Well, folks, I am nearly done with the first chapter of my new book. Right now, I am calling it "The Sand Box Wars", but that can change. I am writing almost everyday but Sunday. After I write out a few pages, I go back to edit it- over and over again. As a writer and the experience I've gained in 10-manuscripts, I naturally believe this is my best work. I feel this story will put the reader right into the scene with my characters. This is what I am shooting for and why I edit it so often.
After I give you the news today, this will probably be my last journal for awhile. Unless you send me something that needs to be carried to all of you.
First of all" VOTE TOMORROW!!!!! You cannot complain about the government unless you vote for change. Ignore the media's explosive outbursts concerning corruption, faulty machines or whatever. Just worry about doing your part. I've tried very hard to keep politics out of this Journal, as to not alienate one of my readers. But this year will be a tough one for all of us.
I believe everyone should look into what the Electoral College is, how it works and what laws it follows. One such law, or possibly a lack of law, is that a member of this Electoral College is NOT required by LAW to honor (VOTE) his Pledge(s). This happened some time ago, when a very wealthy member of the state political party bought off every member of his state's Electoral College. (Personally, I do not believe we need the Electoral College, anymore.)
Gatestone Institute: In Berlin or in Duisburg, Germany, "there are neighborhoods where colleagues hardly dare to stop a car- because they know they'll be surrounded by 40 to 50 men." Germany's Police Director, he was referring to Radical Muslims. (As I've mentioned before, as a young teen I got caught in the middle of the Phoenix riots, but my adult driver saved our lives by striking a woman, blocking our way as the crowd was closing in on us with clubs in their hands. I had watched the Watts Riot from a distance, remembering how the ashes covered our sleeping bags and we were much too young (10-yrs old) to think about whose livelihood these ashes had come from. Years later, I was part of the U.S. Air Force Security Police Emergency Response Team -later it became SPEC Team, and we were brought in to deal with large scale race riot at Whiteman Air Force Base. It was terrible. Then in 1975, Black activists from Los Angeles tried to stir thing up at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. It didn't take. But I wasn't done yet, my rookie year as a police office put me through the fish strike at City of Dillingham- it's in my first police book entitled "Rookie", hope to have it out next year. All I can say is that people who think they've been unjustly treated can become very irrational and extremely violent- even unto death. The passenger window right behind my head-I was driving, was blown out by a shotgun and we were moving at the time. I owe a lot to the Angels assigned to me, poor things are worn out by now.)
* Duisburg and Markloh, Germany, once popular shopping areas, are now claimed by clans and the streets of the district have become 'nightmarish'. -N24 Television
* Hundreds of clan members will mobilize to confront any police force if they dare to intervene with a clan's operation.
* NRW State Parliament issued a 17-page document - revealing how Lebanese clans in Duisburg divide up certain neighborhoods in order to pursue their criminal activities; robbery, drug dealing and extortion. (Yes, the vast majority of these clan members are radicalized Muslims.
* Two police officers conducted a foot chase of a driver who had run a red light and abandoned his vehicle. They were attacked by more than 50-migrants. A 15-year old jumped on the back of one police officer, strangled him and rendered him unconscious. No further information on the condition of the officers.
* Observers say the problems are being exacerbated by the German Government, which has relocated hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers and refugees into these areas.
* As Britain, Israel and the Free World mark this monumental anniversary, the World War One Treaty that eventually brought about the creation of Israel, Palestinian's President, Mahmoud Abbas has demanded an apology from the UK for taking such action.
US Free Beacon: U.S. Navy is slated to cancel the projectiles for the two BIG guns that outfit its newest and most advanced warship due to excessive costs- each round will cost an estimated $800,000 EACH! ( Maybe they can use the big guns off one of those massive retired Battleships?)
China Globe: China is urging the US to respect the Philippines new independent foreign policy. Under the new policy, China and the Philippines appear to become brothers, while the US is given 2-yeasrs to "Get Out!" Note: The U.S. had only been recently invited back to the Philippines, with the United States military investing $hundreds of millions for the rebuilding of Subic Bay and new military posts/bases. ( Maybe we should take our building materials with us before the Chinese military begins using it. We can hope the President of Philippines enjoys his undertaking in serving UNDER China.)
* Egypt has detained (30) Muslim Brotherhood supporters over recent anti-government assassination attempts. Muslim Brotherhood is Blacklisted in Egypt.
* Sudanese Security Agents have seized all the copies from (3) newspapers, just days after the 3 papers reported on a fuel price hike. Such a price hike was seen as 'critical' to the government.
There was more, but I need to get back to my book. I just wanted to let you know I was still doing my job.
If you have any prayer requests, sending them in and I'll give them to my church, plus my family and I'll send it out on this if this is what you would like. Some people believe numbers help. Me, I've been with numbers and with groups of two, and see the love of God move. My family as been used many times by our Creator to bring about healing, we're simply the conduit. Looking at the lighting up of the people's eyes is awesome. But sometimes the answer is "no", and we do not know the answer as to why. But never give up, Our Lord has His special timing for everything.
I keep thinking that maybe someday someone will visit the home of someone who bought one of my books, and during a leisurely moment he looks it over. Click-click-click and I'm helping with a screenplay and my book is on the top 100. Hey, we all can dream. Thanks for reading and for those of you who bought one of my books- thank you. Most of all I hope you enjoyed it. God Bless, BILL