dealers- enough said.
Now admittedly, I was not all that happy about going and spending that money, but Mona was looking to help me become as pain free as possible. I met a lot of cool salesmen and women from all over the country who had never been to Alaska before. They were selling lighting equipment, de-humidifiers big enough to handle our church's moisture problem with snow/ice, dozens of soils, and a dozen booths you'd find at any garden show. They had the smallest security drones small and expensive. And this seem to be the booth I needed to stop at.
One of the salesmen, from the 48, was a combat vet and he really needed to talk with someone and chat we did. I felt it was a real God appointments young man was dragging a lot of PTSD with him and no one to talk with. He was not a drinker or a stoner, and had very few friends. But he was an excellent locksmith from what I saw, though we only spent a couple minutes on his locks. I ended up being there an hour, letting him unload and I thanked God for putting us together. I'm thrilled to help a fellow veteran. Then I ran into another guy and the same thing happened, I swear I' must've been wearing a sign on my back that said, "Counseling- 5 cents".
Now the doctor I saw was a former U.S. Army Doctor and General MD who now believed that marijuana should be available for those people who have not had success with other pain drugs or cannot afford pain medication. s down right ridiculous what companies want for pain pills. Thankfully, I have insurance so many others don't. But I've been on the same pills for 30-years and they're not handling the pain levels as they used to and I cannot take narcotics. Seems they gave me too much Morphine in Vietnam.
The new doctor reminded me through her wisdom and gentleness of my favorite doctor, Mary Wing. I miss you, Mary...your husband, too. So, it takes quite a few plants to make the oil and with my card I can grow like 24 plants legally. Hard to imagine, all those years of wearing a badge and now I'm part of a legal growing operation. Funny how life changes.
I also met this most unusual couple of gentlemen; a Jew from Israel who had partnered with a Pakistani Muslim, and they were getting along great. They sold growing soil and these coolest lights, of which we will be buy some soon. I had an interesting conversation with the Pakistani gentleman concerning Chinese economics. He touched this subject from a place I hadn't yet; China sees the American dollars going down hill very soon, collapsing and they're in possession of Billions in hard cold American cash. Currently, this is the cash they are loaning out to all these foreign countries for dozens of different projects. But they insist they are repaid in product, oil, land or the local cash. But no American cash to be accepted. This is how the Chinese Railroad is being built through Thailand, India, Burma, and others. Even the Americans have been asked not to repay our trillions owed to them in cash, but gold and silver, also precious gems will be accepted.
Oh, to end the day, we were at a Salvation Army Thrift Store and it happened again, this young man, some of a lifetime Coastguardsman was bounced out of the Army for being unable to acclimate to the service, he was sick the whole time he was down at basic training, but had gone from Kodiak Island to Georgia. They gave him an Honorable Discharge. In this young man's case he desired to talk about Christianity and challenges to one's faith. Me, I was just looking for inexpensive books for sale. Before long, Mona had joined in and we ended up inviting him down to our place for a weekend, gave him our e-mail address. We never do know who's going to be at our place for a weekend.
Then in the same thrift store we ran into our Nephew Leo D Wakefield, son to Mona's older Sister-Sally and her husband Leo Wakefield Sr. We spent a nice evening together sharing in a Oriental Buffet. Very good food.
It was after 1 a.m. before we drove in and quickly got to be, but shock and surprise, it was noon when we awakened. We had missed church and I cannot recall the last time I have slept so late. I dislike missing church and I also play congas for our two person worship team. At one time there was 10 musicians on our team, but then we experienced a break-up. But Susan said a new family to the area was checking us out today. We do have two churches in Moose Pass, one being Methodist and ours being a Community Church. Others drive 30-miles to Seward to attended one of the 10-churches they have. We used to make the drive to the Assembly of God Church, but then we began supporting church.
Chad Leaders was by today after church with his heavy equipment, flattening the area we wish to move Susan's travel trailer on to and get it ready for next summer. We plan on using it to drive around for my book signings/sales.
No news tonight, you're off the hook. Now if you have any feedback of Medicine Marijuana, or Christians using Marijuana, please respond and we can talk about it. I won't say who you are, but others may want to respond to your response, or my response to you.
God Bless you all.. BILL